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Everything posted by SilenceKiller99

  1. That would be really nice! Thanks for your very helpfull information. This will make me more aware of the fact that some units are just worse than the card says. What might have caused the strange values, is that phenomic tested all cards on the same unit (or test dummy unit) which was coded with a size. For example with the bandit sorcerers they might have tried it on a unit or testdummy which had S size, and therefor they typed the damage on the card with the 50% bonus for the correct size.
  2. @Yinpoukeen You might wanna give an example, like this: (Enjoy my beautiful paint skills ) Btw: when I was choosing the card to give the example with, I saw that a lot of cards actually give a strange number. Can someone explain me why? For example Windweavers have 10 attack, and shoot every 2 seconds. So when a squad of 6 shoot every 2 seconds you get 60 damage per 2 sec --> 600 damage per 20 sec. Still the card says 480 in the under-left corner.
  3. He means its the correct damage, but its over 20 sec. So its not the impact damage per hit, its the damage from all the hits in 20 sec. I think the part he wrote in the quote you have is right, but you misunderstood it.
  4. that is indeed a very good option. You could also do the 'reset' option, but with a few rules: Resetting would cost a price (for example bfp, or gold, which will be untradeable, so you will have to work for it yourself) Resetting is only possible once in a certain time (like once a month, or once every 250 pvp games or something) Also there could be a system that your stats would visually reset, but you would still start playing on the same elo after the visual reset. Or after a reset, the next 10 games your opponent will see a sign 'this player has recently reset his stats' thing. Or all of the above xD
  5. @YaBro0 & @Eirias I kind of disagree with your mindset here, of course you are right about it though, so I won't blame you guys or something . But I like to watch eirias and farrocks replays just for fun. So it doesn't really matter if there might be some mistakes. And the people who watch those videos to 'get better' and notice these mistakes, probably are already really good players. Also, if you notice the mistake or thing there is a better way to do/counter something, than you learn from it as well, so its not that bad. I think we have a match xD when will the first replay/commentate video be uploaded?
  6. @Darian DelFord OMG please do so ! ! ! =
  7. As you can see in this video, made by @Eirias , Virtuoso is actually viable as a siege unit. Although Juggernaut is not compared in the video, it wouldnt be fair either, because virtuoso is way cheaper than jugger. Also virtuoso is able to play in fire splashes, so you can support him with warriors death/life weaving (shadow splash) or homesoil (frost splash) or heals and cc (nature splash), while jugger is not and you only have dissenchant to support him really.
  8. life weaving? in a fire T1? cool I dont know, you still have power to defend, if the fire guy has power for a sunderer + buffs
  9. Just thinking of this: If you play nature T1, and you are up against lets say fire T1. Fire T1 core units are scavenger, sunstriders, thugs, firesworn, sunderer (with eruption and maybe mortar). Lets say you play on haladur and you are fighitng for the middle wells/orb cluster. If the nature guy drops this tower, almost all of the units above would be useless... It might be hard to pull of, because of eruption while building and so on, but if you get it up, its like almost unstopable
  10. Can someone explain what happens with power if you cancel the build of an orb. You lose less power, right?
  11. First time I see this post. I am very interested in your guide already.
  12. Bad design is a bit to much I think... It's a not so usefull card, but if you think like that you can call all the non PvP cards bad designed.
  13. @Eddio People hating other music xD
  14. thats a really good point you have there.
  15. Are you sure about this 30 seconds? The description says until the unit dies.
  16. Yeah, I use that site a lot. But it was just not clear to me. 'Turns the target into a dying breed.' Does this affect the target unit with any debuff or disable or something? 'The affected player may not play out any more cards of the same kind (tainted)/card(gifted) as long as the target unit lives.' Does 'the same kind' mean the same unit? Or all the cards that are called soldier (when casted on a soldier) or all the cards that say forestkin (when casted on a forestkin creature). Also note that the tainted version says 'same kind' while the gifted version says 'same card'. What is a kind? This is not true, the version have different descriptions about the effect.
  17. Someone maybe has a video to make clear what this card actually does?
  18. Just for your information, the balancing does not have to be done by high lvl players. For example, the balancing in League of Legends is done by people who play Silver niveau (which is average) as far as I know. The testing though, must indeed be done by highly experienced players, and also a few very creative players (to find hidden combinations and that kind of stuff).
  19. I have never even seen this card ever... And I think it is confusing and the effect is the following (can someone please confirm this): It is a permanent buff to a unit, whether it deals 1200 it will regenerate 1500 health over 10 seconds at U0. At UIII it will be triggered at dealing 1000 damage and will regenerate 1650 health over 10 seconds. If this is it, it sounds really strong, but not sure if it is really worth in T4 for 120 power. Weak in 1v1 PvP anyways (because of T4) and might be viable in 2v2 PvP, but is a bit to situational in my opinion. It would be strong in PvE I guess... right?
  20. @Valaraukar Why don't you have a pic of a Balrog than? Would be cool, right?
  21. pretty strong as far as I have seen in replays. Would mauler disable his attack while he is rooted?
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