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Alpha & Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Treim

  1. 1. You are right that your wells run out towards the end. By that point, i generally don't need the energy i am missing out on anymore though, so i do not really care if i lose some power if it speeds up the overall game for me. 2. I like the card just for style points and 40 damage/sec without damage cap is not too horrible. For sure one of the more optional cards though.
  2. I disagree with the tower argument. You can safe the deckslot and as you can always run cultist master anyways you can defend the waves that necroblaster can take care of also always with 2 cultist master. Sure that goes towards your unit limit but that does not really matter at that point in the game. You have to have more awareness to pull it off though as you have to actively defend instead of having something passive in place. Attached is a deck i would use for solo maps:
  3. maybe as a general advice. Try focussing more on your t4 stage. It is the most relevant part of the game for random PvE maps. For your t1 and t2 stage you should try to limit yourself to 6-8 cards if possible. In T1-t3 you should try to have spells that can have use even in the t4 stage of the game, such as home soil + ice barrier, netherwarp, frenetic assault, offering (nature aff), infect, cultist master + furnace of flesh combo, etc. What you lack the most are decent t4 units and spells to support them at the moment, while your t2 is massivle overblown, especially unit wise. Try adding rifle cultists and offering (nature affinity) as well as lost dragon (nature affinity) to alleviate some of these problems as well as frenetic assault (nature affinity) as a first step. Cultist Master + furnace of flesh will massively help you to sustain extra spells. Void manipulation is maybe the most important concept for PvE, so try to (ab-)use it as best as you can If i get ingame anytime soon, i will link you a deck of what i use with your current orb structure.
  4. Treim

    reverse AH

    Couldnt you just build it up in a way where you essentially seperate both places. In the normal one you offer your cards and someone has to actually manually select which offer he wants to take. In the „reverse“ one you offer your bfp for a specific card and conpete with other offers as well. The person who wants to sell the card can then browse through that auction house and actively choose which offer he may be satistified or not satisfied with. From a purely economical standpoint both places would get you to the price that people are willing to buy/sell the card. I don‘t think abuse will be any worse than now. In regards to the bfp problem. You can either go the easy way of locking the bfp away when you create an entry in the reverse auction house, essentially using a similar system that is in place when placing bids on cards. Alternatively you can keep the bfp on the account and fluid and if the player gets lower than the sum of all his entries in the reverse auction house you have to force him to delete entries and maybe lock his current entries until he does so. You can make that system however complicated you like. Easiest way: Delete the last/oldest entry/entries in the reverse auction house, until the sum of all entries can be paid with the players current bfp again or alternatively force the player to delete entries manually which is probably a bit harder already. Next step would be to add a priority system for he entries, essentially making the player choose which of his entries have priority if he cant pay all his entries anymore. If he cant pay anymore start deleting entries starting with lowest priority until he can pay everything again. Just a quick thought on the matter. Can probably expand on the topic if necassary.
  5. Iirc it was stated that buying cards with rl money is not appreciated but the devs don‘t really have any way to stop it. No guarantees given though.
  6. oops yeah you were correct. It was March
  7. solo 4 Player rpve is actually a 18:46 from january
  8. I understand the sentiment youre having but i much rather play with my self-build decks. Imo if you reach the point of getting bored you probably are a veteran already with enough experience to optimize anything you could get from some random persoon. As far as i understood you correctly the main thrill comes from using cards that are generally not used which i get. Playing off meta cards is a nice change. What is also true however is that you can probably create a deck that makes use off those cards synergies much better than someone who actually is relatively new. If i feel like playing those off meta decks i generally just pick out one off meta card id like to play now and then start thinking about possible synergies and how to fit that card into a deck that actually works well. Sometimes that requires having a mate which if you have one helps a lot in opening the wide and endless plains of creativity. I understand the general sentiment of limiting yourself but imo its much more enjoyable to play an optimized "troll"-deck than an unoptimized jumbled mess of cards which some players put together. P.s. I don't try to make your approach look bad but try to state my opinion on it and try to maybe give other players a 2nd approach on making the game more interesting. I think its great that you came up with something that works for you and share it so other players might enjoy it as well
  9. Just my 2 cents: I feel like solo times are still interesting. 2 and 3 player completion for me is a minor category. If you have fun with it, just do it, it is not really relevant or interestinng to me though. Not every category has to be interesting for everyone though. What would be much more interesting to me would be limitations in regards to cards.So a category where cards like enlightenment, decomposer, batariel, amii monument (just to name a few) were banned. That would currently require to upload the replays though, so developping strategies actually only becomes an advantage for a few weeks or months and execution becomes the much more relevant skillset. Whether that would be a good change is up to taste/ debate.
  10. It was given out in an event. I think you had to be online sometime around christmas
  11. I know the quest functions. Its not my place to disclose that however.
  12. Let‘s just say that happens all the time when i play guns of lyr, bad harvest or dwarven riddle speedruns
  13. The disparity in wishes and needs within the community is long since known. The PvP and (small) competitive speedrun part of the community need a lot of expensive and rare cards for them to play the game the way they want. That stands in contrast to beginners and more casual PvE Players as well as the collectors and traders. The easiest solution to this imo is to balance the game around the majority but give the PvP and speedrun community ways to gather their necassary cards fast anyways without impacting the majority to much/ at all. That should be possible by adding quests and (mainly) achievements that the majority can not achieve or they have to go out of their way to do so. I am not well versed enough in regards to PvP that i feel confident enough to make proposals on how those achievement could look like. For the speedrun community you could add stuff like beating standard maps with low deck levels or with limitations to the amount of rare and ultra rare cards in certain time frames. You can scale those up for later stages of the game to get achievement chains as well. This could also serve as a goal for newer players. The achievement angle has the advantage that you can use a system you already have (planned) and you can limit the income of cards and bfp by making them 1 time rewards only. You could also try to give out specific cards as rewards to get the luck factor out of the way for those player groups. Some cards are absolutely mandatory for PvP and speedruns so giving those out for quests that are designed for those groups makes sense imo. Examples would be Cultist Master, Furnace of Flesh, Batariel, Enlightenment, etc. Obviously the higher valued cards should be hid behind harder achievements. P.s. I am well aware that this is an unpolished idea and the actual values and design would need further discussion within your team.
  14. @Kubik The argument of Navarr regarding prices was not tailored to actual bfp price in the market but that as an experienced player you know how good cards are compared to other similar cards in regards to strength, useability, versatility, etc. With that information it is much easier to get a relatively accurate judgement of which cards are currently undervalued and therefor worth picking up. That is because you are not looking at single cards but can see the market as an interconnected web of many different cards. That does not necassirily mean that you know every cards price perfectly but that you can judge much easier how fairly priced something is at the moment. As a new player you lack a lot of that knowledge and therefor it is easier to fall for „traps“ and/or you have to invest a lot more time into the market. I hope that cleared things up a bit
  15. Good deck I got nothing but praise for that one ?. Not sure why it doesnt state it on the card. The devs probably forgot it as with so many other things that are either not or wrongly states in card descriptions.
  16. for lvl 9 forsaken are better becaus you mainly encounter small troops which take Nox-Trooper forever to kill ( they have to shoot every member of the squad once, even when the squad has 6HP total) I recommend using shadow mage at t2 instead of harvester. Harvester mightve more style but you are severely limitied with just 1 unit. Those always feel very clunky to me. I value flexibility of focussing different targets at the same time muh higher. Depends on your level of play though (which i can not judge). I would recommend to either play deat ray or grim bahir but not both. Death Ray you would run with ray of light and healing gardens for insane heals for permanent leach weapons in combination with regrowth and other spell support. Consider adding rifle cultists and offering (nature) for more death rays as thats your main attack unit while depending on game stage 1-2 overlords function as your ground presence for the spell support. Offering also helps to get a 2nd rotation of t3 spells(infect soulshatter frenetic assault and maybe thunderstorm) For grim bahir you the same holds true with the exception of healing gardens and ray of light which are unneccassary in that deck. I would consider adding equilibrium though. Consider adding Incredible Mo for lost souls and twilight maps. The benevolent Mo helps you massively there as your main force in both t4‘s are ranged air units (against lost souls to counter the dragons and against twilight to counter the blind of twilight whisperers) Frenetic assault nature affinity is better than shadow affinity as nature affinity can target buildings. Units generally clump around buildings, especially artillery buildings in the center of the camp so with nature you can hit much more units with cc. It is well worth the minor decrease in damage. Decomposer i generally find very lacklustre for rPvE especially. Ashbone Pyros are unneccassar but nice to have. With all the spells you wont have any issues with just cultist masters tbh. Would add maybe thinderstorm as mentioned above and probably unholy hero. I didnt keep track of exactly how many slots you have left but you should end up at around 20 again. When i am home i will maybe create 2 deck lists for what i would use. I hope this gave some insight of possible options already though
  17. 2 Player rPvE - new all time record
  18. With all the talk about the reset i was actually wondering: Will (at least) the speedrun records from the skylords reborn period get carried over for the beta stage / full release
  19. I think you misunderstood my intent there. I was asking not asking for a date but simply explaining circumstances. Announcing dates backfired big time (multiple times) which is why i understand that they dont do it anymore. I wanted to clarify that i simply did not think it would take this long to reach the first wipe and with so much time passing, i would be quite disappointed to lose my progress. The difference in expectation and reality is not the mistake of the devs but probably a lack of understanding on how hard this would be on my end and maybe (or maybe not) some unforeseen issues on the devs side (?). With the situation i and probably quite a few other players are in, starting over (again) is quite disappoiting, especially if you want to play the game competitively which requires a lot of cards and upgrades. As I am now able to do that for at least most maps, which actually took me the last few months of intense playing and progression supposedly going down after the wipe, that is simply not a feasible alternative for me. I don't plan to play 8-10 months just to be able to play all speedruns. P.s. Don't think i am whining here. just stating the situation as it is from my point of view. What you do with that is up to you.
  20. The problem is that you need a certain amount of charges to make deck works decently well. You can surely make them work somewhat, but thats a patchwork at best after all, especially for PvP. If this was a completely new game i could even understand the progression rate at least somewhat. But BF is after all played by a lot of people who already know all of or at least most of the content anyways. To get all the cards necassary for competitive play is hard enough as is now. Playing through the game a 3rd or 4th time to get to the point where competition is actually evened out... well. And fair enough, people knew that there would be a wipe and you didnt name a date for it. That was half a year ago though with no end in sight just yet. It just doesn't feel good at all to loose all the stuff of a game i know in and out for a 2nd time, just to start over completely. I can understand that you want to give players who actually waiited a more even playing ground as they trusted that announcement. I feel like there were for the most part no major abuses of bugs or something. So the major problem is that the progression rate is currently enhanced. To level the playing field a bit, i wouldnt even mind to not get bfp/gold/exp rewards for a couple of months, as long as my current progress isn't set back to 0. An option to choose to either keep your account and dont get/ get redcued rewards for x month or wipe the account would be nice. I am aware that is extra work and am not even sure how feasible that even is. Just my current feeling about the plans ahead. I would most definetly play significantly less at least until i got some of the necassary cards back.
  21. Got the 1 player record back: 14:13.6
  22. I feel like weird map seeds are way more common now. Back in the days i can only remember a single instance where the paths of 2 players combined before t3 ( on level 9 and 10). In the few months since playing again i can already remember 4 maps that had such seeds (including this month motm level 10). I am not sure what changed though. I would also like to make level 9 more challenging. I feel like considering its the 2nd hardest difficulty it is basically a joke, with maybe the exception of a couple lost souls maps. As proposed before (in a different thread that i am too lazy to search) a change regarding the actual difficulty of levels or maybe even the addition of 1-2 extra difficulties. @Karl Lavafeld the structure you describe was the old level 9 strcuture i believe. 10 was basically unchanged iirc. Would like the return of the old structure. I think it would tie in neatly with making level 9 a more challenging prospect.
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