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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. even with my short name adding 3 letter tag would mean only few words will fit to an line, and imagine how bad it would be for players with over 3 times as long names. 😞 I already seen messages that have no word on first line, or worse have only 1 word on first line, which is really terrible to read. If color would be used to signify guild, how would you recognize which guild it is? Shortly I think tooltip is too bad 😞 (blame EA)
  2. It is caused by each unit having at least 5 speeds + modifiers (walk_speed, run_speed, current_walk_speed, current_run_speed, current_speed), and only 2 of those are correctly set, updating rest of the speeds seems to fix the issue. (At least for the scenario 4 drones, kill 2 with eruption, resurrect 2 with surge of light). I was not been able to reproduce it for Werebeasts, because they always died all 😄 and I did not try any other combination.
  3. By this I mean lack of people to do the UI changes, which is the blocking factor. And to the point about names, I did not mean that there would be too many requests to change names that can not be handled. I mean that changing names is bad in general. How many people in the real words you know changed name? Yes woman do so, and it cases issues, that mails can not be delivered, because mail was send to the old name... Putting guild tag behind the name, does not sound like an good idea either (at least not to me), because that way some players will not see the guild.
  4. @LEBOVIN that would be no small task to create 100 or maybe even more tooltips, and the issue still stands, because not everyone will be fine with the name being cut off. And "x characters" is really bad metrics: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii MMMMM MMMMM you see the difference? (not even talking about RU using bigger font, so just used bold to give some idea, it is not meant to be accurate size comparison) So should that "x" be based on "i"? and be 16, or "M", and be 4?
  5. Not enough people to do all the things... Do you know someone who can help?
  6. GMs are given an option to change their name if they do not like it. First one I can Can think of is MephistoRoss, have you seen his name in the game? and that is not even longest name possible. Problem is the font M is larger, then I so it is not that hard to create name that does not fit already. Handling this on case by case basis for GMs is fine there is not that many of them, and even less with longer names. But can you imagine the amount of rename requests if players would find out that their name no longer fits? Can you imagine that people on your friend list would start changing names? How crazy that sounds?
  7. Creating Guilds on server side, with tags for players, basic administration capabilities, and chat is very easy task. Shared storage and deck sharing would be much more complicated features, because I guess you did not actually mean "like free PvP decks" that can be used by as many players as they want, that would mean each guild would need every card only once, instead of once per player. The real challenge is is the client UI, not only that it needs someone with time to do it, but right now I would even say that to me it sounds almost impossible. To be more specific the player tags, there is no place I can think of in the current UI where it can be added. The first obvious place would be before name, but some player names are already too long to fit in these small rectangles, so taking space that is already not enough is not a good idea. So even if you find someone who have enough time to do the UI, there is still the design problem where to put the tag, because without it, the guild seems weird (at best).
  8. You know that it is supposed to be even harder, but EA screw up, and did not provide enough different units and buildings, so there are a lot it is trying to generate, but have nothing in the pool, so it generates easier maps, than specified.
  9. Fixed, can you confirm? P.S. I was originally considering to hide the post but decided not to, because it did not contained the information on how to reproduce it. Reason being that some player could be testing how many players is affected by this, and I did not want that to happen.
  10. Then I guess you did have source code for whatever you was implementing it. And by the way the size is fine on my 4k screen. (maybe 10 or 15% bigger would be ideal but it is fine)
  11. 🤔 have you ever implemented something like that? I guess not, because if you would implement it you would not call it a little feature.
  12. you know what would be also great? If we would have source code of the game.
  13. @Fimion@Fundus@Xanax can you (or anyone else from supposed many players) reproduce it on the replay?
  14. if you can reproduce it on a replay (which I can not) can you measure CPU, GPU, and memory used by game with https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer it have more details than the standard task manager. (By the way which of the two task manager pictures is supposed to be the higher usage?)
  15. edited to be playable by less skilled people @LEBOVIN too. I can reproduce the crash at ~15:21. movie.pmv
  16. I can recommend to try disabling OneDrive for the BattleForge folder in documents.
  17. 😮 😞 you missed the most important horseman https://darksiders.fandom.com/wiki/Fury
  18. This is "simple" LUA change, and bit harder part will be choosing place for the button. No hackery needed there. I think UI department already have this planned, but priority is very low.
  19. it was using overkill damage including all buffs as remaining damage (when hitting buildings) plus exactly same issue as (read as copy paste of same bugged code, I am 98% sure it was copied by human working for EA, and not compiler optimization) Fixing the issue specifically for all stampede abilities is possible. (And btw melee attack have exact copy of this issue too 😄 and I expect to encounter the wrong formula on quite a few other places, and each can/should/must be fixed separately) Fixing this is quite limited scope, so lets hope designers approve 🙂 All credit for the formula to @wibryz all his research and testing make this fix relatively easy.
  20. I have no clue what exactly installer does (and I did not even used it one), so I can not speak for that one. But there are real reasons why antivirus can detect "trojan" in other files. (Like redirecting game to our server instead of EA's server, and "steeling login information") If the antivirus do not detect these, but detect installer, well to say it nicely "there is nothing nice I can say about that antivirus". 😄
  21. First building: second building: 3rd: 4th: 5th: 6th: If anyone is interested in more details of these numbers PM me on discord
  22. some interesting numbers: game computes that first building is attacked with 9900 DMG which get boosted to 24800 DMG 😮 (total damage done is 0 -> 24800 + 0 -> 14800 overkill 🤦‍♂️) second building is attacked with 14800 DMG which get boosted to 34600 DMG 😮 (total damage done is 24800 -> 34600 + 14800 -> 24600 overkill 🤦‍♂️) 3rd building is attacked with 24600 DMG which get boosted to 54200 DMG 😮 (total damage done is 0 -> 54200 + 0 -> 44200 overkill 🤦‍♂️) 4rd building is attacked with 44200 DMG which get boosted to 93400 DMG 😮 (total damage done is 0 -> 93400 + 0 -> 83400 overkill 🤦‍♂️) 5rd building (with commander) is attacked with 83400 DMG which get boosted to 30020.002 DMG 😮 (total damage done is 0 -> 30020.002 + 0 -> 20020.002 overkill 🤦‍♂️) 6rd building (with commander) is attacked with 20020.002 DMG which get boosted to 11006.001 DMG 🤔 (total damage done is 0 -> 11006.001 + 0 -> 1006.001 overkill 🤦‍♂️) in short WTF??? not even clue where to start looking for what is wrong, is there at least one number right? 🤣
  23. 🤔 why would I take it as an offense? I just want to show the "1 line change" and point out that we lack people.
  24. I will post here all the actual logic of of that feature: 🤣 yes this one line is all the logic. In total 39 lines was changed (including empty lines) because I decided to put it to new file, because that makes more sense to me, and I also added config option to skip/use this one line, and 2 new functions UI can use read write this config option 🙂 But it is not done, there are two kinds of "Client Developers", and UI (the checkbox) to enable it in game will not be added any time soon, even thou it is most probably low effort task it is quite deep in the priority stack. In comparison this feature requires Server developer, and most probably both kinds of client developers, to make it work, so I can not add few lines, to make it working without UI on my own 😞
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