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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. I also only have V0.8, so I guess this is the correct version. Someone please correct me, if this information is wrong. ( @Emmaerzeh?)
  2. Hello Skylords and Skyladies, Another month, another PvE Contest! This time it is something special, because we are going to play community maps! The Map The map this contest is held on is called "King's Ridge". It is a community map made by Spitzkopf and polished by Emmaerzeh. In order to play the map, you have to go to the community maps section at the very bottom right of the world map and select King's Ridge from the menu. Emmaerzeh also made a video, in which he shows the map and plays it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcXKP6QsG9o What? We are having a Speedrun contest on the community map King's Ridge with extra rules. The contest is split into two different challenges: 1. The silver challenge: The silver challenge is the easier version of the contest. In order to compete in the silver challenge, you have to beat King's Ridge on Advanced difficulty without the use of Amii Monument and Enlightenment. Send me the replay of your fastest attempt via discord or here on the forums. You can find the replays under Documents=>battleforge=>replays. 2. The gold challenge: The gold challenge is the hard mode of the contest for those of you, who seek a more difficult challenge! In order to compete in the gold challenge, you have to beat King's Ridge on Expert difficulty without the use of Amii Monument with a pure deck. You are allowed to use Enlightenment in a pure nature deck, but only to cast nature T4 cards. There will be separate prices for each pure faction, so you are allowed to compete in all of them at once! Send me the replay of your fastest attempt via discord or here on the forums. You can find the replays under Documents=>battleforge=>replays. Until when? The challenge will be held through the entire month of May. Send me your replay(s) via Discord or the forum until Monday, 31st of May 2021 23:59 (11:59 pm). Please only send your quickest and last replay you want to submit for each category. Please, also send me your current best time (just the time, not the replay) by Sunday, 23rd of May 2021. This is not obligatory in order to submit a final time. I will post these times annonymously, so that everyone can check, how well they are doing up to that point. Prize pool! Gold challenge: 1st place pure fire - Batariel (R) + 1 fire booster 2nd place pure fire - Choice between Batariel (P) or Moloch + 1 fire booster 3rd place pure fire - Brannoc + 1 fire booster 4th place pure fire - 1 fire booster 1st place pure shadow - Shadow Worm + 1 shadow booster 2nd place pure shadow - Grim Bahir (G) + 1 shadow booster 3rd place pure shadow - Moon + 1 shadow booster 4th place pure shadow - 1 shadow booster 1st place pure frost - Dreadnought + 1 frost booster 2nd place pure frost - Battleship + 1 frost booster 3rd place pure frost - Rogan Kayle + 1 frost booster 4th place pure frost - 1 frost booster 1st place pure nature - Forest Elder (G) + 1 nature booster 2nd place pure nature - Forest Elder (P) + 1 nature booster 3rd place pure nature - Viridya + 1 nature booster 4th place pure nature - 1 nature booster Silver challenge: 1st place - 2000 BfP 2nd place - 1000 BfP 3rd place - 750 BfP 4th-6th place - 350 BfP 7th-10th place - 250 BfP Final Standings FAQ Can I compete in both the silver and gold challenge? Yes, you can! In fact, you can submit up to five replays - One for the silver challenge and one for each faction in the gold challenge. Are neutral cards allowed in the gold challenge? Yes, neutral cards, such as Rogan Kayle, Viridya and Earth Crystal are allowed. The only banned neutral card is the Amii Monument. What version of the map is this challenge on? Version 0.8 Where can I find the winning replays? The replay files are attached to this post. Also, you can watch the VOD on my twitch. The winning replays can all be found in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOGMzVQue-AZ492AxuxAuqeHufqGkhHUm The winning replays will also be streamed on my twitch channel on Friday, June 4th! Big thanks to @Emmaerzeh and @Toggy for helping me with designing this challenge and to the devs for sponsoring the price pool! I hope you enjoy this challenge and I am looking forward to several cool replays! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them either here or per PM to me. Greetings, Metagross31 Community Challenge Nr3 replays.zip
  3. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTYzSFVB-98
  4. Thanks for the feedback! I will definetely add a requirements.txt, eventhough I think all you need (i.e. tkinter) is included in Python3 by default. I have already thought, that installing python is an additional step, which not everybody might want to make, but sadly I don't know any Javascript, so I can't really make a web interface yet. But I might look into your idea of using FLASK to put a web interface in front of a python backend. Another idea I had was trying to write it in C++, but I want to have it OS independent and cross compiling can be a pain, especially with GUIs.
  5. It does not need the skylords client at all. I just took the formulas for the void flow from @Eirias' old PvP tutorial and put them into a little program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhqUuZMUb0Q
  6. I don't know, if this is already somewhere in this thread, but Lost Dragon actually knocks back small and medium units with its attack, but I does not say it in the card description.
  7. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's a worm! And he has a new little tool for you! Hello Everyone, today I want to present you a little tool I have been working on recently, which some of you might find useful. I call it the "Skylords Ultimate Battle Simulator", or SUBS for short. It is a small tool that let's you simulate power levels of two players in a game of Skylords. What does that mean? It means that SUBS can track power pool, void pool, number of power wells and value of the standing army for two players and enables you to interact with those numbers! This allows you to, for example, simulate PvP fights with multiple units and spells played, wells built and kicked and then later check, who is ahead in terms of power. Or you can use it to see how much power a player would have in a PvE scenario after playing some spells/units/buildings and might be helpful in planning power efficient speedrunning strategies. But let's look at some screenshots: This is the main window of SUBS. On the very left you see the current power, void, well and army values for both players. Next to it you see the inflow of power every 2 second (the same numbers as you can see ingame). Between the numbers for the two players is a button that says "Toggle powerflow". This button starts/pauses the flow of power from your wells/void to the power pool. When you start the program, it will be stopped by default. Let's see what happens, when we start it and wait for some time: As you might have expected, some of the power from the void has flown into the power pool. Additionally, some power from the wells has flown into the power pool as well. You can pause the flow by clicking the button again. This allows you to estimate the situation in further detail. But let's continue with the exploration of the main window. Next to the current values, there are two buttons "Build Well" and "Kick Well". These buttons do what you expect from them - building a well takes away 100 power and adds a well, kicking one just takes away a well without giving any refund. Then there is the "Spells" column. This, obviously, allows you to simulate the casting of spells. If you click on the "cast" button next to any of the power costs, that much power will be taken out of the power pool and 90% will be added to the void pool. Lastly, there is the "Units and buildings" column. There you can spawn units and buildings with a certain value by clicking the respective "spawn" button. This takes power from the power pool and adds it to the value of your standing army. You can kill the unit by clicking the "kill" button. This will remove its cost from the standing army and add 90% of it to the void. That's all there is right now in terms of functionality, but I plan to extend it a bit, at least so much, that you can play cards with other costs than the ones hard coded right now and that you can change the starting values without messing with the source code. "That sounds cool! How can I use it?" The program itself is written in Python3 using the tkinter library. So it should run on most operating systems without any problems, if you have python installed. You can find the source code of the program at my github page. Just download it from there, go to the src/ directory and run the file main.py in python. https://github.com/Metagross31/SUBS If you want to change the starting values of power etc., open the file config/default.txt in a text editor and change it from the values given to whatever value you like. In the following video I show you how to use SUBS: That's it for now, I hope you find this interesting. If so, I will definitely continue to work on it and keep you all updated. If you have any suggestions on what to add or how to implement it, feel free to ask them here!
  8. This really gives me Legend of Zelda Bomb Arrow vibes!
  9. No four Mounties? Big sad. How are we supposed to deal with pure fire then?
  10. The title pretty much says it. I think the PvE record leaderboards should also include a section for community maps. This might spark some competition for best times and thus increase the attentention they get and their popularity.
  11. Only (imo minor) downside is, that the non-promo version will lose a bit of value. E.G. introducing promo shaman, even if it is untradable, will slightly reduce the shaman value, because the demand will go down.
  12. As my "all purpose deck" I actually use a pure nature deck with WW, Shaman and Dryad (B) as T1 units, work super well for most maps. On some more specific maps I play different decks, e.g. with Mana Wings. But Werebeasts are great too, but they don't synergize too well with Dryad, since they are often out of range. Long story short, I would second Kapo's opinion to just make multiple decks for different maps.
  13. Regarding Evocator's Woe: That sounds way too cheesy in my opinion, this will most likely just break a lot of maps and make them too trivial. Regarding Batariel: There are already changes planned, you will find them in the balancing discord. Better check them out before suggesting changes, which might be incompatible.
  14. R.I.P. Wazhai March 2009 - April 2021 Your jank will never be forgotten
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