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Posts posted by Aviat0r

  1. Do you still have the original ZIP archive? If yes, that's perfect. Otherwise you'd need to download it again. Then you should try to reextract the game files from it. It seems that you accidentally removed/changed some other files or they got corrupted by something else.

  2. This is unfortunately not possible. The game doesn't have a reconnect feature and it's possible that we won't ever be able to implement such a thing. EA initially didn't add that to their game. It is on our backlog to check that, but this is also a lower priority compared to other things we're working on.

  3. Did you really install DirectX9 completely? The setup consists of multiple steps whereas the first step is only the extraction of the actual setup. Please check that out again. Also make sure that your graphics adapters are up to date. 

    As a next step you could also try to delete your config.json in your Documents\BattleForge directory.

  4. Could you try to remove all files starting with "sr-" in the subdirectory base\pak\ ?

    It's possible that there have been some recent changes which were only supposed to be valid for the test server but became active on the live system. Maybe these files cause a kind of crash on your systems.

    If this doesn't help, try to remove/backup the config.json file locates in your Documents\BattleForge directory. Let me know if this helped you guys.

    Fimion and Yunaikan like this
  5. I'm glad that you think about security aspects in our software. And you're indeed right with what you say. Admin privileges are actually a "No Go" for today's software.

    The Updater itself doesn't need any administrative privileges in the system. The fact that it still forces the user to start it like that is a problem from the past where we were still in the development process of how the packets were sent to our server instead of the EA ones. Fun fact ... even the EA BattleForge Bootstrapper required admin rights. 🙂 

    In the past, our little piece of extremely important software (let us call it Injector for now) was started along with the BattleForge executable and injected itself into the BattleForge process. The injector itself was invisible for the user and ran as a background process. The injection however was only possible with admin privileges since you have to call a method where you need those privileges. Otherwise the method call would fail. We decided to transfer those permissions over to the Updater since all processes called by it will also start with the same privileges (also called AsInvoker in manifest files). The reason for that was, that the user doesn't get a system popup for a software he can't see (the Injector) and maybe denies the execution of it. If he would, the game wouldn't start and connect to our servers at all. That's for the history of the injector.

    Unfortunately at some point there were some pieces of information which got stored afterwards at some places on the user's PC which can only be accessed with write permissions when the software will be started with administrative privileges. This wasn't the intention in the beginning. And the information isn't stored by the Updater, but by the game. That information will need to be stored somewhere else before we can remove the admin rights request for the Updater. But we're of course in the process of doing so. I actually expect an update for the current Updater in the upcoming days/weeks to remove that whole thing.
    Side note: I was always against an Updater which needs that high level of privileges. Some users (and I count myself to that group of users) don't like software, which require these permissions, at all. And maybe that's also a reason for them to not use that software.

    When we remove those permissions, we need to make sure, that the Updater and the game can access all files with all needed permissions. That's also the reason why our installer doesn't accept directories as installation location which are protected by Windows. Those locations are however hardcoded.

    I hope you can live with the fact that it requires those permissions for another few days or weeks. They will for sure be removed in the near future.

    Sneak preview: The new Updater won't have that requirement at all.

  6. Did you install any new software or drivers (maybe with Windows update) when this started to happen? Did she change some settings in the game? These are the first things you should look for.

    Of course you could also start with deleting the game configuration, but I think this would be too early if you want to find the cause in case this happens again in the future.

    Yunaikan likes this
  7. Most bugs and crashes have been fixed, yes. In rare cases it can happen, that you game crashes due to map script bugs which already existed in the original game. We're in the process of also fixing them. Also client related crashes might still be possible. But if your system is working correctly, then you shouldn't experience any problems. The servers didn't crash in months now.

  8. Never heard of such a problem before. Where in the TaskManager did you check if the BattleForge process is still running or not? If the game has no active window anymore when you closed it, you can only see the process running in the "Details" page (assuming you're using Windows 10). Otherwise it is called "Processes".

    Check there if you can see a process called BattleForge.exe. If this is the case, you can try to kill that and restart the game. There shouldn't be any reason to create a new Windows user profile only to be able to start the game a second time.

    So the problem might be, that the game doesn't close for you correctly when hitting "Exit BattleForge" ingame. You have to check why this happens. Try starting with some graphics settings (lower them). Check if some processes might still access the BattleForge process. Like anti virus software and such things. Without any more details we don't have a chance to help you there. At least I don't.

  9. We officially released Skylords Reborn back in December 2020. At this point there was the long awaited reset of all accounts to keep the game fair to everyone. In the past (before the release) there have been bugs where players could get more Gold and BFP and also cards like players could get now.

    Every player had to start from scratch. But be sure, it makes a lot of fun.

  10. 12 hours ago, rorito97 said:

    Hey i am having a similar problem. i download the game on my laptop it updated everything that needs to be done so that i can play but when i hit the play button this error pops up. i attached a photo of it please let me know what i need to do. 

    Not really a good move to seize a topic of another person. But since I'm now answering anyways, I'll tell you one thing here. Check out our troubleshooting topic. Especially point 7.

    If you still have problems after checking that, please open up a new thread.

  11. We're currently discussing your problem internally but I can't promise if we can find a solution for your problem. Maybe report back if you're good to go with your laptop for a first step. It has to be some hardware/software related problem on your PC. The installation process seems to be fine since you got it to run on your laptop and know how things work.

    You should in a first step definitely check your drivers if they're up to date and working without problems. Mostly graphics card and chipset driver. You should be able to find the chipset driver on the manufacturer's website of your mainboard.

    Another thing you could maybe try is to limit the BattleForge.exe process in the TaskManager to one core of your CPU. Simply right click the process on the "Details" page and click "Set affinities". There you should select only a single core in that window and hit "Ok". Try to restart the process. If it doesn't work on the first or second try, you're probably unlucky since restarting the PC will revert those settings.

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