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Posts posted by Aragorn

  1. @Eirias

    Razorshard : I said well disposition. In the same way you do not take a well vulnerable to cliff against firedancer. Razorshard deal limited damage to single target but good total damage in splash. They are strong against well when they are in group of 3. You take multiple base, max 2 structure per base and if you can take the 2 wells opposed to each other with nothing in the middle. You loose by concentring everything to 1 spot in defense or offense against stonekin.

    Sunreaver : You have to admit it was pretty unlegit they were able to 1v1 drone (L counter for same cost). The nerf wasnt that huge.

    Twilight t3 : You have a sun reaver, GS, drone, if you want something not weak when grouped then get brannoc, it's a neutral card especially to compasate the lack of XL to deck.



    In no way you should be able to rush t2 with a 300 power cost harvester.


    Tree spirit has a lot of counter play, for exemple the animation has a delay you can bait the 1st wave and dodge it to gain a free 10 secondes at the beginning of the fight. Not requiring micro is a disadvantage, they just attack the closest target. It mean you can use a tank like skelleton warrior, life weaving, ice barrer, amazon in front lane to take all damage. Meanwhile the tree spirit user cannot do anything beside spam them.

  2. @Eirias

    Actually jugger has 15 seconde cooldown after spawn. They did it exactly because of rally banner.

    Fire/nature has already a siege t3. Sunreaver. It's just not a all counter anymore like before his nerf (counter drone wtf). Twiligh has no weak and some advantaged t1-t2 matchup. And even GS is good too. They don't need a strong t3 like pure fire or lost soul while other faction suffer of more weakness.

    Razorshard is in the same case of firedancer cliff. You actually need to get better at micro management (5 seconde to dodge, that's a lot) and well disposition choice instead of calling this card op.

    Church of negation :  In small map, they are a pain.

  3. Bug to fix with balancing impact :

    -Grigori's taunt : It cancel ennemy attack every X seconde which is good vs XL because their attack are slow

    -Razorshard knocback delay : The animation is before the real impact and damage, some people are lost and miss micro when they are not used to the exact timing. The card and animation says 3 seconde, but the game says 4 seconde. Choose between 3 or 4 but just make a decision this is painful for people not used to the exact timing.

    -Nothern star : Ignore 50% Armor provided to any frozen unit. So instead to increase damage by 50% It actually increase by 300%. With this structure frozen unit should take 75% damage from 50% instead 150% from 50%. Not much people played it and most ignored this bug, this is the reason why nobody beside fremka played it.

    -Neither warp : Double the healing when casted at the same place. But this one I'm agree to keep it. You loose the ability of teleportation but you gain more health regeneration to compasate and it does not make pure shadow too strong.

    -Juggernaut and Mo's ability : CC them in the middle of their charge double the power of the ability.

    -Spikerroot : The card say 100 damage up to 150, but they actually have to limit of damage when attack multiple target.


    Card too strong :

    Brannoc : Remove his ability (unlimited total damage is abused and the card overall doesn't rely on it, it's just a extra that make it op), slighly nerf his stat (Neutral card shouldn't be that strong) and make brannoc viable 1 per player or per team. I mean if both player use brannoc as XL counter in t3, the 1st brannoc is the winner.

    Nature t1 : Give them something to deal with structure (mortar and phase tower)

    Nature t2 : Give them a M/M.

    Incoming energie : This idea is just bad. Accelerating the void pool rate is ok and have a part of risk, but getting extra energie from unit like Energie Parasite or Thug is something i think bad for the sake of the game.

    Mountainer : This card is too efficient with a micro management while not countered by our own micro management. Remove his ability to gain shield while beeing cc like oink, freeze or knockback.

    Well curse : Correct in 1v1 because of its higher risk but too good in 2v2. People generally have more energie and the 150 handicap only affect the user while the mate can still defend. So it's a sligh guaranted offense for sligh risk and over time you get too much advantage.


    Unbalanced map :

    Lajesh : Too much wall and cliff potential on nearly every well.


    Faction :

    Bandit : Just buff this faction. I'm not a bandit player so i can't point everything accurately but it definitively need a buff.

  4. @xHighTech That's so true. And people not investising time make other competitive player not interest to reach a easy rank. So many people was #1 just to take a screen shot whole the rest of top 10 had elo innactivity.

    @matmicback stop trying to justify, we are all going to have a new fresh start to proove our skill and just let people recognize your talent.

    @Nachtalb I want a stable server with no bugs before talking about cards balance. Overall the game was balanced.

  5. @SunWu II. Oh dude, have you ever seen maranv in official forum. He spend his time to comment and developpe argument about balancing. We don't hate pure gold elo, it's just sometime it's a lost fight when we try to explain their mistake. Sometime they do 10 mistake and any of them was enough to loose but only see 1 lame tactic at 1 moment of the game.

  6. @xHighTech I was talking about curse well in 2v2, it's less than half the risk, people have higher energie and using well curse only affect short time defense of the user while the ally still have everything, the damage is not as strong as 1v1 (proportion of well), but just the fact it's guaranted well down for less risk. I wasnt talking about firedancer cliff in 2v2, It's still similar and even less op because of synergie people can defend better.

    @Eirias Because i'm cute people listen me :P

  7. @ndclub Here i bring my programmer knowledge : I would detect cliffing by doing this simple calcule. I calcule the range between firedancer and the well/orb A (A = 50m for fire dancer), then i calcule the distance between her position and moving her at well/orb targeted B. If B > A + Tolerance then it's considered like a cliff. For exemple let's say the Tolerance is 50 meter. So firedancer have to attack a well/orb at a 100m+ walking distance while razorshard at a 90m+. In this case, if there is just a small obstacle and take no time to go around and get firedancer, it's not considered like a cliff.

    @xHighTech Mountainer and shield building?

    As a stonekin player, I didnt have to learn a lot about dealing with cliffing, in general I dont think it's a problem, but I suppose lajesh is a nightmare for many people.

  8. No it would NOT solve it.. random maps...

    Most random map had less cliff potential than normal. Never been in a random map where you could abusively cliff on any base. They had still a majority of safe spot.

  9. Erm . . . I don't think I would be remiss in claiming to be better than FarRock... or was that a joke?

    Yeah, that's why I just mentioned LagOps as "One" of the best bandits. Equivalent to honorable mention, except nobody to actually take the spotlight.

    What was cdkillroy's main? Were any of those guys primarily pure fire (and I'd say 80% counts 1v1, 20% counts 2v2).

    Yeah, I know you and MaranV have nothing in common. Still play the same faction though :) Your 5 common cards... surge of light, roots, hurricane, burrower, curse of oink, stone shards, homesoil, ice barrier...wait that's more than 5...for sure SoL, roots, burrower, oink, stone shards.

    I don't play all those cards. My deck is variable. Not sure but maranV prefer cyromage instead of hurricane.

  10. @Eirias

    Twilight : WTF NO, Farrock is by far better he deserve more than a a honorable mention kappa

    Streetking for best Fire/Frost.

    Bandit :  There is a lot player that doesnt main pure bandit and play better. Make a honorable mention or take it off but there is no top player for now to represent bandit.

    Pure fire : If we dont count cdkillroy. I would say drakonz. If we count performance in 1v1 and 2v2, then bubbaloo. I can even name lineQ, darkravenCZ or schokopeace that perform better in my opinion.

    Stonekin : people like to compare me to MaranV. Yea he kinda beat me in 1v1 and loose in 2v2. But do you realize we have just 5 commun cards and a opposed style play?

  11. For this i would ask every participant to rate their skill on a scale from 1 to 10. This would be based on trust, but we have a good community, so i think this would work.

    Sign up for 2v2, I rate myself 1 kappa

    If there is a price you shouldn't randomize teams. It would mean winning is based more on luck than skills. If it's for fun without any award it may be ok, however I still think playing with a friend is funnier.

    @ladadoos Normally, commentary videos are uploaded after tournament. It's never been a rule, it's just nobody rush it.

    @Lukaznid Spectator isnt very well implemented to the game. We spectate by coping a map in a costum map (that everybody need to download). It's basically a 3v3 but 2 player of each team has no orb so they cant do anything beside ping.

  12. You've got a point there. Didnt remember the tut deck was so small.

    But there were these other starter decks right? NatureFire and FrostShadow if im right. If they are available at start i would restrickt the tournament to these, to get some more strategie.

    That would be more interesting.

  13. Yeah, definitely a common choice. NC has swift though, which is usually fast enough to reach the dancers with building repairs. Many LS players much prefer to use that deck slot for some lame t3 card though :)

    I'm trying to be as careful as possible with the word "must," because I don't want people to think that they have no options on certain cards. Like, scavenger or forsaken are a must, but there aren't so many cards that you have no choice but to play. 

    By cliff I mean with a wall, water, rock, or any obstacle. That's why I say NC doesn,t fly. @Eirias

  14. Wow, just wow, amazing detailed guide. I didn't read everything but all I saw is true.


    Undeath army is good against pure fire.

    Corpse explosion, remember the combo with harvester?

    Shadow pheonix, a must have in pure shadow and lost soul.


    Nature/Frost -> While most player play the way you said, about army control and stacking army. My style is different and I play a lot with void pool and don't try to stack anything (because it's isolated energie on the field, so the voidpool is alway low) and unless i'm against pure frost or another stonekin or people force it, I'm not going to play passively. Overall because of the counter action, the one who initiate fight has advantage especially in a multiple split attack where you need to count the reaction time of the defenser.

    Frost -> I would also add frost has the highest ratio cost/stat with stoneshard.

  15. I'm Aragorn, knows as ellord on battleforge forum and xAragornx InGame. After the end of Battleforge, I played Battlefield Heroes with steeltaloons (2.7 kda) and sometime League of Legend with myoforge, myogenic and farrock (Platium 4).

    Im mostly 2v2 dedicated then 1v1, I hate pve. My highest rank is 1st in 2v2 and 3rd in 1v1. (I don't count at the end where most top 10 was inactive and that was easy to get top rank). You can find a lot of pvp commentary of me and other top rank on farrock and windhunter channel.

    I made some tournament and tutorial for french community and I will if the community get bigger.

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