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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. Do you see them ingame but can't start them? If they are from a previous game version (i.e. from last patch), you cannot play them currently.
  2. Do you mean enemy factions or player factions?
  3. You should check your "config.json" file in you Documents=>Battleforge folder. In there you will find the currently selected resolution.
  4. You can try to look into the BattleForge folder in your documents directory. In there is a subdirectory called "map". Try finding the .pak file of the easter map in there and delete it, then restart the game and try again :)
  5. Oh nice, Omelie is the creator of Twisted Legends? I love that map! It recently crashed for mw sometimes, so I might message you about it at some point 😛
  6. I think so, yes, as this would also allow to modify the source to do things like check multiple replays at once and get statistics from them.
  7. OMG! He is alive! Did you check out the 2 year anniversary video yet? It recaps the time since release very well 🙂
  8. Short answer: workload. https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/forum/89-contribute-to-the-project/
  9. Talked with @Volin a bit about it a bit in Discord. Resource Booster is probably not even needed. Also, if you have both editions of WBG, you can probably even ditch Rifle Cultists+Offering. This offers slots for Frenetic Assault 🙂
  10. I have used a similar deck before. It uses Jorne as ground presence, as he has the highest Health Pool other than Spore Launcher and Moloch (effective HP). The idea is to place 2 purple Kobold inc.s and then use it to spam WBG in front of the camps, using Offering to regain charges. Once the camp is clear, you can switch the WBG to heavy snowball mode and use it for later camps, too. (Credits for this go to Wanky, I once copied the deck screenshot from him (-: )
  11. until
  12. The playtests were already very exciting, can't wait to try the final version!
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