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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. That Manabeast ... it has such beautiful eyes ... 🙂
  2. Gz 😄 Mountaineer-themed-deck-random-rushhour when?
  3. In the past, most events are usually PvE events with only very few PvP events. There are also a few more PvE events in the planning stage currently.
  4. Wow, there are already some really strong names in there, which didn't even make it into the top 5! It must have been really competitive up there then. The winner reveal will be so !
  5. It should be your name, not mhiko 😄 the 0.6 seconds you can mention in chat, but the replays will be double-checked anyways.
  6. And even beyond the Skylord/Invested Tier lies the Kapo tier. (It has a boot as icon 🙃) Thanks for the guide!
  7. Hey Kamelot, on challonge you are listed as #16, because people who left earlier are automatically placed at the end of the list. (https://challonge.com/688mgc9y/standings) Leaving early disqualified those people from participation rewards, but not from ranking rewards. Since some of them managed to score points before leaving, they landed in the top 16. Sorry for the cofusion.
  8. As announced in previous Community Updates, there are some new Stonekin cards in the making, which will help to make Stone Launcher, or Stonekin buildings in general, better.
  9. Hey Ferdi, can you maybe add labels to your sketch to show which buildings and walls you mean with "building A", "Wall B", "Gate 1" etc? Alternatively, you could try to create the terrain and layout of the map already in the editor, this would probably be even easier to understand. You can even share the .map file, maybe someone can help with the scripts then 🙂
  10. So the answer to "is such a mode possible" is "theoretically probably yes, but not yet doable with the current map editor"?
  11. So something like a 4 player community map, that in reality is a 4 player PvP free for all could be doable?
  12. More info about the technicalities will follow when a post for Phase 2 will be made, but it will probably all be run on my Desktop PC. If you manage to use some fancy algorithm like reinforcement learning with the API, I think that would be fine, but please wait for Phase 2 for more concrete info.
  13. Hey everyone, the tournament is over! It was a blast, thank you for everyone who participated and congratulations to all the winners! Here are the final rankings (The players marked with an X have won one of the random draws): Prizes have already been sent out - if you did not get your's, please DM me as soon as possible so we can figure it out! Big thank you again to @triggz for helping oragnze this event and to @Eirias for hosting the stream (Which you should definitely watch if you didn't catch it live! You find it on his YouTube channel). See you all in the next event! 🙂
  14. Nah, there was a bug/weird interaction earlier making people download 5k+ files. It has been fixed now and should be much less.
  15. Difficult question. I think Shadow Phoenix itself is not too strong, but in combination with other cards (Embalmer's, FoF, ...) it is super strong. In such cases it is difficult to find a good balance.
  16. Quick update: The tournament will start at 15:00 CET, not CEST.
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