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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. Hey all, I have a quick announcement to make: We will extend the deadline of the event! Instead of ending this month, you will still have time until the end of the year to finish your bot! The new preliminary deadline will be the 5th of January 2025, so you have a bit of breathing room after New Year's day to hand in your bots. This also means, that you still have lot of time to get started, even if you didn't have any time to start yet! Happy coding!
  2. Thanks for clarifying! Is the time for the score measured in seconds btw?
  3. There is one 🙂 check out stats.skylords.eu
  4. Maybe we have to find some cool decks, where solo Umbabwe with spell support will take out camps, like a mighty warlock.
  5. What if instead of forcing the difficulty players had the choice and get better rewards for higher difficulties, e.g. 50 for std, 75 for adv, 100 for exp?
  6. Wish granted! But now every enemy plays Protector's Seal! I wish Brannoc and Viridya would get along better.
  7. I haven't played the game on a steam deck yet, but I have played it with a gamecube controller on a (Linux-) PC before. It required some fiddling around and essently I just mapped the analogue stick to emulate a mouse. Maybe something like this is viable on the deck as well?
  8. Isn't the same true for Firedancer?
  9. I don't know for sure if any new ones are currently planned, but I would guess, that there will eventually be new ones at some point, especially with new campaign maps coming out soon. You can also suggest new ones e.g. here: Or here:
  10. The two biggest benefits I see of having the DP20 value on the cards are: 1. Visual consistency: It makes all unit cards, which can attack look similar. 2. Ease of comparison: If you see the damage per hit and attack speed of one card vs. another and the attack speeds don't match, you would have to so the math in your head to figure out which one is stronger. With DP20, even if it is inaccurate, you can compare those two cards more easily. This is even more true for comparing ranged vs. melee (where the melee DP20 is an average anyways). I personally prefer to have a lower value for cards like Battleship. If I see something like 2k dp20 and test it 1v1 and the damage is low, it makes intuitively sense. And if I then see, that it has a multishot-like ability, I would test it in AoE/multitarget situations and see, that it is much better there. If it was the other way around and said something like 7k dp20, but doesn't hit nearly as hard as e.g. Abomination, I would think the card is bugged or I am doing something wrong. Maybe we could split the descriptions of cards like Battleship/LSS to list their version of Multishot as a passive ability, similar to Windweavers? (Sorry Corsair for yet another ability 😅)
  11. The news about Restoring Lyr and a new PvP map sound really awesome! I hope I will soon have a bit more time for the project again, so I can play the game a bit more and host some more events. Let's hope IRL things calm down a little bit in the near futer 🙂
  12. I did not say we don't need your help, I just wanted to inform you that currently noone is working on that. If you want to improve some texts/translations, feel free to do so and share them in the forums, maybe it could make its way into the game. Just beware though, that substantial changes to the text that affect the content of passages instead of just style/fixing errors might require translations to FR/RU as well.
  13. It mostly depends on what standards you apply. If you just want to make a small side project and use the automated map-decorator for textures/small deco objects and not use too many map scipts, its fine. But if you want to introduce custom mechanics via scripts, make all the map art yourself and really polish even the finest details and make sure the difficulty is balanced well in all difficulty settings, it really does take a long time.
  14. You can become a translator/proofreader without joining the core dev-team. As far as I know, there is currently no effort ongoing to rework existing (lore-)texts, unless there are clear errors in there, which could impact gameplay (e.g. wrong card descriptions, but not writing style in the card legends).
  15. Hey all, thanks again for participating in the event and big thanks to @Ultralord for hosting such a nice stream and to @R4bitF00t for creating the map for us to play on. The map will obviously stay available as a community map, so even if you missed out on the event, you can still play it! Here are the final rankings again: And here are the winners of the ranodm draws: I also sent out the rewards via ingame mail. If you did not receive your reward yet, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can sort things out. This concludes all business with this event, see you all in the next one!
  16. https://www.twitch.tv/Ultralord_T1421
  17. Hey all, we finally have a stream date! The stream will happen on Mondat, 27th May 2024 at 19:00 CEST on Ultralord's Twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/Ultralord_T1421).
  18. Hey all, sorry for the long silence, I had a lot going on IRL in the past week. Since you all have been waiting so patiently, and the winner reveal stream is still in preparation, here is already a teaser for the rankings: Note, that the top 5 of each category will not yet be revealed, to keep a bit of tension 🙂 So if you did not find your time/score yet in this list, there is a high chance you made it at least to the top 5! Stay tuned for more info on the stream and your rewards!
  19. For official maps this button should not be clickable and greyed out as in Ult's screenshot.
  20. Just a quick update on the mini-tournament we had so far: In March, Ultralord's "FireBot" reached the top of the rankings, but at that point he was still the only contestant. In April, we saw more bots enter with a preliminary version. This time it was a tie for the first place between Ultralord's "FireBot" and Bergerb's "CsRushB". Stay tuned for the results of May's mini-tournament!
  21. Would have to check on my PC, but over 20 for sure. I also always love hosting those! The Community maps in BF are really underrated imo. The rework of the UI in the community map section was one of the best changes in the past few years imo 🙂
  22. From the replays I got thus far, it seems to be a pretty even split between offense and defense.
  23. Transcendence combos quite well with decks, which use a lot of units in T4, such that you want an aoe damage buff rather than a single target buff like Unholy Hero. Examples for this would be Deathray, Rifle Cultist spam or even Emberstrike decks. Especially for Deathrays this works well, since they require lots of healing when using their ability and Transcendence buffs that too. Deathray+Overlord+Transcendence+Regrowth could form the core of such a strategy. Tranquility is a more PvP oriented spell. Without it, Amii decks have a hard time fighting large melee units in T2 like Vileblood or Lost Reaver. Tranquility allows you to chain-CC them while also increasing the damage they take. It can also work as a cheap buff+heal to support tactics like burrower split attacks.
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