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Everything posted by Metagross31

  1. I hope I can make it! But for me time is more of an issue than motivation.
  2. Spawnbuildings (especially the small ones like the bandit tents), unless it got fixed in one of the previous patches.
  3. Gate switched. East, defend! West, attack!
  4. Very cool idea and yet again a proof, that you don't need expensive or meta cards to play the game. I might refer to this post, when people ask for beginner decks in the future 🙂 Also I like the challenge aspect and might try something like this in the future as well 🙂
  5. Great work on the analysis! I would really like to see though, what the prices will look like, once the 100 bfp discount on boosters is over for a few months.
  6. Hello everyone, thanks you all again for participating in this contest, watching the stream and helping me organize all of this! I have just sent out all of the rewards. If you did not receive your reward or if you received the wrong reward, please contact me asap. In case you missed the stream, you can watch the VoD here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1250804086 Here are the final rankings: Here you can find all of the replays, as well as the replay by Treim and Wanky, which was used to claim the extra bounty: WinterIsComingReplays.zip
  7. Play more PvP. Hear that RadicalX, I'm coming for ya! (jk😄)
  8. Just a quick reminder, that the stream will start today at 6pm, which is very soon! See you all there 🙂
  9. Hey everyone, we have a stream date! The winners will be announced on January 2nd, 6pm CET! I hope to see you all there 🙂
  10. Awesome idea! All aboard the hypetrain, let's get that community price!
  11. Just a quick reminder: The event is only running until friday this week, so only a few more days to get in runs. So, if you haven't already, find a team, finish of some amazing runs and send them in! I am happy for every submission I receive 🙂
  12. This is why there is currently an open staff position as "Marketerr / Outreach coordinator": All of those things would be great, but it is a lot of work that someone has to do 🙂
  13. I also hit that limit in the past. If I remember correctly there was once the idea somewhere here in the forums to offer an increase in the max number of decks for Gold/BFP to use it as a currency sink, since mostly experienced players wilk run into the cap.
  14. Some of these points are already being worked on and you can expect something to come your way soon 🙂
  15. For your information: I receive many questions about the rulings and thus update the FAQ regularly. This can even happen multiple times a day, so I won't write a post to this tjread everytime I do. Whenever you have the feeling, that one of the clarifications might be more confusing than it helps or contradicts previous rulings, please contact me so we can talk about it. I try to check the forums and discord regularly to get troubles out of the way as soon as possible to allow for a smooth event.
  16. Great update, I am very excited for the new content and the anniversary! I do not have a definitive name suggestion for the new card yet, but I would rather name it "minefield" instead of "bandit minefield". The word bandit seems a bit redundant in this context. Other cards such as Sandstorm also do not have bandit in their name, so it would be fitting. But there are probably other people out there, who will have some great name suggestions 🙂
  17. I would like to inform you, that the extra bounty for completing the "Christmas Peace" objective has been claimed! You can no longer get the reward for being the first to pull it of, but you can still get the points for your run 🙂
  18. As Wanky already said, you can only play GoL on adv and exp anyways Looking forward to your run 🙂 I wasn't entirely sure, if they can actually die, but if they can't, you are safe anyways 🙂
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