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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. There was a reset in mid December, because the game has now officially released. This means the Open Beta is over. There will be no more resets in the future.
  2. I don't know if something like this exists - I have never made my own map - but what about just making the unit, that is carrying the flag immune to mindcontrol spells? Would something like that be possible?
  3. Yes, because it defies the whole point behind the free PvP decks - to have a competitively viable deck without any farming of any kind. Giving them a time limit will force people to use them as time efficiently as possible in PvP instead of just play the way they like in order to ensure that they have a selfmade deck after their time ends. Giving them a limited amount of uses makes people less willing to play with them because it is like a consumable thing. The time/amount of games needed to build a PvP deck from scratch also varies heavily. E.g. a shadow nature deck will need way less expensive cards than for example a pure shadow/frost splash/nature T1 deck, which need 4 copies of a Harvester/Mountaineer/Shaman to bring them to deck lvl 120. Furthermore, if you already want to give them to people for long enough to make their own deck, why not let them keep the free ones in the first place? If they do not last long enough to build a full PvP deck, people who farmed more will have an, in my opinion unfair, advantage again. Aditionally, will people only have access to free decks until they can build a single PvP deck or a deck of every colour combination (10 / 16 decks, depending if you want each combination with different T1s or just one T1)? This would take even longer and bring your whole point even further ad absurdum. Only having one deck after the free deck phase is over will greatly limit your options of playstyle, making PvP way less interesting in my opinion, since you are then for a long time forced to just play one deck. tl;dr, I don't think this idea is really thought through. The current system is fine and should stay the way it is.
  4. I didn't "loose" anything, some prices are just shifted around. Making PvP decks limited in time/usage will only encourage multiaccounting, since people will create a new account, when their free decks run out. Also, I honestlt don't get what your problem with the free decks is in general. Somehow you complain, that with them people can farm gold without building a deck, and on the other hand you want people to farm to build a deck. So, please, explain to me, how and why the free PvP decks concretely make the game less enjoyable for you and also for so many people, that it would be a concern.
  5. Well, if you also want free decks for PvE I suggest you can play on the test server. Just taking stuff away from others to mkake yourself feel better is not gonna help anyone. Also, a lot of people play PvE also for the aspect of progression/deck improvement.
  6. Either like that, or just have a checkbox with a label "Display Booster price" or something, which you can (un-)check.
  7. Hey Maze, I have a feature recommendation for the display page of individual cards. It would be nice to have the option to display a straight horizontal line in the previous prices graph at a variable height. Why that? Because that way you can more easily compare the value of the card to the value of a booster. This can be used to check, whether your most recent booster payed off with the cards you got in it. Example: I pull a Deepcoil Worm from a booster (because green Worm is best Worm) and want to know, if its value is above or below the price of a booster of a certain type. Then I can go to https://smj.herokuapp.com/cards/deepcoil-worm and display a horizontal line at the price I bought the booster from (e.g. 350 for a normal booster without discount). This will make it easier to see, whether the card is above, below or oszillating around that line. This is only a small quality of live feature, but probably also not too much effort. Instead of having a variable height of the line, you could also just add a checkbox, which toggles a line at a fixed value (e.g. 350 and after booster price went up 450) on or off. Thanks for reading and for providing such an awesome tool!
  8. Actually, we do not have to speculate, when we can just use the SMJ tool developed by @Maze: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/6973-skylords-marketplace-journal-smj/ It has a feature, where it calculates the current average value of each booster type: https://smj.herokuapp.com/boosters As of right now, all of the boosters almost have the same value, with nature being slightly ahead.
  9. Wtf, I just now noticed that there are two firedancers on the loading screen - one promo and one normal. I mean, its not a big deal, but somehow this really came as a surprise to me right now!
  10. I love the idea! Maybe someone with experience with the map editor will like it as well
  11. Have you tried using Maulers yet?
  12. It obviously depends on what level you want to understand it. The basic mechanics are easy, getting a grip on the main objectives is also quite easy. Learning every matchup perfectly and bringing your decision making and micromanagement to perfection is very difficult and takes a long time though. I personally only played PvE in the old days, watched a crapton of PvP replays during the downtime and played around 50~100 games (including the Stress test and sparring matches) until now, and I would say I have a basic idea on what I'm doing and usually know, why I loose when I do, but I still got no shot against the best players. So don't be discouraged, if you loose most/all of your games in the beginning, that's just normal and will get better over time.
  13. This game is not at all hard to understand. You will get the basics after playing the tutorial and a few missions on standard difficulty. There is a bit of advanced stuff, but not a lot tbh, like how bound power and the vpid system function, which you will also learn rather quickly, especially if you ask experienced players for help about it. When playing with other people you will be able to pick up common strategies/combos. Only if you want to get into the details about speedrunning and knowing the ins and outs of all the maps, you will have to invest more time. And of course, more time will also make you better at the basics. If you want to get into PvP I would suggest checking out a beginner's guide before your first game, since not knowing what you are doing will result in a lot of losses at first. You can check out the PvP section in the forums for example. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the game. Have fun!
  14. Well, noone actively forces you to do them. The fact that yhey accumulate for a few days makes it even so, that if you want to do rPvE today, you can go ahead and do it and maybe do them another day without loosing anything. In fact, the whole system with different types of dailies has been put in place to bring you a bit out of your comfort zone and encourage you to play different maps, if you want to maximize the amount of BFP earned.
  15. You are looking at the damage type right now. You have to look at the letter next to the HP though.
  16. Well, if you got an irl job which yields say 10€/hour, you could make roughly 1000bfp/hour back in the day lol
  17. I just got a funny idea - spend a horrendous amount of gold (like 9.999.999) to get the gold version of a card. Basically the same unit, but all colors are switched to a single shade of gold, making it look kinda rediculous. But if we were to add skins of units, please make them PvE only, I don't want to learn 100 new skins for every unit. Some games (looking at you, Dota) change character skins more frequently than I change my underwear. So everytime I log back into the game after a period of not playing, a lot of stuff I know now looks different, basically making me have to learn the game from scratch again.
  18. Go to achievements window - hover over the progress bar with your mouse. You now should see, which mission are still missing.
  19. Holy crap, I just wanted to check, how many people are online in the forums and saw this. Needless to say, I'm impressed!
  20. Well that's the whole point of Achievments - you achieve them and you're done with them. Also, the rewards are just a little cherry on the cake, not a way to farm stuff. For example, in real life you also go to work to earn money and not marry over and over to live off of the money gifts.
  21. In general, I'm in favor of this decision. Also, not because I want to have a place to speak German in, but because I think games should not be dominated by a non-english language if we want to make it accessable to everyone, not only speakers of that language. I've seen this happen in many other games (*cough* CS:GO and Dota 2 *cough*) and it tends to lead to more toxicity in the community. Even though I am a German native speaker as well, I do not want this to happen. One thing we have to be careful about though, is to not make this split the playerbase into several sub-communities, which are separated by language. Our playerbase, especially the non-german part, just isn't large enough for that.
  22. Guess why? It's because the mayority of people want that change. To quote Blizzard's devs: "You think you do, but you don't." Without the decks pvp will suck. And people wont play it. Include top lvl people. An this will make it suck even more. See something?
  23. No. Just no. I want to have at least the feeling that I have a chance to compete and not get bashed by people with 120 decks that grinded for weeks. I dont have a lot of time to play and want to play fair pvp before the year of 2025. If this is implemented I will not play ranked anymore and lose the interest in this game within the next few weeks. Also this will make the ranked ladder a joke. It will no longer show you, who is the best player, but who has the most time and patience to grind. This will also turn off many pro players as well I'd guess. The game will thus die again faster than you can say Promo Lord Cyrian and we will be back where we were 5 years ago. And nobody wants that. tl;dr: No.
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