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Posts posted by Volin

  1. 14 hours ago, ManGa said:

    Reeks of Elitism and Gatekeeping, sorry.
    Losing is part of the game and life. Removing an achievement just so certain players don't join your game, wtf? Let people try the gamemode, and if you fail, you can point out what went wrong. You can also instruct them beforehand.

    It's not bad to have an achievement in the game that's actually hard, you know? It's a good thing that it exists, as it creates incentive for people to try out a different mode other than rPvE9.

    My vote is to have it stay. Deal with your losses and your teammates.

    If my experience would be that people join and say "Hey I'm new to this, can you help?" I would not have opened the thread, cause I'm always willing to help with this topic if people did just do a min 'homework'.

    What we see these days are often groups that are not even willing to speak about who takes which shrines.

    And if we speak about people that are not willing to learn a halfway suiting deck or basic spawnrules in 9 - I don't want to waste my time with that.

    Sad but true, this has taken my motivation for random 10s sadly, tho it was always the most enjoying thing in BaFo to me, cause even good groups could get here into troubles sometimes.


  2. I have reinstalled a few weeks ago, that's why I remember:

    You have to download two files, the game files (that are packed) and the installer, that is an executable.
    Don't manually unpack the big - just run the installer.

    @Vincent_ValentineFrom what I see on the screenshot I would say you have one corrupted/failed download. I would say the installer is missing in your case

  3. 34 minutes ago, Creampopz said:

    Well I give up on the code smith, thought maybe editing the video file to only show first summon and boss kill then add the header back into the video text file might do it, but the only video editors I can see that edit PMV files are windows movie maker that hasn't existed since windows 7, maybe XP or Mac stuff. Also No coding program I have can detect what the text is encoded with, so besides the header I can't read anything in that file. And none of the 4 video editors I own can open a PMV. It is also now known as a python program tool, but idk python have none of that dev kit on my pc and pretty sure python came after BF was created?! Idk, I give up.

    Idk if the riddle was meant to be this deep but I was really hoping to submit some hacky wacky sh*t as a replay. Guess not, just submitted my bad score one instead lol. Like the general contest that covers all player types, well done!

    The .pmv files are replays, not a video format. It is basicly just the commands that happened and BaFo/SR can replay that for you.

    Yeah this Code Smith thing... 🙄

    Ultralord likes this
  4. On 5/27/2023 at 12:41 PM, Fundus said:

    at T2 there were only 2 squads of Minions 1 squad of fighters 1 healer and 1 spellbreaker.

    It is a quite weird composition that I can't remember either to have that seen before. Tho I've seen even easier T2 where it was the named combo but a shaman instead of a spellbreaker.

    I know that usually only 2 things should have changed here, as mentioned by Metagross, but also share the feeling that some of the usual T2 composisions have changed a bit. But can't say for sure

    Metagross31 likes this
  5. 2 hours ago, Dolewan said:

    Why not just put the 10s booster achievement behind the 10s time achievement...? You can only do the booster achievement when you have done BG10 under 12 minutes. 

    You can discuss details, but the general idea is not bad and would be an improvement

    Dolewan likes this
  6. 4 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

     This would gatekeep the vast majority out of ever trying the achievement

    That is what I personally would wish, yes. That was the topic here.

    TO was "please delete it asap and forever"

    Still have not much hope, but sharing other ideas as they come to my mind


  7. Random idea (as the problem occurs again because the motm is very easy)

    How would it be to hide the BG10 Achievement behind the sub10min shoe on 9s?

    That players have definitely learned the game and are ready to step up to 10s and could get encouraged via an achievement to do so.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kapo said:

    I think that if "any changes" occur the leaderboard will be reset, thats kinda going to far. Not sure that that was really stated, but I could be wrong.

    But if, like wanky mentioned, some integral things like the SoW changes on such a fundamental level, a reset is warranted - even if the theoretical top time just drops by a second, it has become unattainable so competing for top times stops to make sense. So I'm not surprised, as Liorans wrote, it has just been forgotten and will come Soon(TM).

    Maybe one of the Admins or High-Level Devs may confirm?

    I am just writing this as a player, not in any official way. Just saying, because of my official title, but I cannot and will not ever speak for the project.

    I can well understand the question for a reset on Slave Master, tho that was not what was brought up by the TO. But this is indeed one that should be reset!

    I am, as known, not even a little bit in the cpve-speedrun topic. But I don't see any of the changes in the current patch affecting any alltime, which is why I asked for maps that are affected (and why). Again, I want to emphasize that I'm not saying there are no other affected Alltimes, but I and the people I talk to don't see them.

    For the rpve I see no impact for several reasons, the most important being: The current times are as far from a deep grind as they could be. Both times in 4player could be easily beaten if only two things come together: easy map + some competition.
    Breeding and SOW changes certainly have a huge impact on casual play, but I can't see any impact on speedruns in rpve so far. Breeding is usually not used and from the first tests you can easily work around the SOW-changes, as a double or triple Fire Orb player is useful anyways.

    I'm not saying that the Rpve ladder should not be reset, I just don't see any reason to. I am open to any constructive discussion and would like to be convinced.


    On 5/22/2023 at 3:01 PM, DieToPlay said:

    It was stated that any changes to the game will be followed with a full leaderboard reset

    Never heard of it either @Kapo, nor would it make sense to me. Not saying it was not said, just saying I never heard of it.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Kapo said:

    I dont mean this as personal critique, more as an exploration to whats might be up with some complaints: Could it be that for many of us, our gaming experience is centred around maps and cards we know in and out for many years, so if something new (in this case: new expert maps to conquer) comes up we are not used to get a punch in the face from an expert map any more?

    Many newbies (to the game as a whole) say things like "cant make the big Soultree wave, how is this even possible?" and we answer "LOL git gud" - and now we aren't used any more to be in the same situation, so it gets frustrating pretty quickly?

    Sure, can be the case!

  10. 5 hours ago, Cocofang said:

    Why is this reward perceived so differently from Promo Mana Wing or Promo Worldbreaker Gun and their respective achievements?

    Because these one were a walk in a park compared to the first map that I tried. 

    And as I tried first the one with the most upvotes and it felt terrible to me, it discourages me personally a bit. Spend around 2 hours with 3 different deck types anf was not able to get T3

    Share the feeling a seasonal forge could have been more inclusive, but as you say: If it does not bother one enough (case for me) - just leave it out.

    I did not expect the CMSR to adress me as a player and was proven right. Tho have the feeling a lot players I heard from really like it.


  11. 12 hours ago, DieToPlay said:

    Why are the leaderboards not reset if so many changes went live?

    I see no all time affected by the current changes, but I'm not as deep into this as you are. What maps do you think are affected by the current patch?


  12. 11 hours ago, Vrizz said:


    I did not notice exact moment when it started - it has been for 2-3 months now. 

    1) At the end of loading a map (most often)


    2) In random moment during the game

    monitor goes black, the PC crashes (no blue screen though) and restarts.


    It has never happened (in BF or Skylords Reborn), so it's a new issue. Dont know what kind of logs/screenshots I can provide to help troubleshoot this. The game is up to date, so are the drivers. It may look like overheating, but it happens when starting a map and CPU/GPU are not definetely not hot yet (+ it's a new issue; otherwise it would have happened before I guess).

    Plx help 🙂

    Are you running Discord in the back?

    Cause I have the same issue since the time you describe, but can say almost sure that it is Discord shutting down my PC once in a while


  13. 10 hours ago, ValturNaa said:

    I think the question was more about how to build RPVE10 decks in those factions, not how to counter those factions. A question that I'm also interested in, since I'm still playing at RPVE 7 and hope to go higher.

    Hey mate,

    I'm not really sure where I was when I wrote the above text. TO asked about Stonekin and I wrote a novel about LS... blame me ^^

    To answer you question short: Playing Stonekin faction yourself in 10s is not recommendable. The time limit is too harsh for the slow Stonekin faction and your T2 and T3 tool case lacks to deal with harder maps.

    The only player that I saw playing Stonekin on a decent level there was Treim, and I remember a few failed matches 🙂

    Even if you want to stray away from the standard meta decks that are usually recommended in 10s, I would stick to the classic Fire into Phoenix start as a beginner. As soon as your experience level rises you will see yourself where the journey will go for you

  14. 17 hours ago, NevaDie said:

    DESCRIPTION: Hello all, I can't run Skylords on my new Windows 11 - Enterprise PC, when launching the launcher I get the error message from screenshot "Screenshot 2023-04-09 222105".
    When I ignore this and click login I get the error messages that follow.
    Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a solution for this so far.
    REPRODUCIBILITY: This error occurs every time I start the program, no matter if I have admin rights or not.
    SCREENSHOT: Attached
    LOG: Attached as *.zip




    Screenshot 2023-04-09 222105.png

    Screenshot 2023-04-09 222115.png

    Screenshot 2023-04-09 222141.png

    Diag.zip 71.86 kB · 0 downloads

    Your onedrive is the problem, please check the troubleshooting FAQ

    Kubik likes this
  15. 5 hours ago, and1d said:

    thx for the tipps, back at ea times i remember i played mostly fire nature. that was great.

    Then Skylords Reborn has good news for you! Alone in the nature/fire department you have more archetypes of decks than ever you can explore (Abo-Spell, Evil Eye spam, Evil Eye spells, unit based T4 mix and a few more non Twilight decks like the above shown or the good old Thunderwagon/Dragon)

    Some of these decks are new in SR and some got stoooong buffs due to changed cards.

    and1d likes this
  16. Hey,

    this one may be a little beyond your budget if you take the whole deck, but if you leave out the Clusters for the beginning, you could go with something like this:

    If you go for a green T1 and therefore can drop the Mine, you should be able to build the core of this deck in less then 2 days. Cluster purple is inferior to the red affinity, but can also fill a slot in mid term


    and1d and Lans like this
  17. @Thingol@whichwai


    I reinstalled SR last week after a long time. Yes, it is still an issue that Windows needs to be manually allowed to download and install this software as it may content harmful content.
    In very amateurish terms, it is something like this:
    Windows and most anti-virus rather look if the software is listed then really checking it for a virus. As SR is a community software it is not listed among anti-virus detection companys and therefore often flagged as "harmful"
    I'm sure an IT guy can explain better. But this is roughly how it works afaik.

    During my reinstallation my Windows cried hard that this software "may be harmful" - but it never said something like it said for you "it is harmful". And I can assure after installing it again everything was fine here. But probably doesn't help you much that a random guy in the internet says to you "It's fine"

    In the end you have to decide yourself if you take the "risk" to trust SR. But imagine how big the outcry probably would have been if this software really comes with a virus and around 100k people (that registered accounts) would have infected their PCs with this.

    I can just say, there is thousands of people running this, and if you search the forums, anything that is virus-related that you find, will just be this installation thingy and not a single word about actual harmful software.


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