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Status Updates posted by Asraiel

  1. Deam did you smoke to much weed? or wy are you a High Lord :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deadman


      He is also a Minor WaterMelon Lord :kappa::watermelon:

    3. BionicReaper


      What do you mean "Minor" :kappaross:

      Btw have you followed me just to bad-mouth me on my every post? :kappaross: 

    4. Deadman
  2. Gonna be a bit less often in Forum. gonna play Mass effect andromeda hope it is as good as the other or even better.cya

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asraiel


      will see i loved it played from 1 to 3 all. but what is called multiplayer ist realy a multiplayer in the old 3 was more a koop fighting with 3 buddys against several waves of enemys. but did play last month a lot of me3 so hope its like me3 or better

    3. Aegis1020


      I play ME Andromeda since it's released. For now, it's not bad, it's just a copy past from the previous trilogy (not necessarily in the bad way), you will not be lost :P. But it's pleasant to play, I like discovering a brand new galaxy. Have fun ;)

    4. Asraiel


      blaed a bit multiplayer now it isnt bad, more a change becase the maps arent so flat anymore and you get a boostjump but you must play it for a while to get used to all keybordchanges. the character itself are a bit to much teletubie liked it more under me3

  3. Man would like to use:


    as profile Picture

    1. Asraiel


      sadly gifs arent allowed:'(

    2. anonyme0273


      Thanks gosh they aren't allowed, I would go mad in minutes, having to see this in chat all the time :P 

    3. shadowxxs77


      You can get is as picture rather than a Gif

  4. Syberia II free on Origin

  5. thx @fiki574 this rep did sweeten up my day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BurningWorld


      and my rep doesn't sweet yours up?... ooookay.. thank you .. :P:P:kappa: 

    3. Asraiel


      @BurningWorld  well theres a gab between u and lead dev but yours is nice as well. but after rep reset i didnt let it be fixed had 48 befor reset so i started from 0 again as long it stays green all is good :D

      and from fiki show me how active he is in forum cause there are not that many topics, posts or chat from him compaired to u (focus on chat) :D 

    4. BurningWorld
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Asraiel


      poor watermelon, doesnt peoples dont think about all those who dont have food? my thougts everytime i see how peoples waste food

      *does peoples not* wirthing mistake 

    3. Asraiel



      more give me more!!!!

      supercat had to post you



    4. Asraiel


      wft dont know wy the 1. pic is doubble in

  6. If you loose you :hype: visit Dr. Asraiel with his new Medicine: The :hype: injection!

    1. Ultrakool


      "Strong Medicine!" --Shaman

  7. Trailer for BFReborn i work on right now here a first look:


    1. Harvester Life

      Harvester Life

      This is a nice work  that could be the best trailer of bfr !

    2. Ultrakool


      Yes its pretty good, but something tells me you haven't seen the other trailers :P Check out the media section!

    3. Asraiel


      this is a new cut from trailers i downloaded from youtube but as said this is at the moment more a framework yet

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