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Posts posted by LEBOVIN

  1. the 3 players just feeding,  is really only bad harvest where it applies cause in the first 4 min almost no attacks come in and all players are conveniently starting at the same location. 

    taking the second prominent gold farming map guns of lyr and suddenly the other positions also have to do some work.

  2. play alone king of the giants and u see that the orb placement is not always changing

    changing decomposer is not solving the bad harvest gold farming, it just slows it down by a few min, a simple solution would be to lower the gold income by additive 30% per each player that is not going t4 there, instantly making the run lose all value (gold reward dropping to 400 instead of 4000) for new players, but remaining a fun speedrun option to experienced players

    Metagross31 likes this
  3.  likely map setup being incorrectly set to not public -- these maps get regularly deleted to prevent lots of broken test maps littering the community map section, if the community maps would have been final versions (which they werent) then this should be set to public version and they will stay

  4. Sounds cool, I would change:

    • Shadow affinities have the ability name prefix "tainted" 
    • Life Stealer is the bandit faction innate passive with 15%
    • Either convert Banditry into an active ability (just passives are quite boring) or indeed add the ability to summon some flying companions
    • Alternatively I could also imagine something like additional damage vs flying units 
  5. Dallarians guide kinda shows, that u dont have to rely on "weird speedrun techniques "as he played the campaign mostly with pure frost (which is usually not speedrun present) and explains that all the maps are doable with a non meta decks aswell.

    It is probably also the attitude of many players who simply prefer to take the easy tactic presented to them to solve the expert map, instead of coming up with a new deck concept that might take lots of attempts until it works...

    Pritstift likes this
  6. I think so too, it really shines in combination with matter mastery and shrine of martyrs. Another option is to nether warp ranged enemies closer to an ice barrier of urs (for home soil) and then freeze them there.

    The power decrease I wouldnt oppose but the rest I would keep as is. :) 

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