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  1. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Balance changes to game   
    Just for clarification:
    1) EA introduced the idea of speedruning - there are also special ranks for it. So in consequence we will also try to make/introduce improvements for speedruns in Skylords Reborn
    2) We are not just 8 players - we are more then 20. In the past when new pve ranks were introduced a lot players were playing speedruns. Here in the forum we are maybe 8 that have the motiviation to discuss with players like you
    3) We dont leave and give orb and wells to other players -this proofs you dont have any clue about speedrunning. You would see disconnected in the rankings btw. This statement counts mainly for my speedrunning mates.
    4) It is possible to skip parts of the map because this are the conditions/procedure according to script  of the map- proofs again you dont know what you are talking about. Understanding the map is no cheat! If i dont need to finish side quests to finish the map i will not finish the side quests. I will focus in the main tasks.
    5) Like Lebovin explained some post before - there is a technical reason why amii-monument is working for soultree and not working for retreating-circle.
    6) Nobody is saying that the game is build for us - but why you should want changes to cards that you are not using in pvp? Your posts also show that you seem not to be really experienced in pve and thats why you dont should rate cards changes that affect pve mainly - i am also not doing this for pvp - like i said - change your cards for pvp but dont try to focus on pve also just because you are angry on the pve speedrunners and their Inputs ;-)
    7) In Consequence of 6) - balance change for mortar or nether warp healing bug etc. are fine for me. I am excited to see the discussions how to balance best. Is it not like that there also some players that try to keep their advantages for pvp because they are used to it? I hope you can finish balance discussions for pvp before Battleforge Reborn is released by EA :-).
    8) PVE needs also balancing - think of rpve/pve maps that you cant finish because your cards are to weak or impossible to get orbs
    Summary: You hate and dont accept pve speedruners. This is ok - i also dont care about players like you.
  2. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Ultrakool in Balance changes to game   
    Hey guys,
    Its great that this thread is so active and so many of you guys put in your time and energy to create constructive posts, but I’m starting to get the sentiment that things are starting to get out of hand and into flaming territory. It would be a shame to have to potentially hand out repercussions and so forth. 
    So please refrain from posts that are starting to be in offensive category, and give factual reply to what people’s opinions are. You can disagree with their opinion but you don’t need to do it in a way that  potentially attack their character or their person.
  3. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Halis in Balance changes to game   
    Speedrunning is much more about than simply using bad design of the game. First you need to create a efficient strategy. That requires much knowledge about the map and the cards in BF. The strategy will use the most efficient way to win the map. If bad game design allows you to finish the map faster, you include it in your strategy. After you got that strategy you need to perform it in the best possible time. Every unit needs to placed in time. You need to follow you strategy like a machine. If you place a unit 5 seconds to late, the run is over, you need to restart the map, because other could perform it better and beat your time. This is of course not everyones taste. If someone calls this hole process just "cheaty gameplay" then he does not know much about it.
    @Kilian Dermoth you do not seem to know much about speedruns. In fact you can not just skip a huge part of the story like Guns of Lyr or Soultree in the majority of the maps. They are probably just the most common speedruns. But still you left so many commend here. So who is the loud one here
    By the way the about the balancing: I think, the EA devs achieved their goal. It is not coincedence that Nature and Frost are bad for aggresseiv gameplay and fire suits very well for this. It is by design. Did you all watched the Battleforge tutorial?

    (The tutorial is also available in German)
  4. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    monument is the display text ingame.... sphere and token are the developers terms
  5. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Balance changes to game   
    Amii and Enlighten are examples for rule-bending cards. It's what they are supposed to do. You can of course disagree with the design but they are still working as intended.
    Also, straining the games mechanics is what speedrunning is literally all about. Learning patterns, exploiting them, manipulating them. Finding and min-maxing the most optimal solution that trumps all others. That is an integral part of the process that you are arguing against for nothing but the pipe dream of a "balanced" game operating on absolute commandments.
    As a side-point; I'd argue that mono-decks are suboptimal because of the fact that pure T4 is so lacking that mixing it up will almost always be straight up better. Are there even any mono-T4s in the game worth having without the support of differently colored cards? Green Forest Elder maybe but that's because Nature itself is such a powerful all-rounder.
  6. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Balance changes to game   
    oh thats why he is in 100 decks
    Look at the leaderboards there may be more active speedrunners, than PvP players because PvP players say they will not play until wipe, because they need all cards fully upgraded for PvP....
    and still only 53 people voted YES
  7. wanky liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Balance changes to game   
    Are you really playing a lot of pve? Because i am 100% sure a beginner will not be able to finish a lot of maps ( e.g. blight, guns of lyr, nightmare shard etc.) just because having amii-monument or enlightment in his deck.
    Why should expert maps just should be for experts? This makes no sence - also experienced beginners should get in touch with this maps and there should be cards that can help them to play it more like in a fun way without training every day. Also i dont think that this cards can totally compensate skill - i played thousands of pve games and still i often see players that have a so called "overpowered" deck but still failing around.
    The difference is that an experienced/good/skilled player can use this cards much more effective and get much more advantages from it. So i am sure i can finish maps faster/more effective without amii-monument in comparsion to a beginner/less experienced player that will use amii-monument. He will be happy that he somehow was able to beat the map and i am already thinking what i have to change for the next run to make it even more effective. And this is for me a good mechanic.
  8. wanky liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Balance changes to game   
    Please define what is balance in battleforge for you? With the existing cards and how they work you can create a lot of different tactics - so why i should want to have balance changes in pve? I dont see any balance problems in pve - many players here try to see problems/balance problems but what about to accept the current mechanism and in consequence how the game works. Is this not the reason why you like to play battleforge?
    I will give you some examples:
    -Amii-Monument - i have no problem to play with or without Amii-Monument - for speedruns for sure i will use it - but is this really a balance problem? For speedruns you can use every existing option to make the run faster...Also for beginners this card can be helpful to finish expert maps. So some players here think that the same content will be better just after changing Amii-Monument? This makes no sence for me to be honest. To playblight or rpve with or without Amii-Monument will not change the balance - expert maps are still easy to play without Amii-Monument. So you should accept the Amii-Monument like it is and you can use it if you want or dont use it if you dont want.
    -SOW - this card is perfect to make the game fast and it does fit to many different deck-colour combinations. So is it really balanching to change this card e.g. to 3x fire orbs? The consequence will be that less players will use SOW and just because some players think it is cool to play pure fire we will not have a better balanching. You should try to accept this card like it is and you can use it if you want or dont use if dont want. Also sow is a big help when you play with randoms players that have no clue about any void manipulation...
    For me all existing maps are easy to play - so it makes no sence for me to change some important cards just with the idea to bring more balance and indireclty making the maps somehow harder...The maps are still easy to play even with a changed Amii-Monument , SOW....Afer you may have the idea to change other cards like cultist masters , englightment, batariel....
    You just destroying the mechanics in this game we love it for...better concentrate on totally useless cards to bring more options for strategies in pve/pvp instead of killing core mechanics of the game...
    And to finish - what are normal speedruners? I am also a normal speedruner - just with a lot of experience. After you performed the changes i am sure that the same names still will be on top of the rankings - if you know how the game is working you also know how it will work without e.g. Amii-Monument or SOW.....
    "Of course, all time records for some maps should be count from last balance/map change patch" - this is somehow stupid - or not? How you want to know that a tactic of a player was affected by the last change???? So e.g. every month there is a balance change - so you have to play fastetst time again and again even if there was no change for the tactic???? And to be honest - some speedruns are hard to perform to get really the best time - i would not be motivated to repeat this every month again and again...
  9. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Balance changes to game   
    So you just care for pvp and not pve? In my opinion this is not the right way. Look at the votings - where are the big number of pvp-players that are waiting for the reset? Why they did not vote yet? I think the active community that also takes care of the game is small. So it would be a good idea also to take pve/rpve and also speedrunners into consideration for balance changes....if not you will reduce the active community even further.
    So for what reason the votings are running right now if decisions are already fixed by Kubik? Also i am sure we understand his reasoning but he also understands our reasoning? You should read more carefully - because if we would not understand his reasoning in some points we would not be able to discuss right now - right here. Anyway - go on - seems like all is said.
  10. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    Why do u guys keep coming up with this exaggerated example of the instant win card? I don’t ever requested you to introduce that, nor change an existing card into that. 
    if you play fastest ofc you should be ranked 1
    “no one expecting that card to exist“ read in current game (because every card is known) as „no one thought that strategy would work“ and you got the key to becoming first
    It would be compliant with the rules yes
  11. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    Well your examples address a different situation.
    In your examples the rules are always set and the player behaves against these  rules.
    But in BattleForge currently moving backwards in chess or using the car in the race (=exploits) is allowed.
    So you guys want a change of the existing rules.
    Well that doesn’t exist yet, and if you do it remains pvp, the npcs, like Minions in lol, remain secondary, primary the players fight each other with the minions as sidequest to get some kind of bonus 
    as this would also be listed in the map under pvp it should have pvp rules apply to it 
  12. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    Make it a visual indicator, like cards that were marked for tome decks.
    second point I don’t get, or how can a map be pvp and pve at the same time ?
    Well ofc because then other things automatically become the new best.
    But having a worse then previous best as incentive to get other players to play? Since you as experienced player can freely decide without the changes if u want to master a different slower strategy aswell
    Also: Look ah the amount of people who voted (- those with multi accounts) and
    where are the hundreds of eagerly waiting players out there ? Vote boys and girls !
  13. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    Well I don’t.
    If you like to finish the map slower then possible feel free to do so, but it doesn’t sound fair to me to inhibit other players freedom by changes that ensure everybody can ONLY play the slower way you like.
    (whilst my proposition keeps both options available)
  14. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Balance changes to game   
    Please define what is balance in battleforge for you? With the existing cards and how they work you can create a lot of different tactics - so why i should want to have balance changes in pve? I dont see any balance problems in pve - many players here try to see problems/balance problems but what about to accept the current mechanism and in consequence how the game works. Is this not the reason why you like to play battleforge?
    I will give you some examples:
    -Amii-Monument - i have no problem to play with or without Amii-Monument - for speedruns for sure i will use it - but is this really a balance problem? For speedruns you can use every existing option to make the run faster...Also for beginners this card can be helpful to finish expert maps. So some players here think that the same content will be better just after changing Amii-Monument? This makes no sence for me to be honest. To playblight or rpve with or without Amii-Monument will not change the balance - expert maps are still easy to play without Amii-Monument. So you should accept the Amii-Monument like it is and you can use it if you want or dont use it if you dont want.
    -SOW - this card is perfect to make the game fast and it does fit to many different deck-colour combinations. So is it really balanching to change this card e.g. to 3x fire orbs? The consequence will be that less players will use SOW and just because some players think it is cool to play pure fire we will not have a better balanching. You should try to accept this card like it is and you can use it if you want or dont use if dont want. Also sow is a big help when you play with randoms players that have no clue about any void manipulation...
    For me all existing maps are easy to play - so it makes no sence for me to change some important cards just with the idea to bring more balance and indireclty making the maps somehow harder...The maps are still easy to play even with a changed Amii-Monument , SOW....Afer you may have the idea to change other cards like cultist masters , englightment, batariel....
    You just destroying the mechanics in this game we love it for...better concentrate on totally useless cards to bring more options for strategies in pve/pvp instead of killing core mechanics of the game...
    And to finish - what are normal speedruners? I am also a normal speedruner - just with a lot of experience. After you performed the changes i am sure that the same names still will be on top of the rankings - if you know how the game is working you also know how it will work without e.g. Amii-Monument or SOW.....
    "Of course, all time records for some maps should be count from last balance/map change patch" - this is somehow stupid - or not? How you want to know that a tactic of a player was affected by the last change???? So e.g. every month there is a balance change - so you have to play fastetst time again and again even if there was no change for the tactic???? And to be honest - some speedruns are hard to perform to get really the best time - i would not be motivated to repeat this every month again and again...
  15. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Balance changes to game   
    I strongly disagree. At best I would like a pvp only balancing for existing cards. Keeping EVERYTHING as it is for pve, not just supposedly everything. 
  16. wanky liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    Update Titans Solo 16.06.1
  17. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Treim in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    Sunbridge solo: 14:03.7
  18. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by wanky in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    Empire 18.44.5 Done by Pritstift and me
    Dwarren riddle solo done by pritstift in 13.11.2
  19. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Treim in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    new all time record for Convoy: 5:52.3
  20. wanky liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    New time for slavemaster solo for the moment - 23.54.
  21. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by wanky in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    i need to laugh.  the 9.31 was after 5 trys. now thers a new time. GL bro

  22. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by wanky in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    GoL Solo New record done by myself.

  23. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by wanky in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    GoL 2player Old record annihilated. NEW Record 5.54.7
    Edit: GoL 3Player New Alltime 4.21.4 by Lebovin Pritstift and Wanky

  24. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by wanky in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    GoL New alltime record done.  btw. Thx for unbann our Team.

  25. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    to notify the pve speedrun community about the achievement and hence helping the post creator to keep this forum page up to date 
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