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  1. Yes, that's what I meant @Kitsurubami! I didn't see they were different though. I also like the nature ones. I was thinking about the tunnel entrance, but your idea looks better imo.
  2. I don't have a lot of time right now, but I realised that northguards, master archers and battleship have this snowflake symbol in their card art and premium contruct has it on its in game model. That might be something you could use for the frost faction? I don't know if you could draw that in a couple seconds tho There might also be some stuff in the 'ingame lore book' you could use. I'm not sure, but you never know
  3. No problem, I can wait. Thank you for working on this project is all I have to say
  4. Happy Birthday Skylords! Don't forget the
  5. Played csgo with a guy with the juggernaut as avatar yesterday. He said he was waiting for bfreborn too. Are you here maybe? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eddio


      @Ladadoos Well it might have been me. :kappa:

    3. Eternal


      Yeah no one knows... I haven't spend dollars on buying games on steam btw.... and I neither play cs:go...

      But yeah, there is a 80% chance... so probably I played with you....

       :kappa.:  <- is not a mistake ...

    4. Dodotron


      Dang I forgot about this thread, but @ Archmystic I'm 99% sure it was you :D Let's hope we meet again in battleforge reborn :hype:

  6. 2150 I can't think of anything funny right now I'm sorry Eternal
  7. closed beta access And I'm very excited to see the trailer too
  8. I might have watched too much battleforge replays yesterday, I even dreamed about it :P My deck consisted of shadow fire and nature t1 and t2 lol

    1. Ladadoos


      You can never watch too much BattleForge :hype: 

  9. wohow, dev platform updateeee :D 

    1. ikke2902


      Cool, we can buy avatars!

    2. Ultrakool
  10. yeeees devplatform update :D:D i"ve been checking this every day, thank you devs every update (big or small) makes me happy :)

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