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About Francolocarp

  • Birthday October 8

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  1. I have been looking for the requierements and found that battleforge also works for mac and Linux
  2. I am agree that battleforge Was a pay to win, but,like @ladadoos , I never spent a sent and I had a very nice deck (it not was the Best, but it Was enough for me)
  3. Actually, they said that the upgrade system will change, and the upgrade tokens will dissapear. The only way to upgrade the cards will be by the rewards at the end of each game.i listened that
  4. i would like to see a forest elder promo, or a shaman promo, that would be awesome
  5. i think that 3 pvp daily quest and 3 pve daily quest per day its the best choice. bacause people can earn a good amount of BFP. however, the limit of the daily quest should be 3 for pvp and 3 for pve.its my opinion
  6. 7.50/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Jp-V4jalI
  7. I can upload some spanish videos. because maybe in the future. there Will be a lot of spanish players.playing the game
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