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Posts posted by Aragorn

  1. I think Sontekin is the best by far in 2v2 and one of the best in 1v1 but I'm biased I only play this deck. However for a top tier deck it is not popular, but I heard in lower elo you get to see it more often (to confirm).

  2. On 3/28/2016 at 5:08 PM, Eirias said:

    That's sort of what I figured. Are juggernauts annoying? How about fire dancers? I'd rather make the stanza multi-factional, but this might work? As near as I can tell, skyfire drakes are a stonekin player's least favorite card, but that's too many syllables. . .


    When the dancers cliff,

    When the juggers charge,

    When I’m feeling mad:

    I think about all my OP stonekin cards,

    And then I don’t flame so bad.


    Believe me, no one wants to hear me sing :). But I do live at one of the best public music schools in the world, so I don't think it would be too hard to find someone to sing it, if we got something good. It would be even better if someone from here would sing it though :).

    Stonekin is the hardest pure fire counter in t2 and t3 and has no problem against fire dancer, just jugger if he can get a little (like 50 energie) advantage in t2. Because the extra time you need to prepare your defense, jugger has time to stomp something. I think you should go for a standart multi-factional or a lost soul deck (2 syllables).

  3. On 3/26/2016 at 7:15 PM, Eirias said:

    What are the cards that stonekin players hate? Preferably not nature or frost cards that they also have access to.

    This is ironic because cards I can handle least are cards I have access but don't use.

    If you gonna sing it, I'm buying you a CD for sure ;)

  4. 10 minutes ago, CapnCrunch said:

    We may have once or twice though I don't even remember my username. Only reason I remember my

    smurf because I use that username for most things. It's not CapnCrunch. Weren't you above legend?

    I made demi-god once but I was more sage consistent the day they announced the game was going to close. I had a short active time and I was a fast learner compared to most other high rank so you maybe met me when I was Legend. My username was xAragornx and I'm know for playing stonekin with no t1 and mostly 2v2.

  5. On 3/5/2016 at 11:20 PM, CapnCrunch said:

    Apparently there are few Canadians here? I know @Aragorn is from Canada. That's about it though. I'm Noah and I'm from ontairio Canada, highest rank I got back in the day was legend, I think if anyone does know me it would be simply for my ability to actually win matches while using t4 or ridiculously bad cards for pvp. I started battleforge in 2010 but didn't play extensively until halfway through 2011. That's where I got to legend. I stopped playing for a while and forgot all my account information for my original so I made a smurf to play until the game shut down. A sad day that was. I used my smurf to get to veteran with the starter deck and clear the PvE completely on every difficulty. I only added light blade to the deck. 

    Hopefully BFR will be completely free to play so you'll be able to fully enjoy the game after forgetting your account identifications. I wish you good luck and maybe we'll face each other in pvp. I did remember some player used t4 in 2v2. Did we ever play each other in the original game?

  6. Please no, don't nerf rallying banner. Pure fire need this to hold a offensive pressure (low base hp for unit if they spawn with half hp)

    @xHighTech That's repeating me in other word. But My formule was maybe too complicate to understand.

  7. I feel everyone in the same channel will have too much video with different views. I mean sucribing will be a spam of video of any kind so as sucriber we will have to filtre ourself. I prefer personnal channel where you can follow who you like instead of the whole community.

  8. @Eirias I've never won an agression with tree spirit, they just hide behind the well and stack unit. 100 power for 2000 health and even more because he will also rotate tank time and save all of his unit while still protecting the well. and poison affinity doesn't affect well. If i take a well before my opponent I usually loose if he start to split  especially with 100 power advantage. I tested many situation with drakonz to find out the best counter in t1 and in your scenario he ended with a 100% win rate. He still got a good win rate if we both take a well. 50% if we both take a well, and 0% if i spam ts directly without amazon and well but depending the map he would just get map control and go t2.

    "You can run up to the center with amazon and spawn treespirits--they will usually be fine getting out of daze because of their health." That's wrong. I can't do it. TS can't fight until they are able to use their ability. They can survive, but they will start fight with half health while opponent troup are full. This scenario only work if my opponent isn't good enough which never happen if im matched near my elo.

    They have already a long cooldown for their root. The rework i'm thinking is to remove the bonus stat from beeing grouped but still give bonus to other unit (t2) (don't promote spam anymore and nerf at the same time). They should attack a single unit at time with no poison (so they doesn't counter S at the same time without help). Increase the fire rate with a manual target system but keep same total damage per 20 secondes (so there is some micro potential). Increase damage to 500 in 20s in melee mode so they are viable as both range or melee. Since the red affinity no longer procure poison, it could remove the delay to switch between melee/range just like razorshard.

    Whats sort of deck? Ice barrer spam (any frost card, that's why I don't even try to fight t1 and just rush t2). Mortar tower, Phase tower. And some other cards give advantage but I can still do something. When I said a counter-deck, i wasn't talking about t1, i was talking about a my whole hard counter-deck t1-t2-t3.

  9. @Eirias That's the weakness of a small t1, your opponent lead the direction of the game and I just follow to be the most safe as possible. In some rare scenario, in the past i lost to a mid gold player with super strange deck and I was like : there is nothing i can do with my deck. Nah they need more a rework than a nerf stat. TS is the type of card easy to handle at low elo with no potential in high elo because of immobility and auto-target. Passive still encourage spam viability instead of diversity and lack of potential would make ts not viable in high rank if his stat wasnt that good.

  10. @FrozenRipper The well example was just an answer to the situation u stated. You were the one that said i'm going to start with a well. You're just cuting contexte and take what you want to hear. I don't see your logic much better, so because t1 is skippable you want make all tier skippable TS a swift unit a church of negation a t2 and map ultra large so nobody can fight until 90 minutes of walk? This is not just about me, this is about everyone refusing to play a certain conventional limited style play, I'm defending myself because you are the one attacking me and don't tell me you aren't trying. You are repeating me in other word when you say ts is like a tower defense game with not much outplaying. Again, you just take whatever you want to hear, you ask me to not make you repeat but it's what you are doing now. stonekin require a lot of card and can't afford to play 3 tiers, most people choose tier 1 and 2 while I chose tier 2 and 3 with its own advantage and disadvantage. You are a racist if you hate everyone taking a decision different of you, I'm not trash talking you because you can't innove your own play style so please some respect. I just say even if tree spirit aren't fun to play, not beeing able to beat them is a lack of skill and you are like those player doing the same mistake over and over and just blamming a op card, you are the one that need to learn to play, I'm am the one able to beat my own tier 1 strategy with any faction while you are the one that keep whinning. I seen player wasting 3 wildfire to support siege a SF while I take 2 well and just let my skyelf deny the offense, but you know what, he just blamed brannoc even with 200+ energie disadvantage. rts isn't just about micro and outplay, you have to make smart decision and build a counter deck, do you want we remove all cards with no outplay potentiel like tower and immobile unit like spikeroot.

  11. @FrozenRipper I'm considered as a new player by many. I discovered the game and explored the cards myself. I don't really care about conventional deck I just want to play what I feel efficient, t2 cost 150 which allow me to just rush it (if the game is mean to a not optional t1, they had to increase it) in most match and I have TS for some security to defend forced attack, with a strong t2 people are forced to follow me so i gain another advantage with more card slot. This is part of my strategy to counter most meta deck, if you don't want to get countered by this, just don't play a meta deck and i'm fucked (because unlike meta deck, mine doesn't allow me to stand a chance against anything). If ts was removed, I would just get 1 more card slot for my t2 where 90% of my game are determined because the game gave me the possibility to just spawn amazon and directly build a orb. I use Amazon in t2 every match agains't lost soul, they represent more than 1 game out of 20. Tree spirit I only use them to kill EP, but now they don't 1 shot anymore.

    When they announced the game was going to close at this moment I was sage (lvl 32). If I take a well and you not, you should be able to make a efficient split attack and even win by not splitting if you have right cards in your deck.

    It does not work against all deck, it work against most meta deck. My lost soul deck t1 has only 3 card (dreadcharger, forsaken, nasty) and I play the same way, I skip t1 and those 3 cards are just a security. Not the best t1, but still enough to defend. This one is a deck efficient. Most people play 5-7 cards in t1, just like the amazon + ts + spells + building (I play mark of the keeper for those who didn't notice). Ice shell isn't as powerful as shield building because tier are different even if I use both in t3. Not having a higher tier version of a card doesnt make this card more powerful. This is not legit to count unit only on the faction with the most cc and spell in all tier. However you still count my 3 spells in t3 even if I use them in tier t4 in 2v2.

  12. @Hirooo I was just defending myself of someone freely attacking me. I know it's not the subject of the thread. I said TS concept is bad and need a rework other than just stat change. I said a normal t1, not a large t1, not everyone play phase tower. Having a matchup that force opponent to avoid all agression and play another tier... I kinda don't like that too but sometime it's cards choice (not carrying phase tower and other counters...) that doesn't allow to make viable agression. But I don't think this is enough reason to change. Look at stonekin mirror or stonekin vs pure frost. It's mostly passive until t3 because the agressor is too much disadvantaged. I don't say it's impossible, but the defensor is more willing to win, get unit/power advantage after the fight, then win. So it just encourage people to be both passive until t3.

  13. @FrozenRipper I use amazon and ts in t2, especially amazon. Not counting spell is your own point of view. Fact I Play the same amount of t1 of a normal shadow deck (Dreadcharger, forsaken, nox, nasty, life weaving). I play to win, t1 is skippable and it's how they made the game and I won't change my style to the very restricted meta deck. I win most match with a t2 lead and then I finish in t3 you're just beeing salty and prefer to point op card instead to check about your own mistakes, so keep loosing to my deck or just copy me.

    @SunWu II. I've heard that many mid gold ranked player did this. But I've nerver met any of them. Maybe it's easy to handle for a beginner but none of them could made green rank.

  14. Aye that's my point, there were not to many of us.  If it were so godly, I think you would have seen it a lot more.  Rarely did I even run into it, 

    It's because TS become useless in t2 unless you play the root game with spikeroot and people carry mortar tower and phase tower.

  15. @RadicalX Meanwhile the other affinity is stronger against fire and shadow. And Ok let's do that. And don't forget you can't use anything beside tree spirit and spell. Because you said tree spirit spam outrade anything you're not allowed of any other unit or building. I'll play a normal size t1 of each faction. No t2 or t3 fight.


    PS: Your active time (those 173 games) was before a nerf of tree spirit (I think it was -33% damage).

    @Darian DelFord Dekka, bejinguy, xyNNNN, few mid/low ranked player and some people that doesn't main pure natue, like me on a smurf (I only made Legend with  pure nature).


    @Anonymos I'm agree the concept is dump, they deserve a rework. The passive encourage people to spam it and there is no micro even if you try.

  16. @RadicalX That's true about purple tree spirit, but very few play it most prefer the other affinity. You can't destroy ice barrer while they are under construction because the wave delay is too long and even if ts destroy them it's still worth because they block the wave. Life weaving is situation and good. Where did I say kill them with shaman? I said double the healing efficient on amazon or poison affinity tree spirit (the one most player use). If you want to talk about nature mirror without ts, it's dryad + shaman spam, not much more skill involved. He will take a well if you take a well, TS only are bad in offense, you can force split scenario. Why are you talking about windweaver, you said ts spam outrade and win everything. Why are you talking about large group? Everyone knows nature win in this situation. Mass spam isn't representative of the game.

    You're just trying to say TS are uncounterable but you actually have not much experience for saying that, that's wrong, I can name a lot of people that are able to deal with them and I can proove it myself when the game will be release with any faction. Tree spirit spam only with spells will never win if you do thing right.

  17. @Hirooo 

    Nah amazon really work, that's what I do when I'm against another tree spirit user. It's 50% reducted damage not 25% they don't die quickly at all. With shaman the healing efficient is doubled. Rooting only 1 amazon isn't worth especially if you micro the rest of ranged unit so they still use amazon as a tank if you approach them. 45 for gaining 15s, not worth. rooting so amazon don't attack, not worth too the goal is to tank and she will still tank.

    "You could stop the treespirits form firing by ordering a stop command. A root in range to get a meeleunit was worth the energy and could block a reengage in most areas." Shhhh, that's was my secret.

    They dont need to activate skelleton warrior, they are S with high health it's enough to tank. And even if you activate and I use hurricane they are still the closest target TS will attack them while nox trooper attack safely TS. You also need to remember spell can be used at 1 place only. So you can still make 2 group with 1 skelleton warrior each, TS are much less efficient when not rooted with others tree spirit.

    Life weaving is situational, if you can get a unit close with full hp because of the cooldown on root or lack of energie.

    @Eirias They have more siege damage and 10m more range than razor, unless you make 3 well at the same place fire stalker are better siege unit. And they are fire/neutral, too many faction could play them while razor is stonekin only.



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