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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. "community-friendly"? so if someone figure out better strategy, the reward will be first page for few hours max, and then group of 4-8 people move him down by creating multiple teams and being just second faster. so no one will know who came with that new strategy. "by not looking" you think most players is capable of that? "like ... Dark Souls" really not all Dark Souls speedruns have any public data except the picture containing helmet and time. "correct deck" ? do not think new players can just do that even with replay, because they will not have all the cards anyway. Not even asking how you came to term "correct".
  2. oh forgot to react to "ping" in the title. so "ping" is not "latency" even with ping 1-3 ms you will have command latency 100/200ms because of game implementation and these latencies are not even correctly displayed in game
  3. "oceanic" server as in? Australia?
  4. And what did you expect? Server is located in France, and for now we have only one Game server.
  5. server is online 24/7 except restarts that take mostly under a minute each and occasional crashes that cause restart. So I think indicator if restart is in progress is not worth the effort.
  6. and did you consider the size of the game modification? and there was request to replace them weekly, or offer the list of them. I can not image it working I imagine it as 4 players start 4 different strategies and start screaming on each other that they doing it wrong.
  7. I still think integrating it to game is not best idea, because everyone would need to download all replays, so I think picking one of community portals to share replays would be better place, because you would have option to pick from possibly multiple strategies uploaded by multiple people. Integrating to game would need to keep concerns about size, because some people have problems with it, would need to also pick only single replay per map, or increase size again, while most people would not use them anyway.
  8. please add _launcher.log it should be in same folder as the updater.
  9. Not sure about the button look, but "normal" gray button with yellow text would be most probably possible. BUT we would need the replays, from players that will share them as their own decision.
  10. not bad, but if you manage to hide the "Demo" text, or change appid to 24760, it will look even better
  11. Kubik

    Gold Bug

    yes there is a bug, this message was added, because no one reported it I hope now someone recognize which gold is missing
  12. I just tested and did not get any error. can you please add _launcher.log from game folder, and C:\Users\<username>\Documents\BattleForge\Diag\log.txt (this one is replaced each time you start game, so please the one from the crash)
  13. did you see this new section? https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/forum/76-ban-appeals/
  14. Kubik

    2 acc on same IP

    2 acc on the same computer? no Even if 2 person using this same computer? no 2 acc on the same time at this same computer? no multiaccounting = more than one account per real player. so it could be 1 person with 2 IPs and two PCs
  15. everyone is allowed to share their replays, so when you get 1#you can share your replay with whoever you want. But we will not force people to do it, or share their replays without their permission.
  16. Kubik

    2 acc on same IP

    yes multiple players can play from same IP/PC whatever with one account per player. multiaccounting = more than one account per real player. Why so many people think "multiaccounting mean one player per IP"?
  17. Do not worry we will not show your speed-running, if you lose your replay and will want to share it (for a good reason, to not copy 1000s replays per day) we can copy you the server replay. Navarr said that many of these strategies are already on youtube, which is true, so I think it could be true that it is easy to repeat them. I was never anywhere on the tables, so I just do not know. For PvP replays it was decided that replays will probably be public at some point.
  18. NAME: chat line height not calculated correctly for new messages SEVERITY: 4 LOCATION: Right chat window REPRODUCIBILITY: ALWAYS DESCRIPTION: when chat window is wider than the default width, the game probably calculate how much space would be needed for the message in the default width, and reserve that much lines. First screenshot the message is just a bit longer, but create empty line. Second image the message is much longer and create multiple empty lines. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: resizing the window recalculate lines correctly for existing messages SCREENSHOT:
  19. I think you have same problem, but it is hard to say from your description, you could be running arm which is not, and will not be supported.
  20. Kubik

    32 bit

    Launcher is already build-able for 32 bit systems, so you need to wait for Hawk, or Aviator to update updater to pick correct launcher for your system. So in short not supported yet.
  21. sorry @Navarr I believe Trein on this one, so the answer is still no.
  22. You have a points that most "best" strategies (if not all) already exist, and that it should be about skill not knowledge, which is bit debatable, but with the first fact.
  23. Interesting opinion but I think most disagree.
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