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  1. the game client closes forcefully stating client lost connection. This was happening for a long time. Even when connection could be lost, should client terminate itself? This makes it impossible play any game in a decent manner many times. This also cause player to forceful abandon unwillingly during a game. Please check this issue.
  2. 16core processor along may cost around 1000 - 2000$ approx. or more depending on quality. One advantage of AWS like cloud provider is that you get flexibility in scaling you application, basic level security and are time tested. Also, most of the server infrastructure is managed by AWS along user on need to worry about maintaining there application, security setup. To maintain a physical server the cost of server is just one among many expense. You need to have reliable security and maintenance to make it which wont be any cheap than 600$or 1000$ per month. AWS have different premium and support plans based on which offer could varying, This was just a thought as there were lot of people encouraging to share thoughts on game improvement as the team wasnt much during initial release. This was two year old question which even i had forgot as not much response came earlier, no offense. I myself is working as cloud application developer for 5 years, hence the idea. A lot of companies are moving there on premise(physical) server to cloud in order to reduce cost. Netflix is one example. Please refer link: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/netflix-kinesis-data-streams/#:~:text=Netflix%20uses%20Amazon%20Web%20Services,100%2C000%20server%20instances%20on%20AWS. https://aws.amazon.com/
  3. Recently I received a warning note from a Lead Moderator that my former display name is inappropriate and moderator received numerous report regarding it although didnt share any details regarding it. I have been using same name in various game PVP, RTS, RPG servers and had used it Battleforge in EA with out any issue. I am not sure why I got this after so many months of the name being in use since test server. I am assuming there are some customized or unique rules in SkylordsReborn which users are not aware or made aware while they make an action, because, if my name was inappropriate according to SkylordsReborn team it should have been mentioned while I was adding name to the account or while it was on display in first month. Hence I suggest an automated rule validator in game server and forum which would be help to keep user within the rules rather than penalizing them for rules they broke which they were never aware. If such a feature is too difficult, then please consider having a note of rules to be followed on any screen where user are prompted to make an action. Penalizing seem fun or easy for some but may not be fruitful for open source company that depends on voluntary user contribution. Would you work on an open source project that penalize you surprise like I got? How much rule can one keep if it was never notified ? I hope you will read with a calm mind.
  4. This can reduce cost on infrastructure a lot and you could get services like CDN which can help the reachability of the application without lags and are good failovers. Lot of services internationally are managed by AWS with sole purpose to manage servers and reduce server upkeep overtime. Please share your thoughts.
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