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Official PvE Event #14: The Amii Trials - Until 03.10.2024 23:59 CET


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Greetings Skylords,

With our new patch „Echoes of the Amii”, the team released two brand new and exciting two-player campaign maps.
And these two new maps are the maps you need to play in this official PvE Event: The Amii Trials



The rules are quite simple:
To win a Booster and/or one of the new cards you will need tickets.
With each ticket you increase the chance of a prizes . (But in the end its still a random draw)

There are 6 Tickets you can collect
1.       Finish Unexpected Visitors on advanced difficulty or higher
2.       Finish Unexpected Visitors on expert difficulty
3.       Finish Unexpected Visitors with only Shadow cards  314507966814486528.webp or Amii cards 1078328247617593354.webp (Difficulty advanced or higher)
4.       Finish Into the Jungle on advanced difficulty or higher
5.       Finish Into the Jungle on expert difficulty
6.       Finish Into the Jungle with only Nature cards image.png or Amii cards 1078328247617593354.webp (Difficulty advanced or higher)

To join the event, you just need to upload your replay to my website on the EVENT-Tap: https://t1421.de/
There you can also check which trials you already completed.

You can upload as many runs as you like. For example, you can first finish Unexpected Visitors on advanced with a Frost deck to get the first ticket,
then one expert for the second one and then again on advanced with a Shadow/Amii deck.

Of course you can also do all three challenges per map at once, with one Expert run + the deck restriction.

Both maps are meant to be played by two players. So as soon as one player uploads a replay, both players will join the ranking and receive tickets.
The deck-check is performed per player. That means you could get the ticket for playing a specific colour deck while your teammate will not.


The Prices scale with the numbers of players:
  25% of Players  |  25% of Players  |  25% of Players  |  25% of Players  |  50% of Players
     Energy Core             Skydancer         Amii Sentinal           Umbabwe          Amii Booster

  EC.png    SD.png    AS.png    UB.png   amii.png

So for example: if 100 people join, there would be 25 Energy Cores, 25 Skydancer, etc. A total of 150 prizes.
The more tickets you amass the greater likelihood for more and/or rarer rewards, but each player can win each prize only once. So you cant win 6x Energy Cores.


The summary:

Maps:                    Unexpected Visitors and Into the Jungle
Goal:                      Finish on Adv / Finish on Exp / Finish with a special deck
Until when:            03.10.2024 23:59 CET
Where to apply:    Upload the Replay on https://t1421.de/

Replays can be found in your Documents folder (C:\Users\xxx\Documents\BattleForge\replays\)


I hope you all have fun playing the map.

Ultralord 🎩


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  • Ultralord changed the title to Official PvE Event #14: The Amii Trials - Until 03.10.2024 23:59 CET
11 hours ago, DJKNITEX said:

Just started and this event sounds fun. Don't think I'm ready for this yet but I'm looking forward to the next ones!

I think you can give the "Advanced" runs a try when you made progress through the campaign 🙂
And no no worries: ATM I have events plant till end of Nov. (and more ideas in my head)

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