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Status Updates posted by DyonisX

    1. Happy birthday LiNcKz and
    3. marcel !
  1. Hey guys I'm new here <3 Call me Dyo~

    1. Deadman


      Hello and welcome to the forum. :watermelon:

    2. DyonisX
  2. Those who are about to die, we salute you!

    1. BionicReaper


      Where that might be from :kappa:

    2. Kaliber84


      Morituri te salutant. My father used to tell me what it means to look cool in front of me XD

  3. English forum mate

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DyonisX


      It was towards the guy who introduced himself in french

    3. Ladadoos


      Thanks captain obvious :kappa: 

    4. DyonisX
  4. Hey guys, world of warships just added a refferer system, where you get 2 free ships and a ton of free xp to unlock ships just by playing on an account that is created using this link, so if you want to play with me or just alone and get an actual headstart that matters, register using this link: 


    1. BionicReaper


      Who gives a f@ck son? :kappaross: 

    2. DyonisX
  5. Hey, I see that you are the one editing the wiki, I wish to help out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deadman
    3. DyonisX


      @Eirias Very active mods :kappa: ok I'll tell ya

    4. PrivateHorny


      @DyonisX Haha, only took me 4 years to reply, sorry^^
      As "blanc" stepped down from beeing lead developer, I basically lost all access and communication with the team.

      I havent contributed, or been active in the forum ever since.

      Hope you found the right guy.

      Best regards,

      Mr. Horny

  6. I need someone who is managing the wiki to allow me to edit it if possible, it looks like shit (pardon my french), a ton of grammar mistakes, not enough linkers between the pages, lack of info, etc.. I love editing wiki's so I'd love to be able to edit it!

    1. Eirias


      @PrivateHorny Sorry I never did write those wiki articles, but I've been a bit busy. PM me with a list of articles to write, and I'll get to it when I have some time. Also sending you a notification to this status because this fine gentleman is volunteering to edit!

    2. BionicReaper


      Wow son! You're actually a good guy? I'm surprised :kappa:

  7. Looking for someone to play world of warships with I'm tier 6 

    1. Kaliber84


      oh man i stopped quite some time ago (was T4 or T5 i think). if you find some more people i'd be ready to start again.

      otherwise i'd be up for world of tanks again (T8) ;)

    2. DyonisX


      There's no point having more than 3 people lol

  8. shoutout to @EranShoval for bringing me into neutral

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. SunWu


      People felt that their sense of justice got disturbed. Someone misbehaved and got punished by red reps. Then person X comes along and thinks: he shouldn't be punished. He gives out positive reps for irrelevant posts to ,,restore justice''. People who thought that his original punishment was justified didn't like that.

      Just trying to explain, it shouldn't really matter too much, though. If someone puts in positive work in the forums, it is only a matter of time to balance out red reps.

    3. EranShoval


      @SunWu II. To be honest i think there is no way back from negative rep. People will be like he's a bad community member and even if he did something good they won't give him any reputation.

    4. SunWu


      @EranShoval There might be people that think/act like that, but most don't imo. Some might even think in the opposite direction (,,This guy has a negative reputation eventhough he puts out a quality post like this? I will give him a like even more now'')

      No way back from negative reps? If you don't change the way you interact with others, of course not...but do you think Lada or Ultra still had below zero if they started with -10 a year ago ? No, they would have shaken those negative reps off within days or weeks.

  9. Update Nyn you scrub

    1. Drifter


      glad to know you like it ;)

    2. anonyme0273


      Be careful @Drifter, the hype can consume your players and change them into aggressive game-hungry monsters... like everyone on this forum actually. 

    3. Ultrakool


      Well anon most of us are only passive-aggressive for BF ;) 

  10. We almost have OVER 9000! members.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. anonyme0273


      I don't remember seeing it, but if it is true, it's shameful. Just because of ones reputation doesn't mean everything he says is sh*t, just like everything coming out of a keyboard of  someone reputable isn't gold.

    3. Ultrakool
    4. anonyme0273



      Either way 9000 is drawing close. :hype: 

  11. Why are people suggesting things that are already in the game lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DyonisX


      Why would you even bother asking about stuff like this if the game isn't even playable yet, why would you ask about buying cards when you can't even download the effin game, if you're new to the game you shouldn't even know what there is and isn't so you shouldn't start suggesting stuff in the first place

    3. Ladadoos


      Because of :hype: 

    4. DyonisX
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