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  1. dougfir liked a post in a topic by WatcherOfSky in Community Update - March 2023   
    Full visibility for card upgrades is probably one of the best quality-of-life implementations since skylords reborns' inception. Extremely excited to see it implemented and save space on my chrome tabs! 😄
    Fire Worm squad looks quite cute too 🙂
  2. Xamos liked a post in a topic by dougfir in Fun Decks   
    I suppose it's probably just for the fun/synergy but been playing a similar deck (still quite different, but half of the cards are the same and most of the others I don't have).
    Curious whether ethereal storm really manages to scale up to a point where it is worth taking here over something like soulshatter (less orb requirements same power cost)
    Especially given the lack of void return, and on that note it seems like you could get into a pickle with necroblaster without cultist master so I might favor lost launcher there.
  3. dougfir liked a post in a topic by Xamos in Fun Decks   
    Hi, here are some fun decks based around a certain card-synergy:
    Bandits Indestructable irrepressible: (PvE allrounder, with an properly adjusted name)
    (hoping this one doesn´t gets copyright-striked by Kapo lol)
    - Commandos+RiotersRetreat. Super-fun T2. +Bandit-Lancer on T3
    - Waystation+Oracle-Mask. Quickly deploy stations to make your Units indestructable when activating the Mask´s ability.
    - T4 Buffing Up your Banzai-Lords with unity OR Bloodhealing (as I read somewhere they don´t work properly together) and use birds to be indestructable.

    Orcs Going Ham: (PvE allrounder)
    - play all Orc cards and let them group up.
    - use Twilight-Minions to buff up your small units b 65% more atk - use on slayers at T3
    - at T4 you use Wintertide to make you TwilightSlayers immune to knockback and give dmg reduction.
    - Play Construct because this card goes ham by itself
    RockSolid: (PvE, for Dwarfen Riddle f.e. but consider using GiantWyrm on T4 if you want this deck for that map xd)
    - def deck to try out Earthkeeper
    - build T2 Army for fun and use Earthkeepers ability on the go (on Rogan f.e. so he stays save)
    - use Razorleaf as defender and activate Earthkeepers ability on him while he stays in the back besides healing Well, Razorshards and Crystal Fiend so they stay alive

    - different Version of aboves deck
    RootingPower: (rPvE root-deck, slow and fun)
    - use a lot of treespirits, keep them, use Razorleaf on T3 and use them to clear the map while moving the connection forward with Sylvan Gates
    - play incredible Mo´s third ability to insta-root dazed units

    FireRoot_rPvE: (rPvE fire-root deck, bit on the weak side but fun nevertheless)
    - use treefiends because they disable enemies
    - use fire spells to get rid off anything annoying (earthquaker for buildings, cluster for minions)

    This Eliminates: (PvE allrounder)
    - using Eliminatoooor. Buffs (almost) everything. also damages stuff, so use viridya to keep units alive
    - using Fire Crystal because it is somewhat viable and bec its fun to enrage (almost) all your units ^^

    ShatterTheRainbow: (PvE allrounder)
    - (try to) use Warlock (blue) in PvE, keep the until T3 because Red-Aff Rageflame doesn´t reduce dmg take on frozen units (Blue would be redundant with Warlock)
    - (try to) use Girl-Power as long as the card still exists and doesn´t get gendered, make Sure you use it on moon once a game for fun and on Bloodhorn. Also Gladiatrix is in the deck to have more targets for the spell
    - On T4 use Tempest, because nobody else does (and bec he shatters ice) but be careful, his freeze on spawn has a very small radius

    - double Eliminator, because he buffs Shades. GG

    - Fire Frost fun. Use Skyelf-Sage on Infernal Machine & build Northstar next to it to let buildings burn hard.
    - not the best orb solution yet (Fire-Frost-Frost-Fire) -> Infernal on T4, I just put all the cards in I thought would work funny together (probably needs void-return)

    - Play Rageflame the way he was meant to be: Enraged! To do so, use fire crystal (and then more fire-aff cards to actually make use of the crystal)

    Twilight Instand Noodles:
    Stones Shatter:
    Stonekin Structures:
  4. dougfir liked a post in a topic by ZeroPC in Prison of Tears - A 1PvE Community Map   
    Hello! I noticed there was a section for uploading some community custom maps here on the forums, so I thought I'd put my latest map here!
    Prison of Tears
    A 1 Player PvE Community Map set in the home world of the Lost Souls. This map is also a sequel to another map I've made called "City of Tears".
    The Twilight Curse has not been fully eliminated yet, and Rogan Kayle seeks out the key to eliminating them for good. He believes it is in the home world of the Lost Souls itself. As you venture onward with Rogan, you wander into a strange and eerie prison with Lyrish soldiers trapped inside. Work with Rogan Kayle to free the soldiers and overcome the prisons mysterious challenges.
    Free the Prisoners
    Work with Rogan to free the prisoners from the clutches of the Lost Souls.

    Escort them to the Portal
    Once freeing them, you must keep them safe until you are able to escort them safely to the exit portal to their freedom.
    Watch out for the Warden
    As you roam the prison, be aware of the Warden and do your best to avoid him until you are powerful enough to take him down.

    This is my first map I've ever made a post about and I thought it'd be cool to share it with the community! If you guys want to give it a try, its uploaded in the community maps section in the game! I'd attach it here, but it looks like it exceeded the file size. I plan to make more maps in the future, so if you guys can share some of your thoughts and even suggestions to make it better, I would really appreciate it! When looking it up, it's called "Prison of Tears".

    I hope you guys enjoy it 🙂 and feel free to check out some of my other maps I've made like the prequel to this one, "City of Tears". They're all on the Community Tab! (If I can find a way to attach them here, I will).
  5. dougfir liked a post in a topic by Xamos in Lost Wanderer   
    Oh well that was nothing new to me, my problem with Lost Wanderer is that he doesn´t have preferred Targets himself like shaman does. Shaman somehow (almost) always wants to heal the unit that has the least hp left /most damaged one - when you set shaman on "hold" (F-Hotkey).
    Lost Wanderer doesn´t care and just gives shields to anyone if not ordered otherwise. And that ordering is quite tedious if you want to have your army shielded.
  6. dougfir liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Remove the BG10 achievement please   
    We are dealing with this. Expect changes soonish. 
  7. dougfir liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands   
    @dougfir "copies=0" does work, but sonce you're probably using it in your inventory it doesnt show anything. Reason is, the inventory shows only cards you own. However, if you use "copies=0" in the Marketplace you will get results.
    The json file needs to be named as described in the tutorial post. It also has to be in the directory mentioned, anything else will not work. 
    To use custom filters the json file cannot have any syntax errors. If you have trouble debuging your file, you can post it here. 
    To use custom filters, you have to use these stars * to indicate a custom filter name. As an example, I defined in the json:
    {"name": "unowned", "text": "copies<1"},
    To use this in the Marketplace, I type the following in the search box:
    The game recognices the term "unowned" as a custom filter name and Interprets it as the text corresponding to the name. In this case "copies<1".
  8. dougfir liked a post in a topic by MephistoRoss in Include quest/achievement objective in reward mails   
    With all the quests and achievements that have been added to the game, it happens quite often that I complete a quest or achievement after playing a match while I had no idea what I actually did to complete the quest or achievement. Of course I can search for the achievement name in the achievement window, but it would less effort if the obective would be included in the reward mail.
  9. dougfir liked a post in a topic by Little_Ducky in Community Update - February 2023   
    wow another awesome Community update, love that community maps are getting a chance to shine because there are so many great ones. Keep up the great work!
  10. Xamos liked a post in a topic by dougfir in New card ideas and suggestions - Megathread   
    New player so this may have been suggested already or perhaps obvious, but I would like to see an Amii card that turns natures healing offensive,
    Amii Martyr:
    Passive: After being healed does 20% damage for 10s
    Active ability: for 10s reflects 50% of healing received as damage to enemy units within 15m
  11. Kapo liked a post in a topic by dougfir in New card ideas and suggestions - Megathread   
    New player so this may have been suggested already or perhaps obvious, but I would like to see an Amii card that turns natures healing offensive,
    Amii Martyr:
    Passive: After being healed does 20% damage for 10s
    Active ability: for 10s reflects 50% of healing received as damage to enemy units within 15m
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