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Everything posted by Aviat0r

  1. Did you really install DirectX9? The first step of the setup is only extracting the files. I won't rely on the fact, that there're some d3dx9 files in your SysWOW64 directory. Try to reinstall DirectX9. Check the Help topic for further information about it.
  2. This seems to be an issue with your anti virus blocking the application. Check out our Help Topic to get further information.
  3. Try to clear your cache and cookies or use another browser. Then download the newest Updater from forum. Unfortunately I can't see the version number of your Updater.
  4. We know where those sound files are located. But I wouldn't recommend to delete them because it can get you in trouble in the future. We will, at some point, check client files for manipulations. If we detect, that you're manipulating files, they will get auto replaced by our system. You will also get recorded in our database as someone who's files had to be reset to the original state.
  5. Did you do everything mentioned here: Troubleshooting If not, go through every single step and try it again. Disabling Windows Firewall isn't a thing. It won't block outgoing connections.
  6. Try to delete/rename the Launcher.exe in your BattleForge directory and restart the SkylordsRebornUpdater. Try again then.
  7. Aviat0r


    You're missing DirectX9. Make sure you installed and not only extracted it.
  8. Aviat0r

    Update Loop

    So the Updater is always downloading the 75 files or only one or two files? Is there anything special on your system? Like your user is no local administrator and you need to put in administrative credentials upon running the Updater? If yes, try to move the BattleForge directory to another place which is not user dependent (like a D: drive or whatever) and start it again.
  9. There are many possibilities to translate web pages in your native language. Follow every single step to get the game to run. Actually it is quite simple. But you missed the very first step ... extracting the image. Everything else is also written in the topic linked by Ultrakool. For example: https://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&tab=wT&sl=en&tl=de&u=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.skylords.eu%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F4207-need-help-check-this-thread-first-clientupdater-troubleshooting%2F
  10. Are you really sure? Upload a screenshot of the directory content here. So we can check what's missing.
  11. Please read the help topic. Everything you need to know is written there.
  12. Glad it helped. Be sure to always use the newest version of our client files. If you didn't play for a long time and you get such errors, try to download the newest Updater from forum. We try to stay compatible to all previous versions, but this was some bigger change in our infrastructure. So you had to redownload our Updater. I'm closing this thread since the issue is solved. Thank you for your feedback.
  13. UAC.exe isn't part of our project anymore. So you should delete it and start over with the newest version of the Updater by downloading it here. Simply extract it into the same directory where your BattleForge files are located and run the SkylordsRebornUdpater.exe If you still have trouble running the game, please read our help topic. (Most important thing probably is, that you add an exclusion to your anti virus for the whole directory where BattleForge is located.)
  14. Great. Thanks for the feedback. Bad Microsoft ... and we are getting in trouble with it
  15. The behavior that you can't start the Launcher manually is as designed.
  16. I don't know if this issue still exists or if you could solve it with the workaround I posted. But if you still have this issue, you can maybe try to use low quality sounds. This workaround fixed the issue for another player. You can find this option in the game options ---> Sounds --> Low Quality (at the bottom)
  17. Welcome to Skylords Reborn! If you experience any problems with the game, the first step you should do, is to read our Help topics and the FAQ. There you will find many information you need to run the game on the first try. The problem I see here is, that you only white listed the SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe. But you should white list the whole directory to make sure, that no file is getting blocked. Probably the Updater cannot download the Launcher.exe. It's definitely not normal, that the updating process will take hours. Maybe some minutes depending on your connection speed. But all the files we download are only a few KB or MB in size.
  18. What if you copy the files from your PC to your laptop (maybe to another location to keep both installations). Is it still working then? Don't forget to also copy at least the config.xml file in your Documents\BattleForge folder. If it is still working on your laptop, you do have a hardware/driver issue. If you get the same error, your files on your PC are damaged. In the second case, you can try to copy the working files from your laptop to your PC and try again. If it is working then, I guess you have a problem with your anti virus (although disabled). As I mentioned in another thread and on Discord, 90% of all issues are related to anti viruses being still active in the background.
  19. Oh I misread the script output then. You're right. I just took a look at the script itself on GitHub. It's all good. @Horja Can you maybe try to run the game on another machine? Maybe you do have some sound driver issues which only happen with this game. But that's unrealistic in my opinion. If I get the time, I can write a small script to create a checksum of all the files on my machine. So you could compare them to the checksums on your machine. I'm working on a new Updater to implement this feature directly, but it will take a while until everything works as expected. Right now there's only the above mentioned method to check if your files are somehow corrupted.
  20. I think you extracted the Updater and the game itself. So there's no need to keep the Updater.zip and BattleForge.rar. The script is wrong there. I would however suggest, that you keep those files somewhere else (in another directory). If you do have any corrupted files, you could simply reextract the archive instead of downloading it again. And this is my suggestion: Delete the game files and extract the game archive (BattleForge.rar) again. I guess your files are somehow corrupted and therefore aren't playing the sounds.
  21. Can you try to also start the game with disabled anti virus? You wrote, that you "installed" the game with anti virus turned off. But executing an application which might be detected as malicious by some anti virus is more dangerous like simply copying the file in a directory.
  22. Aviat0r

    Game won't start

    You don't need an installer to get the game to work. Just do the steps mentioned in this thread. If you still have problems, try the help/troubleshooting page. The "Bootstrapper" right now is the SkylordsRebornUpdater. A setup won't help with problems like anti virus or whatever. It's only for convenience for the user. In the future we will probably have a setup. Right now I'm working on some stuff to improve the Updater. It will probably rolled out with a setup in the future then.
  23. Did you check this thread? 90% of all problems like this are due to an anti virus which isn't configured correctly as mentioned in the thread. Also maybe try to redownload the Updater. The current version is v0.5.
  24. UAC.exe isn't Windows UAC. The Patcher was formerly named UAC.exe which was a mistake by InsaneHawk since he didn't know that the Windows security functions are also named UAC. So it is ok that he removed it since it isn't used anymore. Due to the fact that users sometimes install the software in Program Files we have to start it as administrator. Otherwise the Updater wouldn't be able to write into those directories to make some updates. But if we could start it without administrative privileges, the Launcher would then need it since it needs to modify the actual game client.
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