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Posts posted by Treim

  1. 5 hours ago, Loriens said:

    Keep in mind this upcoming change btw

    I think this is actually very relevant on how early portions of the economy will play out compared to the current version of the game.
    In the very early stages specific almost universally usefull common and uncommon cards were actually much more in demand than Infect, Netherwarp and it becomes very apparent why that is when you consider the situation players are in in the beginning.
    You have very little cards or resources to actually build a deck which means that cards that cards that fullfill certain different criteria compared to the endgame suddenly become a LOT more valuable as they are also still very rare due to the limited amount of time the game is out.
    So the first type of card is the essential t1 cards - especially units and a few key spells are important here - mostly t1 archers as well as Nomads in terms of units and then cards like Eruption and Surge of Light.

    Secondly cards that are very easily splashable and offer great value for a vast amount of the game and/or offer a solution to a specific early game like charge problems. so cards like offering, furnace of flesh, Curse of Oink, Equilibrium, Regrowth, suddenly become mad valuable - because they are good cards that are still semi available and you get good value out of them in essentially any game you play.  

    This will most likely massively effect how the economy will play out over the first 2-3 months at least. I assume players will much quicker go over to search for very specific rare and ultra rares instead of trying to build up their foundation of commons and uncommons with a few rare and ultra rares sprinkled into those decks that they get from boosters or are specifically searched for.

    I dont think that the effect on the economy in terms of boosters not being given out as quest rewards will effect the game too much in the firist while after the launch because everyone is forced to buy these boosters to get an economy at all. The problem comes after that initial phase in my opinion, whereas compared to a lot of other games battleforge is as it stands right now an almost solved game or at least a game with a very strong meta game in both rPvE and PvP with a very high veteranship of its population which means that a lot of players are after very specific and in parts scarce cards that have comparatively low chances of dropping out of boosters which in turn are already relatively expensive.
    The problem here is that I highly suspect that these players will be willing to pay crazy amounts for these cards because they KNOW what they get for it and do not have to experiment to figure out the best way to play which will further hinder the influx of cards into the market. That is at least how I approached the game in the last restart and I suspect that most people with a couple of years under their belt will do the same. To them the risk vs. reward of a booster will most likely not be worth it, especially early on, they just want to get their decks together.

    I dont think the market will be as bad as people make it out to be, but I do believe that the current values will run into serious issues for especially people who are trying to follow the meta game, which is thanks to the relatively unique situation Battleforge as a game is in right now. That is - strong meta game with a lot of veterans reliant on few cards with relatively few alternative card choices with key cards being hard to come by from boosters and not readily available in the market ( due to restart and low drop rates) and initial concerns for common and uncommon cards being taken mostly care of by the change to the charge system.

    I think if you are smart in the restart you try to get your hands on a workable tier 2 meta deck such as Lost Souls, Twilight or something of the like which can be build with a lot of commons and uncommons and a few for the most part not so sought after rares and ultra rares and then try to accumulate the highly sought after cards when you see a good opportunity in the auction house, to at least get a couple of charges of these relatively early when the accessible bfp values people have access to are not too high.
    The economy for sure will build up slower as it seems to me that the current rate at which boosters are aquired seems to be a lot slower compared to now. i think that is fixable early on with a bunch of achievements to get the economy rolling a bit quicker by essentially giving out one time rewards, which become harder to come by (but with better rewards) the further you progress.
    As I do not think that it was mentioned how this system plays into the economy exactly I will for simplicity ignore it for now and base the opinion above solely on the confirmed information for the current iteration of the BFP system.


    Loriens likes this
  2. I wasn't able to keep Revenant alive throughout a whole battlegrounds. I think my maximum was about 4:30 to 5 minutes which is still considerable but far from indefinite. Generally the duration ran out after 3 to 4 minutes. The strategy has massive issues with long distance travel, so dead ends really kill the strategy as time is overall limited and the as you cant stay within Revenants Blessing to move you cut that time down further just by moving like that. That is why you need to plan your route meticously and scout the general map layout through the fog of war.

    The deck revolved around using Lost Evocation + Blood Healing for sustain, 2x Revenants Blessing and both Netherwarps and staying clumped up with units as much as possible within bases to minimize the useage of Revenants Blessing.

    A pure lost Souls deck is relatively underwhelming as is the case for most factions. What I like to do is build decks around keycards from these factions and if there are 2 cards that are relatively close in useability you choose the one that is of the faction even if slightly weaker than the "optimal choice". I think that way you can build a useable deck that can stay true to the factions/key cards identitiy without sacrificing playability too much.

    To stay on topic of Lost Souls here you might want to play Viridya with Lost shades + Home Soil-Ice Barrier/ Motivate (Frostbite and Gravity Surge if necassary). While that makes it a non pure deck the core unit still is Lost Shades and you merely use supporting cards to enable/enhance the strategy.
    You can generally build around 1 or 2 such concepts/ key cards for each tier and then build around that accordingly. You just need to ensure that certain cards do not take over the deck. Prominent examples are the aforementioned Frenetic assault and Infect as it is all too easy to suddenly make the deck reliant on those cards rather on the key cards you initially chose as such.
    So e.g. you have the theoretical choice between Frenetic Assault and Coldsnap, Knight of Chaos or Glyph of Frost, Lost Converter --> discard Frenetic Assault as it is most likely to overbearing and pick one of the other ones that either works well with your current deck on the current map and that you can execute on. If choose the Freezing stuff maybe think about picking up complementary units like Lost Wanderer to enhance damage against frozen units or use netherwarp to teleport(requires t3) units into the effect radius of Lost Converter use Soul splicer to pick up souls and feed the converter, use Lost Vigils as main unit to make use of the building in t3 --> etc. You get the drill. Maybe you can make certain buildings or cards work at multiple times in the game that way.

    i know this is a bit of abstract advice and maybe not the direct one you searched for but i hope that this helps you nonetheless.

    Loriens and Dallarian like this
  3. Thanks for creating the challenge. Was a lot of fun to work out a strategy for the map even if I didn't push my strategy to the asbolut maximum. I am excited for some of the replays and how other people solved this.
    In my opinion it is a little bit disappointing that so few people participated, especially considering how many good PvE and rPvE players decided to forgo the map. Nonetheless great job to the team and all participants. Hopefully there will be more challenges in the future with a bit higher participatioon :)

    Loriens, LEBOVIN and Pritstift like this
  4. 4 minutes ago, Genesis23 said:

    i did, but the Bandit dragons paralize him instantly and generally take the match in the NPCs favor (i absolutely hate those things.) combined with the frailty of both Harvester and Batariel its not easy for me to keep him alive, at least i didnt manage yet.

    You can try to summon the skeleton warrior army before you run in and have them in front of Harvester/Bata to tank the paralyze of the dragons.

    Loriens likes this
  5. 1 hour ago, RadicalX said:

    When it comes down to walls I would agree with zappyx here. Walls are a very interesting strategic element, that can be used in various ways, so I don't want to remove them completely. I agree, that basewalling can be quite annoying to play against though. You can make a no-wall agreement as long as both parties are fine with that (Please play fair after making internal agreements though, as it's hard to track these things rule wise!).

    Just add a rule that these agreements have to be agreed on in text fot there to be an official ruling by the TO (screenshot ingame or discord) and if any of those internal agreements are violated it counts as an instant loss. If you think someone violated an internal agreement, make it mandatory to send in written evidence (e.g. the screenshot) and the replay. Should prevent anyone from having funny ideas as the consequences are fixed and the rules clearly state in which form you have to supply evidence for the TO to do anything about it. Any verbal agreement might as well count as no rule at all from the perspective of the TO and if someone gets fluked by that he only has to blame himself.

    Only my humble opinion ofc. 

    ulvfdfgtmk and Ultrakool like this
  6. 14 hours ago, chickennoodler said:

    Hello, just wanted to post what I noticed some weaknesses for Twilight Card selection overall in this thread as a mirror.



    Twilight Tier 2 Has the weakest Tower selection in the game. Which Defensively, makes them worse than even just going pure Green and Pure Fire in Tier 2.


    Makeshift turret (Tier 1)

    Stranglehold( Good but not really a true damage dealer alone)

    And Infected Tower, A pretty subpar to weak tower with no Knock back intended for Support use.

    Mark of the Keeper (Not a Tower, and Expensive BFP wise anyways because everyone wants one when they start out.)

    Primal Defender

    Mortar Tower

    Tier 2 Fire has some Okay to not so good Towers, but it doesn't matter, they're all 2 FIre ORb restricted.

    Tier 2 Green has no Towers except Living Tower, which is Two Green ORb Restricted.


    Now, how do most people get around this? In 4 RPVE, they don't. They just smash through using Mine. In Solo high difficulty RPVE, my guess how most people get around this is by taking the easy route and NOT CHOOSING TIER 2 Red Green Twilight start. If they choose Tier 2 Twilight, my second guess is again, they use Spells or Go All in and smash instead of defending. Or the third option is to Heavily Lean on Tier 1 cards and towers and Archers defend and then use the time to build units.

    rPvE as a game mode is not designed for towers to be played generally, obviously there are certain decks and situations where they are good - funnily Infected Tower is one of the only relevant towers for rPvE as it is necassary for the Zerg deck. The only other ones are Worldbreaker (for Worldbreaker gun deck), Blaster Cannon (for rPvE 10 against Lost Souls and Windhunters at t3/z4), Mark of the Keeper (for level 10 rPvE as t1 defense), Rioter's Retreat (for t3/t4 attack with Commandos); Altar of Chaos (for playing Lost Souls with Lost Spirit Ship green heal). And thats it, the only deck where the tower is actually used as a defense is the Mark of the Keeper at level 10. Everything else is either used offensively (Wbg, Blaster Cannon, Rioter's Retreat) and/or because of their effect (Infected Tower, Altar of Chaos, Rioter's Retreat).
    --> Rating towers for their useage in rPvE is essentially giving all towers a F grade, with the few exceptions above a C- to D grade because they are situationally usefull.


    Besides that, yes Twilight has a very weak tower t2 game but t2 tower's are never necassary. As long as you have access to 2 decent towers in either t1 and t2 or t3 you can always play around it. Flame tower, Mind weaver and Twilight Bombard while all not exceptional are still decent enough towers to make work.

    Or they could try using the Root System, and Tier 1 Tree Spirits? Because the Tier 2 Root System Tree is TWO GREEN ORB RESTRICTED. NOOOOOOO!!!!!


    Twilight Tier 2 Lacks A Medium Swift Unit. Or Ranged unit for that matter.

    This is like some sort of Raptor like card. EA in fact probably intended to release this card easy, because the assets are in the Mission Behind Enemy Lines.


    TIer 2 Twilight also lacks some sort of Squad Archer or Medium sized Ranged unit.

    I'm pretty Sure these were supposed to be like those Twilight master Archers in Soultree, Twilight Wind Weavers in the Forge,  or some sort of Caster that deals ranged damage etc, but they didn't release before game ended.


    Twilight Tier 3 Doesn't have any good Large sized Ranged Units, Flying or casters etc


    Yeah, we could do with some sort of Large or XL sized Twilight Ranged unit. This is a pretty weak slot for Twilight as well. Most people just stuff DeepCoil Worm or Magma Thrower. Almost No one uses Twilight Hag. We could probably do nicely to have something at least, like a shitty Common reskin like a Twilight Deep Coil Worm, Construct, Core Dredge or some sort of Floatey Slow Magma Fiend like unit.


    Twilight Tier 3 most probably needs Flying units and some Casters the most. No, Swamp Drake for Twilight doesn't count, Would be nice if they had their own equivalent to reward going Twilight etc. But Twilight Tier 3 Most needs Casters.



    Twilight Tier 4 Would be nice to have more stuff.


    They have Three Creatures, One spell, No casters etc. Oh well, This is really low priority, but like Pure StoneKin and Pure Lost colors, they don't really have anything to reward going pure Twilight besides Two Melee units etc.


    Twilight overall lacks an Overall theme.

    Imo Twilight as a faction misses a theme as in a usefull ability, the cards available to that faction do play out nicely though. High damage units and spells paired with cc, damage reduction and heal spells. While I agree that there are parts where a pure Twilight deck will struggle in terms of especially units in t2, with only really Deathglider and Vileblood being (semi) viable, and t3 with only really Twilight Creeper being good, you do discount for all the options fire and nature do offer you in terms of spell support and splashable units like Gladiatrix, and Skyfire drake that synergize very well with mentioned support but otherwise can be tricky to play in their pure counterparts. As you do seem to focus a lot on rPvE, Twilight there is one of the most beginner friendly decks in terms of difficulty while having Medium to high carry potential for when your team fails you again.

    If you want to make pure Twilight more viable i would suggest first buffing most fo the available cards out of irrelevancy instead of introducing new cards like the suggested archer t2 squad and you end will end up with a decently strengthed faction in terms of units. Note that Twilight is not the only faction that would struggle with these restrictions though, just imagine Lost souls without Frenetic Assault or Infect, Bandits only really has Commandos and Rioter's Retreat in t2 and barely anything to support Slavemaster in t3 without shadow support. I don't think EA ever intended to make these mixed factions completely independent from the factions they originate from, otherwisie there are way to few cards in all of these factions.

    Thanks EA.



    ....... Because Transformation as a Mechanic sucks so No on uses it. It probably eventually needs some sort of Cost changes or Reworks.


    Overall requiring Cards to Transform in order to get their Full effects is Janky. Because. GREEN HAS A 25% POWER discount for Summoning Creatures. MAKING THEIR EXCLUSIVE COLOR SPLASH THEMED GROUP USE MORE POWER TO DO THE SAME THING IS DAFT.


    EA's solution was to try to force people to transform by tying it to the mechanics of the cards themselves. Twilight minions give Attack Bonuses for transforming into Cthulu, Vile Blood Farts after Transforming and it Heals or Burns people. The main problem is that these transform mechanics ARE DOUBLE COSTED. If you transform Twilight Mins into Cthulu, well. . . . .Cthulu doesn't give you anything for Transforming back into Twilight Minion. In fact, he wants to die so bad, he named himself Slaver and blows himself up when he dies.


    This means, to reset and get your Twilight Minion back so you can transform and do the attack bonus again, you either summon a NEW ONE, or you take another loss and Transform him back. Which, btw, is way more expensive no matter how you efficiently plan who to transform into, than just not transforming because you get 25% OFF FOR USING NORMAL SUMMONING IF YOU HAVE BREEDING GROUNDS. THE COLOR GREEN'S MOST FAMOUS Power Manipulation card.


    Oh and to add insult, Transforming still requires Card Charges to transform into that unit. You don't even save Card charges for using the Transform Mechanic some guy at EA dreamed up. The only benefit of having less bound power and Void Return is Very hard to calculate because you're wasting WAY more power overall transforming.


    Loriens likes this
  7. added replay for 1 player motm for June 2020 - first run that went past t3, did die with batariel, low 16 possible. I will probably not play this one again, will update times if i do though.

  8. Added 2 Player level 10 solo - messed up at the end big time, otherwise okay run for first full clear. I think something in the low 25's is possible. With a perfect run maybe a high 24.

    22 hours ago, IlCamionistaMalvagio said:


    how do you can beat this Motm L10 2 player (june 2020)? when i take the t2 the next camp has 2 bandit construct 2 windhunter 2 deepgorge 2 farmhouse and some more unit.. i try to use phoenix, skyfire drake with red spell or the matter mastery + coldsnap + oink to try destroy them but i lost a lot of time to beat the t3/4.. can you post a video if you can do it? what do you suggest to try? Thanks a lot!

    In regards to your request:
    You can essentially mirror this for the right side. You can play the right side slightly more risky by clearing the 2nd camp instantly as the Windhunters are positioned further away and you can probably dive with phoenixes before they can paralyze you. After that you can just fly out and clear t3/t4 similarly to what is shown in the replay.

    I do think you can play this with only phoenixes and no curse of oink which I tried once (13 phoenixes) but it gets a bit intense in terms of managing the phoenixes  after the initial dive and you will lose some in the process of killing the constructs (i was left with 10), so you will probably have to respawn 1 or 2 for the clear on the 2nd camp at least on the left side. Right side you might just barely squeeze through with 13 starting phoenixes and no respawns if you play it well.

    The t2 clear is a bit more complicated on the left side as you have to really try not to pull the shamans or if you pull them at least not attack them for as long as possible. Otherwise you get 2 additional incomes, which you really want to avoid. I hope this helps you.



  9. 7 hours ago, IlCamionistaMalvagio said:


    how do you can beat this Motm L10 2 player (june 2020)? when i take the t2 the next camp has 2 bandit construct 2 windhunter 2 deepgorge 2 farmhouse and some more unit.. i try to use phoenix, skyfire drake with red spell or the matter mastery + coldsnap + oink to try destroy them but i lost a lot of time to beat the t3/4.. can you post a video if you can do it? what do you suggest to try? Thanks a lot!

    Position 1 and 2 will play out slightly differetly most likely. I would clear it with phoenixes though. As there are Windhunters in the base you probably want to have at least 12 phoenixes. If they still trouble you, you can add Curse of oink and send a ground unit to oink the Windhunters before killing the constructs with phoenixes. 

    I dis not play the map yet and only had a cursory glance. I will try to provide you with a replay solution by the end of the weekend for both sides :)

    Loriens likes this
  10. grafik.thumb.png.fe743343a73128410ce3786ad385d46c.png

    My Ashbone deck. This does work solo, you will need to have very good void manipulation to make this work on some maps though and LS maps can hurt. If you are new to this deck i recommedn playing with a friend first who also plays ashbones.
    This one is more related to how you played them in the old speedruns - t3, with mass ashbones (20+) - obviously wheel stack and second chance do not exist anymore so we have to make do with some secondary cards.
    The biggest advantage of an Ashboene-deck is that you do not need any t4 cards, so you can save 300 power on that, due to the missing cards above you need much more support cards than in the past which makes this quite an slot hungry deck:

    Netherwarp to avoid the initial artillery shot from bases and to reach the spawn camp nicely, can also be used abilities such as Slavemaster Sandstorm, Shots from Commandowalker & Hellhound as well as generally a very good repositioning tool. i tend to port myself towards the outher edge of camps, preferably the side of the spawn camp, to reduce angles units can attack my ashbones from and to maximize the cc i get out of frenetic assault.

    Triple Heal: Ashbones are quite fragile, especially so mass heal is required, due to their passive even in between camps. I like to use Surge of Light for when single Ashbones get low to save on charges - mostly not necassary if you play well around offering (which you should do anyways, to maximize Ashbones).
    Revenge + CC for similar reasons. CC is vital and Frenetic Assault is doing that perfectly, also while Ashbones do damage it is not massive unless you have a huge army and Frenetic helps out greatly in that regard.

    Infect: Great additional damage source and tanks a lot of damage, Motivate crawlers early on instead of ashbones to not cripple yourself for later camps too much. Your army will not be that massive early on and motivated crawlers do a lot of damage. Can clear up leftovers of camps and can be used afterwards to kill incomes early on if necassary.

    Offering to get your Ashbone army rolling early on as well as to reset cooldowns for Frenetic Assault and Infect if necassary, as well as Netherwarp if necassary later on.

    Motivate goes without speaking for shadow t1 and as mentioned usefull for crawlers and later on Ashbones.

    FoF + Cultister Master for void manipulation (if someone has SoW, even better) - On some maps you might need 5 Cultist Masters: Group them up in 2 groups of 3 and 2 respectively and activate them anti cyclic every 15 seconds to essentially always get void back. (So start with the group of 3 --> after 15 seconds activate group of 2 --> after 15 seconds group 1 again --> ...)

    Resource Booster to get the necassary power to build your army quickly, Ashbones in low numbers get VERY weak very fast, numbers are key here. Splicer for t1 clear

    Inc Mo.: Only build against Lost Souls and Twilight - always use the benevolent Mo (yellow), against Lost Souls lets you avoid the anti ranged effect of Lost Dragons at least partially, Spellbreakers will debuff the Immunity from some of the Ashbones, but with sheer number it still makes sense, Against Twilight the twilight whisperers can mass blind your whole army which you can avoid with yellow mo.

    Fallen Skyelf for bosses - you will never see a boss drop qiuet like with 20+ motivated ashbones + Fallen Skyelf on the boss.

    Shadow Mage over Shadow Phoenix or Harvester because it is the most Slot efficient t2 unit in this deck. Shadow Mage works very well in rPvE with Netherwarp and Motivate, two cards which are mandatory for this deck anyways.

    The rest should be self explanatory.

    Blashyrkh likes this
  11. That is what i use:


    It is a vastly different approach to rPvE as a whole. While most players, especially beginners are mostly focused on units and then a couple of support spells and buildings, it is generally faster to focus mostly on spells and do not use that many units and buildings that bind power - both options are viable though.

    A spell heavy deck allows you to start clearing much faster as it requires only really void manipulation, 1 t4 unit and about 100 to 150 power in your power pool. It is also a bit harder to execute, as the risk of getting burst down by camps and incomes is given at any moment. While SoW greatly offsets that risk compared to other types of void manipulation it is still there.

    Maybe to go into specific choices i would make for cards you did not seem to consider and were not yet mentioned by SunWu:
    I do like to Sunstriders to at least have some kind of anti air, even if it is not great, it is generally good enough with nomads tanking. Also one s-unit in t1 helps greatly against spellbreakers on Lost Souls map, to avoid taking damage and therefor trapping incomes and the like.

    As mentioned i do avoid units, so i only use 1 t4 slot. At the end of most games i rarely have more than 2 Abominations, generally never more than. If you do not feel safe and have fear of maybe losing your army, I would recommend taking 2nd Abomination and remove twilight warfare.
    While Healing gardens are nice, they do bind power again and Equilbrium does essentially the same job in terms of additional healing to regrowth while not binding power.
    Breeding grounds is not really necassary  when you only really use it for 1 unit anyways, so might as well skip it.
    Healing support is not really necassary until t3 or t4 as you can generally any camp with just mines nomads and oink, with maybe a vileblood, lavafield or eruption for harder camps. When you die due to Lost Vigils or the like, in my experience ravage or Surge of Light rarely ever make a difference. It makes it easier to clear some but if you play well around your units strengths and the cc mine, oink and lavafield provide you wont find an issue with any camp. Lost souls you might need to have to first clear all the buildings and most ground units if there are vigils but as mentioned heals generally wont help you with that much anyway. Mine and Lavafield i also like to use in later stages of the game to clear out smaller incomes and leftover units and have that way a higher impact on the game compared to especially Ravage.
    Stacking damage reduction is in my experiences never really necassary. Aagainst Lost souls all the buffs get disenchanted most likely anyways, especially in later camps where that might come in handy and on all other maps just twilight pestilence is more than enough.

    3 reasons for disenchant: You need it on Twilight maps where multiple willzappers are in the base, otherwise your earthshaker will run out of charges too fast or you use cards like Inferno on a single building which is not optimal and if you run into Nyxia you need it to disable her aura for 1 Abomination so you at least have the possibility of killing her. Also super usefull against the Windhunters on stonekin and bandit maps.

    Damage spells are somewhat self explanatory, that is the main damage source of this deck afterall, i mostly use purple cluster explosion for the early bases as the damage is enough to mostly take those out. I do also like to use the ability of abomination to clean up camps and incomes to safe on charges of important spells where possiible and speed up the clear. Note that this ability is op against melee bosses, as the effect does work on them despite their leader immunity.


    If you want to keep your unit focused style i would probably use Sunstrider instead of thugs still and then remove ghost hunters flat out. Would still cut the damage reduction down to just twilight pestilence and add thunderstorm and Cluster Explosion as well as Inferno. If you want to keep Ravage or Surge of Light that is fine, I would probably prefer SoL over Ravage, though cut at least one and add Lavafield. Healing gardens you definetly get value out of with that many units, it does slow you down massively though if you play 2x SoW and 2x Healing gardens. I would personally always go with Equilibrium, but that is probably a wash and comes down to preference.


  12. On 5/4/2020 at 2:18 AM, Ultrakool said:

    i didnt realise you speedrun difficulty 1 :3 

    I like to do these when i have like 20 minutes or half an hour of free time and feel like it. These maps really help you with optimizing small things about spell placement and unit pathing as well as efficiency on which units/ spells to use when. Sure it is limited to t1 but i feel like it still helps getting into the right mindset about these kind of things.

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