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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Chimerae

  1. I would consider winter witch a defensive card, since it is easier to keep her in the back in a defensive formation. If you use her offensively she will require a lot of micro'ing.
  2. Winter Witch can actually be pretty good if used correctly. Put two of them next to each other and activate the abilities in an interval of 1.5 seconds. 3 Constructs in front of them and these things will get a 850 hp ice shield EVERY 1.5 seconds. Not useless at all.
  3. That is why I said in sparring grounds. When you are just having fun and not intend to win as efficient as possible
  4. 6/10 - I'm not so into edm, especially when backed up with autotuned vocals
  5. A little trick if you have way too many power in sparring grounds: Bring in harvester > move it to enemy power well / orb cluster > nasty harvy > enable embalmer's > double corpse explosion > gg
  6. It's a great base nuking card in PvP combined with disenchant. The 'low' power cost of 220 is justified since this thing is close to useless without disenchant, making it in fact a 300 power unit. For PvE you probably don't need that so it is a very solid siege unit there as well. Great point right there
  7. Oh, that sounds quite interesting to me actually! This might also add some more competition to PvE
  8. The purpose of the map of the week was to challenge each other's skill levels by beating it as quick as you possibly could. Not to grind the exact same thing over and over again. There probably were some players who did that regardless though...
  9. A little shoutout to our most beloved developers. Great progress has been made once again!!!


    1. Ultrakool


      Great Progress has always been made....    ._.

    2. Thug Life

      Thug Life

      Damn right Chimerae, all of the credits to the developers for making an shit loads of updates! <3

  10. You could say, that was a shitty song . 7/10
  11. Just burned a certain bird with his Spitfire
  12. 1059 - you like using images don't you
  13. That sounds like a hilarious idea. Makes me think of Conan O'Brian's clueless gamer series (reversed)
  14. Doesn't this really say that you shouldn't got T4 in PvP because you actually BIND power you are not going to get back fi you destroy it? If using enlightenment to summon T4 you instantly put a lot of it in the void, and by constructing T4 that power is gone for good. (Don't worry I do find numbers interesting:D)
  15. He might be right though, since phones have obviously improved quite a lot in the past years. I remember before buying a headset I uploaded a video with phone recorded sounds (like 5 years ago) and it was quite horrible, but audible. You should just try it and see if it works out for you EDIT: it IS actually possible to use your phone as a microphone for you PC: http://www.instructables.com/id/Use-your-smartphone-mic-with-your-PC/
  16. You can use a recording app on your phone, and then transfer the files to your PC. Although if you want to do some serious recording, I'd advice against it. A cheap headset a la 10 euros will give you way better quality already
  17. For shadow T1, I'd suggest Nox Trooper over Forsaken, since their ability is more useful in PvP. Nox Trooper have a higher base attack and their ability is easier to pull of in PvE than in PvP. I would also add either Dreadcharger or Witch claws as a T1 small counter. In PvE you will face a lot of small bandit or twilight units. I would also suggest adding soul splicer over towers. A agree with your choices for higher tiers. Maybe you could add the Embalmer's Shrine if using Shadow Phoenixes
  18. 7/10 Quite allright if you are playing a strategy game or something (like CIV :D). It gets quite intense a couple of times but other than that a bit boring to me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF0Chnh1Y68
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