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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by Eddio

  1. I am really not sure what you mean by end of 2019 or what you mean by items but the dev team is working tirelessly on getting the open beta up and running. All things they do are necessary for the open beta.

  2. I wrote a couple though some might overlap with what was already said. :p 

    General quests/achievements:
    1. Beat a 2p map solo on x difficulty
    2. Beat a 4p map solo x difficulty
    3. Beat x map without using any 4 orb cards
    4. Do x amount of damage using spells
    5. Do x amount of damage using buildings
    6. Do x amount of damage using monsters
    7. Heal x amount of health to monsters
    8. Get the daily reward x ammount of times
    9. Beat x amount of enemys with boss afinities 
    10. Build x amount of orbs 
    11. Build x amount of power wells
    12. Place x amount of a specific card
    13. Use monster abilities x amount of times
    14. Kill an XL unit using a small unit
    15. Destroy x amount of shields
    16. Kill x amount of Twilight/Bandit/Lost Soul units
    17. Use a revenant doom ability
    18. Use a transform ability
    19. Gather x amount of power in x map
    20. In pvp kill a promo unit using a promo unit
    21. In pvp go to t3 before your opponent builds a second monument
    22. Do x amount of damage using x unit
    23. Absorb x amount of damage using Ashbone Pyro
    24. Destroy x amount of buildings using a unit with the siege ability
    25. Freeze 100,500,1000 units in matches (could be a nice excuse to give santa clause as an reward :p)
    26. Buy 100 cards in the marketplace
    27. Sell 100 cards in the marketplace
    28. Win a level 1 battlegrounds using only snapjaws
    29. Teleport a unit using a tunnel ability
    30. Use all Trick magic devices in Oracle correctly on the first time
    31. Open x amount of boosters
    32. Knock back 100/500/1000 units
    33. Have 4 orbs with different elements in a pve match
    34. Trade 100 cards

    (Map)specific quests/achievements:
    1. Switch the gate in Sunbridge shrine x ammount of times
    2. Win Guns of Lyr without any damage on the Rogans Stronghold
    3. Win the Dwarven Riddle without using the fire altar
    4. Win defending Hope without Rogan taking any damage
    5. Win the Soultree without Moon health getting under 50%
    6. Win Convoy without letting x ammount of walkers die
    7. Win Siege of Hope without letting any of the humans die
    8. Save all humans in Titans
    9. Win the Insane god without letting any of the priest or temples take damage
    10. Defeat Mo without any of the banzai birds exploding
    11. Win Nightmares end without losing any of the magic nodes
    12. Defeat the Red King in under 3 minutes after the battle starts
    13. In Blight defeat the ravenheart in under 15 seconds
    14. Destroy 10 Raven Scoutships in Raven's end
    15. Don't use the spell device more than 10 times in Convoy
    16. Win Soultree without letting any of the Lyrish Defenders die

    Endgame, (map)specific quests/achievements:
    1. Win any 2p expert map solo using the tutorial deck
    2. Win a 12p map expert with only one persons on each map and without using any spells
    3. Beat Guns of Lyr/Dwarven Riddle on expert solo without building any buildings(including walls)
    4. Beat lvl 10 battlegrounds solo without going higher than the second orb
    5. Beat all pve maps in under 3 hours
    6. Have 100k gold 
    7. Win 50 pvp matches in a row
    8. Destroy all 8 crystals within 3 minutes after destroying the first one in Dwarven Riddle expert solo

    Zyna, BurningWorld and Treim like this
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