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Global Warming in Pure Fire to counter Pure Frost?


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Every pure Fire player will know the frustration in facing pure Frost on T2. Three words: Shielded War Eagles. These beasts shoot through fire's medium units with ease. And Skyfire Drake is simply countered by shields. So how do experienced pure Fire players deal with frost t2? Is the spell 'Global Warming' worth the slot to counter the shields? Even though it is useless against basically all other decks which is not pure Frost... Let me know your thoughts on the subject. And feel free to comment on the current deck I am planning to use! All comments are more than welcome (:



PvP - Pure Fire Deck.png

Edited by Rubinovitsch
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I mean it's a viable choice for sure. It helps against pure Frost and Fire Frost to an extend, which are somewhat the hardest matchups in the game for pure Fire. Comes down to personal preference if you like to have this safety card for these matchups (they still remain difficult to play against in T2) or if you like to have another card for T3. Giant Slayer won't be able to defend everything there on his own. I prefer to play a very long T1, so I can drag out the early game to rise the void level. This allows me to almost skip the T2 stage, so I can finish things in T3 with Juggernaut. 

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Thank you for the reaction RadicalX, it is much appreciated.

Dragging T1 and rushing T3 sounds very pleasing to be honest. Also a valid point concerning the T3. Would you mind making a suggestion about what to add for making a solid T3? I think of dropping Global Warming and I can always drop the Mortar.

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Not Radical, but i think he'd say the same: don't drop the mortar, you need it to drag the T1, it makes defending against T2 much easier. T3 i can personally only think of Virtuoso. Then you'd have your jugger basenuke, giant slayer against XLs and an L counter wich is also good at counter attacks.

Edit: I never made use of global warming, there were only 2 or 3 really good frost players in 2012/2013, so that alone was why it wasn't really worth it. Maybe that's about to change...

Edited by SunWu II.
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I am one of the players who prefers to pick optional cards to alleviate weaknesses in my deck instead of making allready quite winnable matchups easier. pure frost and fire-frost are tough for pure fire, propably the hardest matchups for fire and so i would suggest playing global warming. pure fire usually doesn't have many issues with deckslots and i see large t1s in this deck quite a lot. should be possible to fit global warming in there somehow.

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Global warming is the best optional card if you KNOW that you play against pure frost. It makes the matchup much easier and makes the opponents desperate.. There is no single reason to not use it.

Otherwise in ranked its a useless & dead card slot if there is no pure frost meta.

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On 9/28/2018 at 5:16 PM, xHighTech said:

Global warming is the best optional card if you KNOW that you play against pure frost. It makes the matchup much easier and makes the opponents desperate.. There is no single reason to not use it.

Otherwise in ranked its a useless & dead card slot if there is no pure frost meta.

I think this sums it up quite well. Thank you for your insight.

On 9/28/2018 at 2:46 PM, LagOps said:

I am one of the players who prefers to pick optional cards to alleviate weaknesses in my deck instead of making allready quite winnable matchups easier. pure frost and fire-frost are tough for pure fire, propably the hardest matchups for fire and so i would suggest playing global warming. pure fire usually doesn't have many issues with deckslots and i see large t1s in this deck quite a lot. should be possible to fit global warming in there somehow.

But wouldn't you say that dragging the T1 can help Fire big time in facing T2 frost. So if that means you need a big t1 in order to pull that off, I think it is worth the deckslots, don't you?

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On 9/27/2018 at 1:02 PM, Rubinovitsch said:

Thank you for the reaction RadicalX, it is much appreciated.

Dragging T1 and rushing T3 sounds very pleasing to be honest. Also a valid point concerning the T3. Would you mind making a suggestion about what to add for making a solid T3? I think of dropping Global Warming and I can always drop the Mortar.

As others have said, don't drop the mortar if you want an extended t1. Virtuoso is a common pick for the 3rd t3 unit, but imo it's not really needed.

If you're worried about the pure frost matchup, another thing you can try is magma hurlers or magma spores. These are pretty weak cards, but also a bit undervalued.

When I carried either of those 2 cards (in fire nature, where they are a bit better because of t2 cc), if I was in a losing state vs pure frost I could usually go for a super early t3. I might lose a well or two, but magma hurlers really wreck war eagles. It's common for pure frost to have a large standing army, which means that you have a gap of desperation when sacrificing wells for t3 can work. A few magma hurlers take out the war eagles, and when frost goes t3 you'll probably have enough power to jugger.

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