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Translation Forum


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While working on new card-specific lore I've had a look at the original English and German files. In my eyes, the German translation is done awfully and differs too much from the English one. I'd like to improve the German translation alongside my own lore, but I am not interested in directly joining the dev team for several reasons. And that's why I'd like to have a separate forum for it. This would allow us to work in a very open and collaborative way without creating so many barriers. I am also interested in making small adjustments to the English texts.
Are you interested in this work? If so, what do you think of this approach?

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To be fair: I've got high standards. The German texts are okay-ish to well written, but are partially very off.

Here, have an example (Legend: Frost Mage):



"It is no easy path, becoming a Mistress of Frost. It starts with a chilling cold that embraces you night after night like a tender lover. For a time, even the thickest blanket and largest fire cannot lend you warmth. Then, your blood becomes like water running beneath a glacier and the cold grip of death feels ready to squeeze the last remnant of pulsing life from your body. Finally, all grows dark and the heart stops. After endless moments in the blackest of places, a bright shaft of light spears the darkness. Crystalline and clear a world of ice stretches out before you. One does not feel this new cold, no matter how hard the frigid storms rage. It is only the wan light of the sun that plagues our pale and perfect skin with annoying hints of warmth."



"Es ist nicht leicht eine Dienerin des Frostes zu werden. Zunächst verspürt ihr nur Nacht um Nacht eine eisige Kälte die einen umfängt. Darauf folgt eine Zeit in der einen auch die dickste Decke und das lodernste Feuer nicht mehr zu wärmen vermag. Dann fühlt es sich an, als würde einem das Blut in den Adern gefrieren und der kalte Griff des Todes umschlingt den geschundenen Körper. Alles wird dunkel, dass Herz steht still. Nach unzähligen Momenten in völliger Leere, durchbricht ein grelles Licht die Dunkelheit. kristallen und klar erstreckt sich vor euch eine Welt aus Eis und trotz des tobenden Sturmes verspürt ihr keinerlei Kälte. Es ist nur die schwache Sonne, die unangenehm warm auf der Haut zu spüren ist."


The first German sentence can be translated into English as follows: "It is not easy to become a servant of frost."
The path is missing and 'Mistress' has been mistranslated. In the following sentence, the German translation addresses the reader directly. The English one does not.
So, in addition to the faulty translation, the writing style and perspective were also changed, which I call an awful translation.

Please, do not misunderstand me: I am quite happy with the German texts, but not with the translation. Grammar and spelling are largely, but not completely, correct, as far as I have seen (this is much better than most other video games offer). I also really like the choice of words in some places.


Edit: You might wanna read your texts again before sending them. I mean, you asked me if there is a German translation at all, but also stated that it is absolutely outstanding?!

Edited by Nerokin
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Thanks for clearing this up! Feels like this goes mainly onto me. Sorry @Volin

But that doesn't change what I pointed out: The German texts contain some grammatical and spelling mistakes and repeatedly break the writing style. That's still awful in my opinion. I really don't care if we call it translation or text.
I'd make adjustments to the German texts and then correct the English translations if you prefer this. I do not mind from where to where I translate. I just had the impression that the English texts are more consistent and also well written. Hence my assumption that it is the original. In my opinion, the German texts can't compete with the English texts.

Well, anyway, I don't have the impression anyone would be interested into this. If it's up to me, we can already close the topic.

Edit: Why have I not received a notification for the reply?

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1 hour ago, WindHunter said:

The original game devs were German. Volin's point is that the German texts are not translated, they are the originals. The English, French, and Russian texts are translations from the German original. 

Was not sure, that's why I put it as question. But that is mainly my assumption, yes. 

But as I'm only concerned in card text, names and voice over - I'm 100% satisfied and leave this to you lore guys ^^

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6 hours ago, Nerokin said:

I'd like to improve the German translation alongside my own lore, but I am not interested in directly joining the dev team for several reasons.

You can become a translator/proofreader without joining the core dev-team.

As far as I know, there is currently no effort ongoing to rework existing (lore-)texts, unless there are clear errors in there, which could impact gameplay (e.g. wrong card descriptions, but not writing style in the card legends).

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24 minutes ago, Volin said:

Was not sure, that's why I put it as question. But that is mainly my assumption, yes. 

But as I'm only concerned in card text, names and voice over - I'm 100% satisfied and leave this to you lore guys ^^

Ouch! I am for sure not a lore guy. This is just the base I work with.


8 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

You can become a translator/proofreader without joining the core dev-team.

Not interested. Thank you.  

8 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

As far as I know, there is currently no effort ongoing to rework existing (lore-)texts, unless there are clear errors in there, which could impact gameplay (e.g. wrong card descriptions, but not writing style in the card legends).

That's not an elegant way to turn down free help. Especially, because I could have done it fullstack. And as stated there are clear errors in there. I guess you have your quality measurement and I have mine.

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6 minutes ago, Nerokin said:

That's not an elegant way to turn down free help. Especially, because I could have done it fullstack. And as stated there are clear errors in there. I guess you have your quality measurement and I have mine.

I did not say we don't need your help, I just wanted to inform you that currently noone is working on that.

If you want to improve some texts/translations, feel free to do so and share them in the forums, maybe it could make its way into the game.
Just beware though, that substantial changes to the text that affect the content of passages instead of just style/fixing errors might require translations to FR/RU as well.

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12 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

I just wanted to inform you that currently noone is working on that.

 Then do that next time in the first place, please.


8 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

If you want to improve some texts/translations, feel free to do so and share them in the forums, maybe it could make its way into the game.

What do you think this topic is for?


9 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

Just beware though, that substantial changes to the text that affect the content of passages instead of just style/fixing errors might require translations to FR/RU as well.


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we have deleted some posts due to insults. You are welcome to participate in this topic, but please do not insult other members. We are always happy to have an active community that understands our project as a community project and wants to promote it.

Please always treat each other with respect. Thank you.

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