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Tool Developer (Retired)
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Posts posted by bobfrog

  1. 50 minutes ago, Xiven said:


    So if we're in the market of... considering inspiration from other models, what other unique systems have you guys encountered?


    -you get currency for completing a game (for winning more than losing) and the first match of the day gives more reward

    -for mastering a champion you get chests, and randomly after a match you get keys to unlock the chests, that then give you stuff.

    Battlefield: Playing with a certain weapon gives you experience for it, which allow you to unlock extras for the weapon

    (maybe would translate to battlforge like this: long term quest: every 20 games you won with frost cards, you get a random frost card)

  2. we should also keep in mind, that bf got shut down due to crumbling player numbers.

    more players mean its easyer to find matches / pvp will be more balanced. we are not that many people (yet).

    we have no experience with creating games and its totaly fine to learn from big companies to build a stable playerbase. (though pkmngo did have some pretty bad desicions imo)

  3. LOCATION: Ingame
    DESCRIPTION: I was ingame with lada on sunbridge, when suddenly the group got disbanded and right at that second the game crashed.

    Sidenote: my wifi isnt very stable. in the forge i had a dc due to it. when that dc happened, lada was still in a group with (ghost) me, lada crashed, when he clicked "ready".


  4. On 23.6.2016 at 8:33 PM, Darian DelFord said:

    I am experiencing the same error.  Could you share on how you fixed it?


    On 20.9.2015 at 9:21 PM, Kiliangg said:

    I just dragged the 0.5.exe in the Installation Folder of LightSong v0.4b and boom. it works^^


  5. 3 hours ago, Ultrakool said:

    On the point of giving away prices to not only winners, how about setting up some participation prizes(commons or uncommon a)that can be won through a raffle using numbers drawn on random.org?

    what about changing this to achievments like this: (for pvp)

    highest void energy

    biggest army

    biggest s unit spam

    most xl units

    most spells

  6. @Eirias

    added you to the streamer list. i think i will make a small beta tournament to test everything. you can try streaming there.

    concerning the deck level. i think i will do a low deck level limit like lvl 30, but still not shure yet.

    do you have a price list suggestion? just post it and im shure we can work sth out.

  7. so much text, i will just add my suggestions real quick:

    - dont allow us to reset

    - allow us to have ~4 elo wells:

    we can select into which well our wins will count. this will allow us to have an elo for different decks, and allow us to quickly change between them. it will also prevent reseting for easy wins.

  8. If someone is interested in streaming the tournament: just write here.

    I think i will handle it this way: Matchup lists will be public and if a streamer wants to stream a fight, then he has to organize it himself with the tournament participants. Matches will then be fought on the spectator maps. For the final there will be a fixed time. The streamers who had the best comentary will be allowed to stream it.

  9. what about upgrade rotation? eg if masterarchers U3 is on a map i really hate, then i could just wait a few days and try to get it on another map


    map1: cards a, b, c, d

    map2: cards e, f, g, h

    map3: cards i, j, k, l

    the next day:

    map1: cards l, a, b, c

    map2: cards d, e, f, g

    map3: cards h, i, j, k


    with ~500 cards and ~25 maps it would be ~3 weeks per card. might be a little bit long, so maybe 2 rotations per day.

  10. The basic idea for this tournament is: same chances for everyone. Obviously with same cards everyone should have the same chance to win (well only depending on skill). So its not about punishing people, its about getting the skill more into the focus.

    With allowing upgrades but only a few, the chances are still the same, since everyone should be able to get just a few upgrades, and in pro PvP i expect that the upgrades will affect strategies and by this make the game more interesting.

    I cant realy say how much this would affect PvE. But since you need to spam some units, a higher decklevel than in PvP would make sense.

  11. I would go max with 30. But this also depends on how the upgrade system will be on releas. I think its best to add this to the todo list for later.

    We could also start with a low deck cap for pvp and increas it with every round.


    But this brings me to another point: How to control the deck level in PvE? There is no enemy, that could check it. Checking every spell that got used in rPvE would be the wurst.

    So no deck cap here?

  12. 40 allready seems much for me, people who dont play so much, most likely wont have that much upgrades.

    To reduce the advantage of people who directly farm upgrades at the beginning, i would keep the number low. But 20 was also just a random number, i dont have a reason, why i chose 20.

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