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Everything posted by MephistoRoss

  1. Very Nice! Of course we would like to see more. Maybe Dreadcharger?
  2. Battleforge already has different skins for the same models, but each skin is a card on its own (or promo version). For example Nightguard and Amii Phantom are the same model with a different skin. So adding even more skins for customization will make it too hard/confusing to differentiate units in a match.
  3. Do you mean promo cards? They will still exist and you will be able to get them through normal boosters (very low chance though).
  4. Wait a minute, there were no starting cards shadow t1 or nature t2. The ones in the screenshot are all the starting cards (F2P decks). BTW, these are the starting cards of the old BF, Skylords Reborn may have other starting cards...
  5. Are you sure you dont have any filters enabled?
  6. Yes, there is a subforum to post bug reports. We Will also provide a template for posting a bug report.
  7. I guess it might be possible if you run BF in windowed mode and you spread the window over two screens. Havent tried it myself though. I reckon it will be really annonying to have your game split up right in the middle though.
  8. I have the same monitor and I can tell you that it doesnt only work in that resolution but it is really amazing to play Battleforge on a ultrawide screen! And as a extra present, you will also get a bigger field of view with that resolution.
  9. We are no longer part of Ardent Peak. Due to differences in interest and vision of the direction of the project, we have since parted on good terms from Ardent Peak and gone our own way. /Locked
  10. It is alsof usefull for (speedrunning) the map Mo to keep Mo alive when he attacks the bandit construct on his own.
  11. I think that sums it up pretty well
  12. Additional info: When one player stays at the victory screen, even a relog for the other player wont work until all players are out of the game.
  13. Yes, everything that is not in 'Resolved' will still happen. Currently the devs are rebuilding the server structure in C++, so until that is ready there probably wont be any bug fixes. And after that we need to re-test everything...
  14. The strange thing is that while Menkaure keeps crashing after finishing crusade on standard, I dont crash myself when I play with him.
  15. I once made a matrix with all PvP decks in which I rated all enemies from most easy to hardest (1-10) mostly based on the PvP deck overview by @RadicalX and @Hirooo: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2486-battleforge-pvp-deck-overview-by-hirooo-radicalx /. I added up the sum of each deck score from all enemies (in the column Enemy score) to see which deck is the hardest to face for all decks. Of course what is missing in this calculation is the popularity factor, for example Pure shadow has the highest score because it has a good match against many decks, but most of those easy enemies are not widely played. Against popular decks like Lost souls, Pure fire and Fire Nature, Pure shadow has a lot more trouble.
  16. Did you manually change anything in the config.XML file or any other BF file?
  17. After last server update/restart, I never encountered this bug anymore. Also not on Encounters with Twilight or Crusade. Anyone else encounter it since?
  18. @Eirias I really dont like the 'random' part of your proposal. Players should be tempted to go out of their comfort zone, never forced! For example if you get a bandit deck and I get a stonekin deck and we play together, I might be able to win because of the decks we have, while your skill is still a lot higher. So you will still blame your losing on the fact that you dont have your favorite deck. Therefor people will be tempted to make a couple accounts (so they always can play with the a deck they like) or they wont play ranked pvp for the rest of the two weeks until they have a deck they like. Also for new players it will be hard to master a certain playstyle if they are forced to change deck every two weeks. If you dont mind that people will multi-account to solve this problem for themselves, than why not allow it in one account? This could be done with giving access to all different decks or that the player can select one deck on the website that he will get (and make a new/same selection every x day(s)). Having 2 or 3 random decks (like @Tam Hawkins suggested) mitigates the 'random' problem since it at least gives the player a choice and therefor it is also an option, but it still wont let someone master a certain faction he likes to play. I agree that having just 10 static decks could be a problem for the meta (even if you would only get one random deck). So I agree that there should be a couple varariations of each faction. Therefor I prefer the option to choose the deck that you get on the website (with the option to change it every x day(s)), because than you could choose out of a couple pre-made decks for each faction. But there shouldnt be too many variations to choose from so people will be still tempted to collect and build their own decks to make different variations.
  19. I will just collect some cards bugs to be archived in one thread.
  20. For me this bug only seems to happen in Encounters with Twilight on standard difficulty, I have played dozens of other maps or Encounter with Twilight on other difficulties in which I never encouter this bug. Only when I play Encounter with Twilight on Standard again, this bug disconnects me after the black screen. So everybody please keep posting here when you encounter this bug. Please mention the map and difficulty you played on and make sure you didnt have 'Speedrun' enabled (because then you will encounter this bug: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2901-1-speedrun-disconnects-at-end-of-game/) Update: Crusade on Standard and on Advanced also disconnected me (after black screen), Crusade on expert worked fine though.
  21. No because when I select 'speedrun' I always get disconnected at the victory screen and the run doesnt get added to the rankings: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2901-1-speedrun-disconnects-at-end-of-game/
  22. Also make sure you dont have 'speedrun' enabled, else you will always encounter this bug: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2901-1-speedrun-disconnects-at-end-of-game/ The black screen + disconnect (this thread) might be related to wrong upgrade reward IDs set on the server (@Bolrader said something about this), since this bug only appears sometimes.
  23. Last patch was 26-3-2013, or at least my client files were last changed at that date.
  24. Note that all maps always crash when you mark the Speedrun checkbox (since the last update).
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