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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. can you try `StartBattleForgeDev.bat` instead of `SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe` to see if the game will start?
  2. any logs? And what version of windows do you have? @RNG Golvigstein same questions to you. Any logs? and What version of windows you have?
  3. 🤔 would you be interested in showing us how to do that?
  4. 🤔 what existing afk checks are you talking about?
  5. Well on my PC 16x and 32x is no difference both are about 6-14x depending on how much is happening on the screen, and because I have specified vsync and FPS cap (that I am trying to enforce) so unless BF goes crazy (which sometimes happen) it can not go any higher than 16.6x. Technically there SHOULD NOT be any difference between playing at different speeds, because it just does list of operations, and then checks the timer and waits until next tick when it should do next list. Desync in replays have nothing to do with longer maps having higher probability of desync, because EA decided to use imprecise math, once the match desync, even if it is for players still not noticeable, the replay might desync too. And by the way is that on test server? I think replay desync messages did not make it to main server last patch 🤔 If you have replay that is inconsistent early and gives desync messages I would be interested in it, but I do not want to wait half an hour for single test.
  6. I mean 3-4 characters long numbers separated by comma and space for readability, but sure you can go crazy and say car requires 13 bits, upgrades and charges another 3, so you can do 80 hex characters, or use base64 and use only 56 characters... Problem is implementing that for our sides...
  7. 20 numbers is not too long, and I think making it semi-readable also for humans makes it much better
  8. why hash? Hash should never be reversible 😄 why not just list of card IDs?
  9. did you reconnect your headphones, or did any change to your audio devices when Battleforge was running?
  10. well I do not think I can do alt click and does not seem to make sense as chat command 😞
  11. well in that case I do not believe it being useful, if it would spam 20 or 50 lines no one would read it
  12. you mean like chat command? and in chat would appear something like: something like this? Or do you want button?
  13. @Vultagx you can search for promo or affinity, just write `promo:YES` or `affinity:fire` For your second point that is a good suggestion, should not be too hard, maybe @Zyna will use it as an test for next client developer, but do not get hopes too high, I am sure she have a lot of other small tasks to pick from. But maybe you can join the team and ask for it as your first task 🙂 from technical point of view it would be: just getting ID of the dragged card, and doing search for it with `id=346` (for Sunstriders), of course you can just write it to the filter yourself, but who knows all the IDs, but id filter is meant more for developers, or future automation like this one 🙂 It might be doable with just few lines of code actually 🙂
  14. adding an filter on server sounds easy will you do the UI?
  15. there is 3321 actions right now based on "https://hub.skylords.eu/?page=stats", and the fact that the bid is greyed out only make it obvious that there is no possibility to bid less than the buyout (which was possible in EA times to bid more than buyout, and then not receiving the card, because someone pay less than you bid, but used the buyout button). Do you want overbid feature also back? 1. there is a lot of them, and if there would be none it would mean there are no players with excess cards, and without all the cards. 2. Would change nothing people would just set it so that you can not bid less than buyout
  16. I would say that some entity was destroyed, in way EA wrongly handle and the memory where that entity was is reused but many places still expect there the entity 😞 so right now I do not se a way how we can fix it 😢
  17. how you know your issue is the same? 🤔 One thing you can try is entering correct email and password (using username and password is common mistake)
  18. You know that these files are not an actual XML, so knowing structure of real XMLs is helpful, but not necessary. And LUA is mostly defined by interface provided by the game, so knowing plain LUA is again just helpful, but I think anything more than function, calling a function, and creating string from numbers, is not really necessary. And if someone know any programing language all that can be figured out in minutes 😄
  19. logs please, ideally switch to upgrades, wait for it to unfreeze and send logs without closing the game, so I do not need to search it in the file
  20. Are you aware that this would mean we will need to maintain twice as much cards? (currently what players think of 1 card with 3 upgrades are 4 cards that do not need to have anything in common 😞 I mean literally U0 can be red building, U1 shadow spell, U2 nature squad of 6, and U3 frost squad of 2 battleships requiring only 1 frost orb. That was an crazy example, but only things keeping upgrades same is effort of balance developers doing the changes. So having PvE and PvP version of the card would mean much more effort for them) How would players test these cards outside of PvP? (Forge is PvE 1p, and there is no single player PvP map where players would be able to just test things. So players would lose the ability to test the interactions between these PvP cards.) Have you checked card descriptions in all languages? (Specifically RU have descriptions bigger than EN by about 25% on average, and can be much more in extreme cases. Some descriptions do not really fit well now, so how would you solve it for cards where is no space for longer description?) After reading these points do you think it would make playing PvP harder for players by needing to know things they can not test, and have short vague description at best?
  21. no one have time to look up up tutorial how to help you, you need to reconfigure or disable one drive https://discord.com/channels/173414671678832640/594960603874066432/988184723429916672
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