Asraiel Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 Amii Enlightenment Works as the normal Enlightenment alldo its t4 and has no color restrictions. while the spell is active no other player can use the card, but after the spell is over its free to use again so ever member of the team with tis card can use it once the spell is used or decayd. adds more freedom to deck compositions and players are nologer doomed to have 2 nature orbs but it requires 4 insted of 3 orbs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Majora Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 I think creativity lies in restriction, and part of the charm of battleforge is making new decks. By giving the option for a deck to do whatever, you take that away. For example, I like Shadow Worm. Currently the only way to play it is: Mono Shadow, XGG (Enligtenment) or XPPPP (5 orbs/amii monument). And that is fine. I currently have a Nature/Shadow/Shadow/Shadow deck. I am now considering building a new mono shadow deck so I play my favourite worm. If Amii Enligtenment was in the game, I wouldnt have to, I could just slam it into every deck. Now I actually have to buy a whole new deck, which is good for trading and keeping things fresh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asraiel Posted April 6, 2021 Author Share Posted April 6, 2021 (edited) i truly understand ur point. stay on the way of how to makeing decks like in the past 6 years ago i joined the community a few month after the start of the projeck and battleforge is a old game so many or almost every deckcombo was allredy played over time. adding a ned card that opens up a ton of nwe deck possebilitys i dont think its a bad thing and compairded to pure decks: 48 minutes ago, Majora - MidnaMistfire said: I think creativity lies in restriction the card has 1 charge (4 on max upgrade) reuse maby ever 60 sec recharch every 120 sec shure u can use offering to get faster more charges but it will not chage the game in a big way currently u can do is t5 and a lot of orbswitching to achive the same result. with the card its no longer needed but its higly limited on how many times it can be used and accireing 4 charges will be high costly if we take the normal enlightenment ah price. + u loose a cardslot as well so even if the card would make it in a deck then only up to 3 or 4 cards may would need diffrent orbs in the end which is more creativity freedom but not gamechangeing. 48 minutes ago, Majora - MidnaMistfire said: Currently the only way to play it is: Mono Shadow, XGG (Enligtenment) or XPPPP (5 orbs/amii monument). And that is fine. I currently have a Nature/Shadow/Shadow/Shadow deck. so u dont have a pure t4 card in ur deck otherwise u wloud need to have enlightenment and amii monument in ur deck but u have to use enlightenment if someone else was faster in building a amii monument but what is if u play thunderweagon pure fire t4 it gives the card with 2 affinitys so if u wanna play that card u are foreced to ether pure fire or enlightenment but then u have the problem that u have 8 charges in total of it but u have to wait unli enlightenment is rdy again or play without and other color. amii monument shur adds t5 but only 1 may exist in the map so if someone esle was faster ur doomed again. i dont know how many players haveing "IF" decks where they have 2 ways to spawn their units depending on situation. specialy in rpve where player best play togheter in order to beat the map. what also is to think about t4 is mostly never played in pvp and in pve every player wants to win the map givvieng more options more wasy to solve the puzzle adds a lot more fun to the game cuase there are allredy a ton of strategys devlopped and its allmost impossible to create and new one kinda like coocking from a recpie but adding a new ingrediance opens up new possebilitys. a card chage or a colored card or so only adds the change of that card. the amii enlightenment woulndt change the card balance only opens up new possebilitys of combineing the existing ingrediences to create a new and fresh serving. (watched a bit to much foodwars lately xD) Edited April 6, 2021 by Asraiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volin Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 Long story short: Please No Amii & Enlightenment are already too OP Metagross31 and AtheistXVII like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asraiel Posted April 6, 2021 Author Share Posted April 6, 2021 (edited) 13 minutes ago, Volin said: Long story short: Please No Amii & Enlightenment are already too OP faire statement they are powerfull but "realy over powerd" i dont think in pvp i would definetly agree with u 100% in PVE not. if a card gets played in the game is up to the player itself and i know of many cards they are sweet but noone plays them even if they own them. tru every new card new map, change of stats and so on changes the game as it was but it also adds new content and new fun. and fun draws in more player more player more maps getting played and more fun has the playerbase. my goal is to improof what is allredy great in order to be greater than only great. sadly there are many peoples that would like to keep battleforge unchaged like it was and dont give it a chance to improve. it adds more freedom but noone is forced to taste this new freedom @Volin thx u leaded me to another improofment of the game what i gonna post in a diffrent topic Edited April 6, 2021 by Asraiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volin Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, Asraiel said: in pvp i would definetly agree with u 100% in PVE not. Both Enlightenment and Amii Mon couldn't be more far from the pvp meta - ergo they can't be OP there at all. On the other hand, both cards dominate the complete PvE, with a few isolated exceptions. And this on all levels: BG speedruns are currently unthinkable without enlightenment, you can usually even tell the break even to "normal" strategies from the rankings. Solo, the Amii Mon is then added as a more or less set. Does this only affect the speedrunners?Not at all, I regularly see casuals in random BGs using both cards, be it for orbswitches, for supposedly "early" T4s, to cast other colors cards - to make life easy for themselves (even if this plan may not always succeed). And then we come to the advanced and expert maps which are completely trivialized by Amii Mon and Enlightenment was already very popular for this purpose. So still: You can have another opinion, but mine is a strong "PLEASE not another "cheating" card" Funny, on the one hand most people want to nerf the current meta - but on the other we have suggestions like this. Edited April 6, 2021 by Volin AtheistXVII likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cocofang Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 I have enough confidence in the current balancing team to think they will just ignore this idea. 8 minutes ago, Volin said: Funny, on the one hand most people want to nerf the current meta - but on the other we have suggestions like this. I mean, most of the stuff he suggests is asinine to the point where I wonder if he is even serious. AtheistXVII likes this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asraiel Posted April 6, 2021 Author Share Posted April 6, 2021 (edited) 27 minutes ago, Volin said: Funny, on the one hand most people want to nerf the current meta - but on the other we have suggestions like this. nerf wy nerf a game that expirience a declimbe of its userbase well i never spoken of not changeing the existing enlightenment. for example rising its power cost to 300. tru there is kinda like standard deck build for batariel where enlightenment is regulary used. amii monument has the the thing that its a cheaper orb than getting the vanilla t4 orb cause 250 is the frozen power (if builded without construction hut) and 140 for the orb itself is cycled over the void so u only loose 14 power each time u use it. @Cocofang i may make a lot of suggestion cause i care for the game that only a few getting reaized in the end doesnt matter to me made a lot of suggestion befor closed alpha and also there some made it even if they werent 100% as the topic start. but being active and searching solution to repopulate the playerbase keep it satisfyed as well is on one side over expandig the content kind like the game LOL new champions coming in even if the map stays the same it getting content in thats wy it stays popular and still attract new players. sadly the content and reputation of the old forum didnt get all over so u would see it for urself. u can have what ever picture of me as u want im to old to realy care. since im born in the old millenia befor the internet was born xD and yes i am serious alldo may have issues to writh short replys due to not native english speaker but a big thanks to everyone that replys to the topic and show that hes active in suggestion its normal that the first few replys are primarly againt it allmost everyone that starts a topic here knows that and can deal with it. there are usualy more peoples debatting against stuff then there are for stuff cause many dont reply. just like everywehre primarly in politics u see that. Edited April 6, 2021 by Asraiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Volin Posted April 6, 2021 Share Posted April 6, 2021 3 minutes ago, Asraiel said: well i never spoken of not changeing the existing enlightenment. for example rising its power cost to 300. 3 hours ago, Asraiel said: pvp i would definetly agree with u 100% in PVE not. this two quotes make me think that you got a point with this @Cocofang 17 minutes ago, Cocofang said: I have enough confidence in the current balancing team to think they will just ignore this idea. And to explain it with all brevity to you @Asraiel Your first quote shows - this is no offend, really - that you are not deep enough in the topic to discuss - going beyond opinion - balancing. Making Enlightenment 40 Energy more expensive - 4 due to voidback - would only hurt casual players, but not affect the meta at all. 9 minutes ago, Asraiel said: so u only loose 14 power each time u use it (Unit and building abilitys return 100%) I think here is all said for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asraiel Posted April 6, 2021 Author Share Posted April 6, 2021 @Volin all numbers are examples not personal opinion its a geaneral suggestion or better said idea of a contentexpanding item and the forum i see as the platform to discuss around such ideas. but its always knada the same that when there are specific examples that those examples arent taken as examples. to the other thing opinion are opinions we dont have to share the same its even better when they are diffrent since it is for the sake of the game. what in the end will make it in the game or not is not something 1 person does decide. for me is expanding the content and expanding the players freedom the best way to improof the game to achive a rising playerbase to increase the fun of playing the game. the playerbase problem or declaim of it was allredy expected befor it was lunched. a nerf and keep the game as it is no expandtion is the way to keep hardcore players but it would make me sad if i would see that the game is only played by only 1-2k players or if it even getting offline again. 2 sides of the same medal keeping as it is or expanding when i scroll down on the suggestion site i find it kinda sad that some topis didnt get even 1 reply in a month i remeber the start were it was around 100 replys in a few weeks so im happy for any reply even if their not positive to the topic itself. On 3/30/2021 at 3:37 PM, Volin said: Based purely on the current player numbers, I personally suspect that Skylords Reborn (SR) will remain more of a lover's title, the player base will become more manageable rather than increase dramatically - I suspect. i agree with u and the suggestions i make like this new card is one of many ways to get that "increase" u speak of Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asraiel Posted April 18, 2021 Author Share Posted April 18, 2021 Here a change of Enlightenment a change of how the addional colors work, so that it cost the same but changes to give 3 orbs of every color. so pure t4 will be able to be played but since it give only 3 orbs of each color, this means the player needs to have at least 1 orb of the color he want to play out the t4 pure color. the Spell provieds the player with: + orbs & + orbs & + orbs & + orbs for the next played out card example for batariel: player needs to have cause enlightenment gives the additional orbs for the next played out card: so the 3 orbs of the player matters. in this case he can summon now stuff that needs 5x, 4x, 3x & 3x and t4 on & is a colorless so players can still use enlightenment to summon t4 units if they only have reached t3 but they need new at lest 1 orb of the same color as the t4 pure card requires. with such new restriction on how the spell of the normal enlightenment works it can be changed also into a colorless (neutral) card and it would still be weaker than the current cause in order to summon all 4 t4 pure cards the player needs to have t4 or do a orbswitch. For a change of Enlightenment from a Nature card to a Neutral card the provieded orbs also may get decresed to only give 2 (+++) instead of 3 (+++) orbs of each color. cause then the player would only need to have 2 orbs of the t4 pure color he wanna get but he's nolonger forced to have 2 nature orbs to use it. but then with 4 orbs on its hand he can only use pure color t4 cards of 2 fractions without orbchangeing. the color lock does debuff the Nature Enlightenment, but the change to neutral does buff the card so that in the end the neutral Enlightenment is a little bit debuffed cause there are more rules on its ability, but shouldnt be a change for speedruns itself & gives players in pve more ways to combine cards in their decks and may lead to new and faster speedrun tactics Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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