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About Aegis1020

  • Birthday 08/16/1994

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  • Location
    Jura, Switzerland

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  1. Wish granted, but everything will eventually uprise against your tyranny. I wish Fiki and other devs sometimes have a break to play BattleForge.
  2. Granted, then Coreykun joins SCP, discovers you have super-power and contains you. I wish to have a sexy female sex-friend.
  3. Welcome @Kubik, and good luck on your hard time building up that server
  4. Almost as anoying as in Bad harvest Jorne to Rogan in King of the Giants "What ?! How much for these wretches ?"
  5. 2672 The avatar of frost takes down the skyfire even without gravity surge, but always with great respect due to either skyfire, moderator and player This is called a palindrome, I summoned one earlier. I love them
  6. half right ^^. It's Virydia in Soultree, at the very beginning. Virydia in Soultree. "A disciple in the north in being infected"
  7. Nobody will blaim you for delaying (again) open beta, we are so happy to see one of our favourite game back to life after 5 years that we can wait weeks, even months until open beta. I definitly agree with you about not giving precise date, this causes more problems than it solves, and more importantly it is a source of disapointment when delayed (I'm pretty sure everyone will agree with that). We don't need a precise date, you will open the beta when you will be ready, we trust you about that. I feared in the last few days that the devteam went in the same situation than in january, when they (especially Fiki) spent too much energy on the project and eventualy undermined both their mind and body. And I have been moved when I read that it happened to the entire team. I (and nobody, I take that) never wanted that someone would loose his/her health in the process. We want everyone to ultimately see the world of Nym again busy with the war between the Twilight Curse and the humans, Blight and his Reavens chasing Mo, the Lost Souls invasion beeing driven off,... And for that, we need a project team. ALIVE AND HEALTHY! At the end, I would say that you don't have anything to apologize about. Eventhough you had been too enthusiastic, we share this responsability with you, and I won't complain about that . You have done your best from the beginning, and nobody can criticize you about that. We won't request more, we won't request the impossible. Take the time you need, keep up the good work, and we will keep the up while waiting! Oopsy, no more forum! Thanks to the skylords, it didn't happened
  8. 2611 I think this is the right number. I hope so...
  9. 2609 damn, I should use my brain more often
  10. If I need some 3D models, now I know who to talk to ^^. Nice job.
  11. My first and eternal love will ever go to frost. When you can freeze the ennemy army, how could you loose ?
  12. 2536, 78 after my last participation in this game.
  13. 2458 In the way of a true Skylord
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