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Everything posted by Ladadoos

  1. Normally PvP matches don't go to T4, especially not in 1v1.
  2. As of right now the starting Free to Play deck (cards) and the tutorial deck will be the same. You can check this thread for more information about changes or things that will be kept the same: http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/topic/823-battleforge-reborn-course-set-out-by-devs/ The matching system is based on ELO as far as I know, and the longer you wait for a match-up the higher the chances are of how being matched with someone either lower or higher. What do you exactly mean with "will be decided on account of who picks nature"? What about nature?
  3. I think he is suggesting somekind of cap system in the upgrade system so that it takes longer to get your upgrades and makes people first do PvE and then PvP, since new people aren't good enough for PvP anyways according to him. The cap will make sure people will have to spend more time playing the game and therefore making the server have more members, according to him. I don't agree with this, but I think the reasons therefore are obvious. @kkrriiss Is this what you meant? If not, feel free to correct me. About what Silence said, try to use punctuation to structure your posts better (. , ! ? : etc..)
  4. Calls himself a fish even though his profile picture is a Grimvine.
  5. I know who would choose Stormsinger for sure... *cough* @YaBro0 *cough*
  6. As of right now you don't need to pay gold to remove upgrades, but you will need Gold to apply upgrades.
  7. There's a handy recruitment section in the forum, maybe you should take a look there.
  8. I don't think anyone would mind having that role
  9. I didn't know about that one, good to know.
  10. Damnit, why do I not have that ? I want it too
  11. This thread that I made a whole ago might help you: http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/topic/626-where-are-you-from/
  12. Doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're"
  13. By doing some math you could determine that, because we know what the current rates are (not final): 1th card: 19.5% chance ultra rare, 80% chance rare and 0,5% chance of getting a promo, 2th card: 20% chance rare, 80% chance uncommon, 3th card: 25% chance uncommon, 75% chance common, 4th card is uncommon, 5th,6th,7th and 8th card are commons [Source]
  14. I think he knows that and is trying to say that he isn't fully happy with that softcap system
  15. Since you love the thread/post count on the forum, I thought I'd let you know we are almost hitting 1.5k threads.


    1. veryhasted


      Oooh, nice. Haven't noticed that yet so thanks! Another thing to hype about! :hype:

    2. Dodotron


      I was watching it too! Let us :hype::hype::hype:

    3. veryhasted
  16. I just checked ingame and Dryad does indeed have 550 attack on U3.
  17. How many units/what units did you use ? And that does also seem to be true, the closer it gets to the enemies the more turrets fire, although that might be just because more units are in range. I just did another test where I had a LSS shoot at a moving Lost Shade and sometimes the LSS shot x3 times and sometimes x2 times, regardless of the distance between them...
  18. If there are more enemies the ship uses more of it's turrets to shoot. You can test it yourself.
  19. Did you keep in mind that the ship shoots a lot faster when there are more enemies, basically doing a lot more damage if there are more enemies to be shot at ?
  20. I pointed that out to @InsaneHawk almost 2 weeks back, seems like he still hasn't fixed it
  21. Assuming the Global Forum Rules are the rules for both ingame and forums, making multiple accounts is forbidden: "Duplicate accounts for any purpose whatsoever are considered to be an infringement of the rules." ( #8 Avoiding penalties ).
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