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Lost account and all my cards??


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I'm having a BIG problem... The last time I played was a couple of years back. Started 2020 more or less and stopped playing 2021 probably, and now I wanted to continue but my account has no cards, no decks, no currency, what happened??? 1 year farming and buying and playing and I lost all???


Here's a forum post with screenshots and everything from when I started playing that at least proves that I WAS indeed playing and with things in my account. I had some really neat decks, with my favorite nature deck with Forest Elder, Colossus, Spore Launcher, Primeval Watcher, Grimvine and many other cards that costed me a lot of effort! I've even made a thread asking what's the future of this game wondering if all our effort would last the years to come... the irony...


Please help me, what happened, why did it happen and how can I regain everything??



Edited by Magnamuz
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If you haven’t logged in for a long time, your account was most likely reset when the beta ended. With the full release of Skylords Reborn in December 2020, there was a last and forever final reset.

There have been a lot of new additions though to make starting over more easy, such as achievements in various difficulties, daily quests, map of the day, PvP happy hours and more.

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1 hour ago, Jodekoek said:

I can send you some good cards to get you started if you want, though it is probably more fun to collect them all by yourself! Let me know your ingame name if you want some cards to get you started

Thank you, I didn't know that it was gonna get reset, the effort I put... So I'll take your offer, if not I don't think I'm up to doing all from scratch again  u_u

My ingame name is Magnamuz as well, do you need me to be online or is there a way to send through ingame mail? If not send me a PM here in the forum.

Any help is welcomed, how lovely community this is 🙂

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@Jodekoek First of all, we have to say that we think it's good when new players are helped. As we've already said, start-up help is perfectly fine.
However, Skylords-Reborn also has rules and we want players to have equal opportunities and not gain an unfair advantage.
There was nothing about a “ban” in my statement. However, we check transactions for legality, which cards have been transferred and to what extent, so that we can intervene if the transactions violate the rules. Everyone should know the rules so as not to run the risk of violating them.

To say that the rules are “ridiculous” is not fair.

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Basically, if loads of value changes hands with no return it could mean one of two things:

RMT, so someone paid real money or exchanged other things outside the game to receive the cards.

Or multiaccounting, where a secondary account just dumps valuables onto the main account.

So one-sided trades are always an eyebrow raiser.

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  • 2 months later...

Same issue here buddy, had some really neat decks which took alot of effort and time. I had a lot of fun bulding my decks upgrading card etc. but deleting all my precious decks was a brutal show stopper. As Battleforge did a huge plunder so did Skyforge Reborn, unfortunately. And today after installing and logging in motivated to play the new content just to remind me everything was deleted killed my mood in an instant and i immediately uninstalled the game.
Was fun before reset. Thank you but.. o7

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I completely understand it sucks to have your account reset, but I'd like to stress that this was always communicated from the start; during stress and beta tests there would be resets, and at release all accounts would be reset one final time. We have not (and will not) reset accounts post the release in 2020

We have also drastically improved the new player experience to make sure the game is less grindy. I don't want to invalidate any feelings of frustration to losing your collection, but it really is a lot faster to get the cards you want now compared to the beginning or the original game. And there is a ton of new content to explore after 4 years of active development, include new cards, new maps, and balance changes to improve multiple factions. It's definitely not a matter of ''BattleForge, but without all your cards''. Skylords Reborn has a lot to offer.


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