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Posts posted by SunWu

  1. Bloodhorn decks are really strong cause it's a good unit on its own but you also have access to a lot of other top tier cards when you go 🟣 /🔴 / X / X.

    No matter if you go double (or tripple) shadow, double fire or even with a nature splash you probably want to have lifeweaving and unholy hero, cause with these buffs one bloodhorn can solo most bosses.

    A lot of players do bloodhorn with 2 or 3 shadow orbs cause you get strong options like:

    - resource booster

    - frenetic assault

    - infect

    - plague (needs 3 shadow)

    Double or tripple fire would add some great damage spells like cluster explosion or fire sphere. If you want a more casual approach wich needs less micromanagement you can go nature for things like oink, equilibrium and regrowth, but you miss out on a lot of strong fire or shadow spells that way. Thanks to the lifesteal ability you're not that dependent on healing spells like you would be with other units, one stampede in a few buildings almost always fully heals it.

  2. The team did a lot to make the market much more balanced than it ever was and progression much less grindy. Within a few hours of playtime you should be able to get a decent deck. If you know what you want, don't buy boosters and only buy from the auction house.

    You can get almost any common card for ~ 10 BFP, uncommons for ~ 25 BFP, rares fpr ~ 100 BFP and a lot of ultrarares for ~ 200 BFP. There's still outliers but most cards can be attained easily.

  3. 6 hours ago, Conbleach said:

    Thanks for butchering Amii Monument and making it unplayable without improving the underlying problem that made the card so attractive in the first place.

    I thought the overwhelming strength of it made it so attractive wich was solved by nerfing it hard. Can you tell me what you think the underlying problem was?

  4. So there's:

    - crystal fiend, playable Stonekin T2 unit

    - AI crystal fiend

    - critters, T3 deepfang sidekick

    so at least that model shouldn't be used in stonekin any more to avoid more confusion.

    I don't think you have to rely on a flying unit for any PVE situation. There's maps like nightmare shard where you can cheese a little, but also perfectly doable with ground units only. In my opinion stonekin having less air force than other faction is fine, cause it's the most ,,down to earth'' faction by design. If you would want to introduce a flying unit for T2 (besides crystal fiend), it would also be a balancing nightmare for PvP cause stonekin already has one of the most well rounded unit lineups to chose from. Air units in particular are hard to balance cause they can be positioned over cliffs, are very mobile and can't be damaged by most melee units. I won't stop you from dreaming though, maybe one day stonekin dragon :P

    Llewellyn likes this
  5. 38 minutes ago, Llewellyn said:

    That's what I thought too, but why did they create these units then in the first place? It seems to be part of the lore.

    It was part of the amii edition, wich was released when EA already gave up on BF. Phenomic, the guys wich created BF had only limited resources at that point and the result were reskinned/reused models with not much love put into them. For example treespirit, also part of the amii edition, is just viridias summons released as its own card. They destroyed a good part of pvp balance when they were released.

    Llewellyn likes this
  6. 6 minutes ago, Fimion said:

    Well my brain doesnt tell me that at all lots of times expecially when i play with very good players and know that i wont have to carry my team i use decks that i specifically built to be less powerful than my main decks.

    If amii monument was never introduced to the game - do you think there would be a huge demand for a T3 skipper?

    And if amii monument really enhaces the overall experience of most players, why not introduce little amii monuments for T1 and T2?Then you can (if you want) skip almost the whole game, only play T4. I'm sure some people would love it, but probably only for a week until they beat every map easily and get bored.

  7. 2 hours ago, Fimion said:

    I dont believe Amii Monument makes Batleforge less fun and that players are somehow forced to use it because its so powerful or do you have any evidence that backs your claim?

    Fun is subjective and hard to measure and of course there's no one physically forcing players to use amii monument but:

    On 9/1/2024 at 9:10 PM, WindHunter said:

    [...] a card included in 33% of all PvE decks across all PvE modes (community, campaign, rPvE). This card has the same playrate as a T1 staple card like Windweavers, Surge of Light, or Nomads. No T3 card should have a play rate even close to this level, especially not a legendary.

    People more often than not don't choose what's most fun, our ape brains tell us to use what's most efficent even when it diminshes an overall positive experience.

  8. 1 hour ago, Vrizz said:

    I regularly use tempests - the only problem is that dancers block ability usage, so you need more than one to be able to set it up. But as soon as it's rooted, dancer gets fked hard - M counter, knockback and a lot of dmg.


    Also Imperials in def mode + pressed F can tank one dancer forever when near building, coz she is not able to outdamage the heal. 😄

    Thank you but i was talking PvP 🙂

    Came to the conclusion i have to use razorshard in my T2 only stonekin deck and accept another weakness in T3 stonekin decks. I still think lost dancer got overbuffed, lost souls getting a superstrong ranged S counter wasn't needed in my opinion.

    Kanuepps likes this
  9. 35 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

    What about Stone Tempest?

    It's better than what's in the standard stonekin deck, but still not perfect cause it gets outranged and with the slow animation and frostbite probably won't even reach the dancers. Thank you still, didn't think of tempest yet.

  10. 6 hours ago, Oops said:

    I understand that this answer was referring to @Fimion's answer, but it seems the point I was formerly trying to make, got drowned a little in the discussion heat. Afterall, I can build my counter argument to this on a similarly illogical assumption - "I don't know why you make such a fuss about Amii Monument..you can like..just don't use it, you know?". Just doesn't make sense.

    I was semi joking because he was rambling about bugs/abuse of mechanics and then referring to amii monument with the argument: you can ignore it, i thought starting my next paragraph with ,,but seriously'' made that clear. It is of course a stupid argument, if you wanna have anything resembling balance, ,just ignore OP stuff'' is not an argument.

    6 hours ago, Oops said:

    Yes, there are definitelly more alarming issues that should be addressed first (see my previous answer), because some of the bugs are literally gamebreaking. [...}


    What is more alarming is definetly subjective. A lot of people consider amii monument gamebreaking. If you consider amii monument gamebreaking, it's defeintly more important because a lot more people use it day to day in every PVE there is.


    6 hours ago, Oops said:

    What would you say if a similar discussion were taken on a different card? Imagine if I had the balls to suggest that Mine is too OP and should be moved to T2, while increasing its cost. And I dare you to show me a single regular PvE deck that starts with fire T1 without a Mine in it. Outrage, right? 

    Mine to T2 wouldn't be too crazy considering how strong it is. But the crucial difference is that mine isn't a neutral card wich let's you skip T1 completly and you have 19 slots for T2-T4 cards, there's levels to imbalance. Playrate is still a good indicator if something is too strong, one card leading to 30% of players discarding a whole tier of possibilies is just sad.

    Metagross31 likes this
  11. I don't know why you make such a fuss about spawntrapping..you can like..just don't use it, you know?

    But seriously, the amii monument discussion has been going on for years and still your best argument for keeping it's current state is: ,,there's more important things``?

  12. Why would spawntrapping get fixed? It needs knowledge and some micromanagement to pull of, most of the time only to get a small advantage. How is that comparable to a building wich lets you skip a whole tier, large parts of the game?

    Bad Harvest? One position on one map profiting from a mechanical exploit is ,,more powerful'' than a card wich is used in 1/3 of ALL PVE DECKS? I don't like to throw that word around but this to me is textbook whataboutism.

    I don't like how pure shadow was nerfed in PVP. But i absolutely understand it was necessary and see that balancing can't consider my own little feelies all the time. Imagine me coming here like ,,Why shadow mage nerf? There's still a wall on Layesh wich can reach a well if built by opponent! Why is that not fixed instead?''

  13. 1 hour ago, Fimion said:

    I can guarantee you that basically nobody will use amii monu anymore maybe some people will mess around with it on easy difficulties for a while but thats it.

    Once everyone used curse well, now nobody does - and it's a good thing. It's really obvious amii monument was only added as a desperate OP cashgrab by a studio having to milk a dying game for it's last drops,

  14. How is fire weak, compared to bandits, for example? I find the towers to be the strongest among all the rPVE factions and often see unexperienced players struggling when they encounter a close base next to their T4. Pyromaniacs seem to have no damage cap, wich means that only high HP / T4 units survive and infect becomes useless. Later you encounter Volcano in every base, wich does a lot of damage even to T4 units and the disenchanting crystals are something you don't encounter anywhere else.

    Volin likes this
  15. The main problem is that construct already comes  with a lot of strong abilities - long range, siege and XL-knockback. So other than flying units and bosses nothing can stop it. Every ground unit gets knocked around, buildings get destroyed from far away - the only attribute stopping it from being superior to every other T4 unit is the fact that it's slow. Removing it (even conditionally like battleship) will probably leave it as too strong.

    There are also ways to make it more mobile wich are sometimes used to play constructs in rPVEs:

    - use deepcoilworm (as a mobile tunnel) and burying ritual to teleport the constructs

    - netherwarp (using incredible Mo's yellow ability circumvents port immunity after a port)

    Metagross31 likes this
  16. 9 hours ago, RadicalX said:

    - A possible move to cheese Frost or hyperscaling players in general is to handshake a lot of bonus wells in the early game (ideally you want 8 or more). This opens up an economy which not only allows a fast T3, but also makes T4 an actually realistic move. Frost does not really get map control, so by contesting the center in the early game you can secure the orb spots for such a strategy. Pure Shadow has quite a few flex slots, so there is space to prepare for this without really sacrificing too much early game strength.

    Tried that and it turns out: bloodhorn is indeed pretty good vs pure frost! That was the cheese i needed, thanks very much!

    Metagross31 likes this
  17. I started playing pure shadow again and am really struggling against pure frost so i reread this guide again. If i win it's by rushing frost's first extra well wich seems like my only realistic chance (if the frost player doesn't get too greedy and i can nightcrawler spam vs his T1). But once the matchup reaches T2 vs T2 i stand no chance, in T3 Satanael gets destroyed by timeless + core dredge (blue). Nox carrier is mentioned, but i don't see how it helps - it can either be frozen and killed before reaching a well or the rippers get easily countered by frost mage or silverwinds. For me this matchup seems really, really bad...you get the rare map control win, but that's only possible on Uro and some random maps, so my question is: are there any niche counter cards or strategic approaches i didn't think of yet?

    4esan4o95 likes this
  18. You can try to take over scythes with parasite swarm. It's a big investment but a very good trade if it works. Pure fire is more susceptible to parasite swarm swaps than other fire splashes so your chances are good...you only have to watch out for drake/gladiatrix + eruption combos.

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