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Posts posted by Weak1ings

  1. No, overbid sounds like a terrible and counterintuitive approach. (I hadn't even heard of it before)

    I think I misunderstood what I was looking at, I expected the filter to sort only the bids and not bids and buyouts. Thus I concede that there are way more bids than the above figure as the premise is wrong.
    (original thinking: if the bids become blank, it means I reached the point where there are no more, bids are exclusive from buyouts... instead they are inclusive, making finding bids difficult.)


    I don't consider a buyout to be a bid you can buy immediately, it is the absence of a bid with a non-negotiable price, though guaranteed purchase.

    I wonder if this filtering was left as is because originally all listings had bids and buyout was optional. Now we see new cases that just make less sense when sorting.

  2. As of ~6:00 UTC, about 2.6% of all listings had auctions. This sounds like the auction feature is pretty much dead!


    1. What do you think about the fact that the auction house, has no auctions in it?

    I think it's a lot less fun to try to interact with AH when auctions are missing, perhaps the option to not do a bid has removed an important gameplay aspect to the auction house.
    (not that the reversal of this would change most people from just setting the bid 1 bfp below the buyout, including myself)


    2. What if all postings were required to have bids like they previously did in the past?

    I think this would improve the buyer's experience and give everyone the possibility of getting a slightly cheaper card and just have fun with bids. Additionally, this is a good learning tool for the younger players as this is a full market. I know I fondly remember ah back when I was a youngster being wowed by this open market!





    Metagross31 likes this
  3. I've realized an annoying bug; If a Grim Bahir or Skycatcher kills its target, it does no splash damage to nearby enemies.

    Is this documented?

    e.g. : Image, note that the living ice barrier should have 150 HP remaining as Skycatcher has siege. unknown.png.1a7975cb92d912448775778256993ded.png


    It appears that these units synchronously do damage and then splash while Wyrm or Lost Dragon simultaneously apply damage and splash. Quite an important bug! (edited)

  4. The number one map focus should be fixing exploits as mentioned on Guns of Lyr or Convoy.

    Things like:

    • Circumventing any Amii Gates via Teleporting
    • Blocking Jorne in Titans (mentioned)
    • Sunbridge Gate Switch bug
    • Soultree Amii Monument
    • Somehow getting the treasure wagons to go faster in The Treasure Fleet (is this still possible?)
    • Using Incubator to generate ground presence (not really a map-bug tbf)
    • Many, many more exploits exist...

    I think the goal of a map designer should be to get the user to "play the map" however the player wants but without trivializing the difficulty of the map. As a speedrunner, @LEBOVIN is more than aware of these exploits and it should make him excellent at addressing them! But please recognize this is a conflict of interest.

    Any difficulty changes should come second, once the time for this comes please consider bumping the jump in difficulty from Standard to Advanced. I don't recall many significant differences between these two levels of difficulties and thus room is open for making the jump harder. On expert the maps should feel like real challenges, not everyone needs to be able to complete a map on this level which is why Standard and Advanced levels exist!
    Proposed changes like increasing the number of walkers for Convoy come to mind, I remember trying to do Convoy with Eirias using frost tier 1 units, so no swapping or cheesing and eventually we accomplished it and it felt like a massive achievement! If there were 5 walkers instead of 3, I expect we could've gotten it first try: a subpar experience. Difficulties overcome make for excellent memories to everyone involved!

    I do appreciate a lot of these creative changes like a hidden boss on Crusade or fixing bugs on Empire and look forward to seeing more changes coming.

  5. One thing to note is that You can do Behind enemy lines with U0 nightguards if you just send in two nightguards, one will be paralyzed but the other swaps, then send her off somewhere else. (This actually is how I did it the first time)

  6. This is a similar case vs. Nature as well, creating a tedious matchup where a single mistake might cost you everything.

    In your comparisons are you looking at actual damage or the amount listed on the cards? Sorceress does around 25-50% less damage than stated, depending on the situation.

  7. He actually is quite good in Soultree lol, its a capable card there but not worth using in PVE in general.

    I've been trying Rowdy in my PVP deck and the way it fits in is as a "small counter" where units like stormsinger tend to struggle. Its also particularly good against shadow cards like nightcrawler, darkelf, and shadow mages as it can eat up so much damage either from raw stats and its ability(stacks with shield too). Most importantly it avoids mind control and offers an alternative to war eagle that is much more suitable for rushing since it has a relevant counter unlike lyrish knight, can attack air, is tougher, and can fight amii phantoms (which stormsinger struggles against on her own)  as it can fight and win against any medium unit if properly managed and it even does OK vs. ghostspears but won't solo them.

    If you read what I said above, a card that does a similar job will come to mind; War Eagle. Eagle can do many of these things but better so why use rowdy?
    For the price of one eagle you can get two rowdies which are particularly useful against matchups like pure nature since eagles get stolen, and stormsingers get rooted. Rowdies do too but its so much harder to kill them and if they get focus fired just use the ability. It is not eagle replacement, but it adds flexibility to fight very annoying tech combos and is generally strong vs. shadow & non-nature splashes but pales against other factions unlike eagle which should be your main unit once power levels allow.


    Rowdy is not universal but a nice to have card that plays better than lyrish for northstar decks because of its remarkable durability and synergy with area ice shield. Try rushing with him against pure nature but don't forget to build stormsingers and eagles; he is no replacement.

    Side note: my frost deck has a "open" slot in which I try random things, 3 unit frost T2 is generally pretty good but is very weak to oink + parasite swarms.

    Metagross31 likes this
  8. Lol, We'll see in time if rowdy is actually worth it, I'm quite capable of policing rogue eagles though:)


    I've heard it said that the game was once balanced around upgrade 2 & not upgrade 3, perhaps a range decrease is worth it or some kind of CC immunity to a swapped nightguard so she can reliably get away & swap again but keeping power bound makes swapped units "normal" which seems more ideal for all factions and not just eagle & stone tempest which could probably stop a lesser nightguard.

  9. I am opening this topic to bring up a suggestion for changes to mind control/ swap with the goal of making it more fair in PVP scenarios as the ability to create unbound units and effectively insta-kill an opponent's unit makes creating larger units very risky in matchups against any shadow splash or double nature as there are simply not enough consequences for swapping and swap-backs/interceptions are arduous and often impossible: (especially for shadow nature who can easily intercept swapped nightguards)

    This is especially important for factions who cannot take the unit back on their own!


    The Suggestion/Idea:

    Swapped/Controlled units will bind power according to their original cost and the player who initiates swapping gets only the difference back as void power: instead of receiving all of the immediately power into his void pool. Once the swapped unit dies or gets swapped again the other part of the difference is returned to the void pool. This PVP focused idea would enable swapping to become less of a "insta-kill plus mind control" and turn it into an actual exchange by making said player gain void power like normal when the swapped unit dies or is swapped back. The original owner will experience it the same as it is currently; as if it the unit died. But if they can take it back they get a free unit instead, adding risk to swap. This would respect power levels fairly as currently unbound units are exceptionally powerful and it creates the situation where swapping is worth it for almost all expensive units.

    The main goal is to make it less imperative that a player kill unbound units and decrease how often mind control or swapping occurs. I am not aware of any effects that simulate what is mentioned and thus it may well be unimplementable but I'd like to earmark this topic as an "ideal" if one day it can be implemented. It does seem quite desirable and fights the "swap everything large" gameplay we have today.


    Explanation of my initial idea for mechanics: (I don't think this can be implemented as far as I know)


    Original owner of unit experiences the swap as if the unit died but the swapping player does not get all of the power sent to the void, depending instead on the difference between the cost of the swapped unit and the cost of the swapping unit + ability: e.g. War Eagle costs 100 power & Nightguard uses 65 + 75 power to swap it, resulting in 40 power returning to the void pool & 100 power remaining bound to the eagle


    As for PVE: What do swappable units actually cost for orbs & power cost? Part of me thinks this wouldn't affect PVE at all but it depends on this aspect.

  10. Another way to do a "booster for gold" system is to create an exponential cost function based on the number of times said booster is purchased; this means that it'd provide some value to those with millions in gold but it'd be foolish to rush boosters this way.

  11. On 12/5/2020 at 2:11 PM, LEBOVIN said:

    I believe if this awesome piece of work or anything similiar was to be used ingame in the future, it does need to be less detailed. Imagine the icon being used on the very small cards. It then seems very hard to still identify it as a phoenix. The other edition icons are simply less complex and thus easier to distinguish, and identifiable from afar.

    I agree, all of them are distinct and easy to recognize in a ~56x56 pixel image and it'd be a major consideration for future design & actual design of a Phoenix/whatever symbol is used (provided that devs can someday add such a something like this to the game)


    Are there any instances ingame where one of these seals is seen in higher quality than said resolution?


    5 hours ago, Zyna said:

    We don't have any new seal as of now. It's also not planned yet, since we are not able to add new edition images to the game as of now due to technical limitations.

    What other limitations exist in terms of images and new cards? (or is there a place where this is documented so you don't have to answer everything individually?)

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