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Card Implementer
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Everything posted by LEBOVIN

  1. as far as I understood kubik, this feature comes at a cost, that it can no longer show the unupgraded either --> can no longer be used to set avatar
  2. so the originally proposed change of disabling just one of those filter options is not gonna do a thing anyway? if that’s the case then I prefer the individual solution that you can disable your own upgrade tab instead of straight up removing it for everyone
  3. The thing is, it can go both ways. Either it lags cause one has all upgrades applied: then the overview that shows applied will lag or the other way around if u have almost no applied but many acquired the unapplied will lag. So I don’t see the Point in removing only one of them, as they are equally lag inducing. The point is, if that feature is barely used by people, why bother with it lagging, when some that like to use it might not mind it lagging. If it is just for convenience that if someone that doesn’t use the feature doesn’t get a 4 second lag if he accidentally clicks on it, then I would suggest to instead give them the option to disable their upgrade tab in the user menu.
  4. Well I understood it in a way that we remove a filter option. Or we remove the entire upgrade tab? Cause well if u get lag for the unapplied Filter then same lack should be there for someone who has all applied and even worse for show all upgrades
  5. Well we lose a feature dont we? Cant we set it to the filter option that doesnt show all by default? So no long load time if u accidentially click on it?
  6. Guys we are in stress, so it is the best time to test out new quests concepts. @Kubik if you can actually implement that quest (to live servers cause honestly the data u get from test server is meh ?) for let us say a week (at best even make it refresh each day like the booster) and then after that week assess how it went, e.g. how many people completed it, how many completed it 7 times, what lvl were those players. Based on the results it might be easier to decide here. The influence it has in bfp gains on the market are completely irrelevant at this point anyway. That week is not gonna disrupt economy.
  7. Before kubik says it, let’s define cards in a way that playing with different upgrades will be considered as still the same card also The cards need to be played out right? Not just being in the deck.
  8. u mean quest or achievement
  9. Oh sorry, misunderstood this part then, what I meant it that you wouldnt have to invest any effort, as the tutorial deck is given
  10. if deck building is putting you off, use the tutorial deck and try to beat expert maps with it ^^
  11. I agree, the problem is that currently there is a map specific average, whilst ur system makes all maps equal in gold return. Hence if we average it all out the previous gold farming maps would grant less gold than they used to. If we instead set them as standard, previously unattractive maps for gold farming suddenly become potential gold farming maps too. I would prefer option 2
  12. Ok, so u want to roughly double the current gold gain for new players and half the maximum possible for experienced players
  13. These are the current Upgrade Disenchant Values for single cards of which One can get up to 4 per match, copy this and reassign values Rarity / Upgrade Tier One (I)Two (II)Three (III) Common 50 Gold 300 Gold 900 Gold Uncommon 100 Gold 450 Gold 1500 Gold Rare 150 Gold 650 Gold 2500 Gold Ultra Rare 250 Gold 950 Gold 3500 Gold
  14. Currently the maximum one u3 upgrade card can grant is 3500 !
  15. Regarding the currency exchange: As you criticize having too little Gold having a conversion of 1000 Gold granting you 1 BFP, doesnt really solve the problem. As that decreases your gold. if that is meant to be both ways, so also 1 BFP can be converted into 1000 Gold, which means you can get 570,000 Gold just by doing dailys + selling ur booster. This sounds like too much too me, hence I suggested in my Balance proposal only an Exchange rate of 1 BFP grants 100 Gold. and only in that direction. Those 57k gold should be definitely enough as additional daily gold income if you give up your entire daily bfp income for it.
  16. And what is ur proposed expert gold value per U3 card?
  17. Nobody plays on test server cause there is nobody to play with If u would make it default testserver people would play there for sure
  18. So if u decide to lower the value u3 disenchant would get, why does a non speedrunner get more out of it ? and his number was 400 for u1 1200 for u2 tbd u3, current max u3 is 3.5 following his sequence new u3 perhaps 3.6k hence guns of lyr expert assign consistent 14.4k if > 1 player and not averaging to 10k
  19. Well but he suggests that rarity doesn’t matter and each time u play expert u only get u3, hence all 4 cards are guaranteed to give the maximum value which is tbd. Beforehand you could get unlucky and draw non ultra rares and thus not get the maximum possible per map, whilst now every map grants the same on expert, leaving only time to be the deciding factor
  20. First I don’t like your hopes secondly why would it ? It makes gold income solely dependent on how long u need for the map as you would get each time the same amount
  21. It would make maps more equally attractive for gold farming. Although the spend time / general difficulty of that map ofc still varies. Attached I made an overview about gold (without guarantee):
  22. But if all disenchanted u still get the gold for all 4
  23. The 332 is only gold you received from the chests. You received upgrade cards, wich have a disenchant value : Infect II: 950 Dying Breed II: 450 Sunken Temple II: 300 Treefiend II: 300 So in total you actually would have got 2332 gold for that match if you had disenchanted all upgrades into gold.
  24. So I can confirm first map Encounters with Twilight is doable on expert just with the tutorial deck. It isn't well played but I might try to upload it later.
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