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Game Designer
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Everything posted by Eirias

  1. My vote for Lord Cyrian is to take him out of boosters and provide him as a starter card. That way everyone gets one (all you need) and players get a strong t3 XL if they really really want one in their deck.
  2. Just letting y'all know that this is still a problem for me. 2/4 times when I was trying to co-cast a game and needed to un-fullscreen the window, hitting the options button caused the game to freeze. "Ending task" caused the error message "account still in use."
  3. Pieorgi is very good . I also like beetroot soup, and the low prices of food . Public transportation is also cool. Do you prefer if it was animated, or if there is the random gameplay in the background? I think I'm going to try working with my girlfriend to get an animated story out about once per month (or maybe more as we get the hang of it), but ofc it would be much faster if I didn't have to worry about the visuals.
  4. Out of curiosity...Is this only for people who have a forum account by Jan 30? In other words, I have people who I'm going to show to game, but should I make sure they create an account before they can actually play, or can they just wait until a month or so after beta is opened to create the account?
  5. Alright, i finally made the video! Check out part 1 here!
  6. @tbpeti and @FlameForge are definitely still around. If you type @ and then someone's name into a textbox on the site, you can search for people (if they have the same/similar name).
  7. Thanks I'm flying back to the US early EARLY in the morning, so I'll either make the video with her now or do it in a few days via skype.
  8. I have had an interesting trip to Europe, needless to say. Since I know a lot of you are from here, I thought you might find my experience interesting. Rather than spoil all the details here, I thought I'd make a youtube video. Something like a blog post. I'll probably just record audio over some random battleforge gameplay, but if anyone has other ideas and wants to help me (for instance, do some basic artwork like Casually Explained), let me know. I'll probably post it on my other youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrzO7CVUqpa8zmqCq5A1lEg) but if there are enough people interested who prefer I do it on my Eirias channel, I can do it there instead: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxf9iCqSdQSr0zc389NYemA Finally, does anyone have any questions? I'm definitely telling the story of my night in jail (so feel free to ask questions the help me guide the video), but anyone wants to know anything else about how an American likes Europe (I went to Budapest, Krakow, and Warsaw), comment below and I'll try to answer it. EDIT: Here's Part 1, where I explain why I ended up in jail: For those who want a link to part 2 (a bit longer, so I split it into 2 videos for those who only wanted the 5 min recap), here's the link:
  9. Hey, maybe we can stream something together! I'm not Polish but I'm here now... Send me a PM if interested.
  10. I wonder if the undo and redo feature only remembers a certain amount of data? So if you undo, it doesn't have enough storage to redo it all?
  11. Let's test if crtl+y does anything? ....Seems to work for me?
  12. Here's an assortment of all the guides we've created as a community: There's a dictionary in the "general beginners' guide" section, although I'd recommend Elendil and Kaldra's guide if you want to do more than just look up a word.
  13. Eirias


    Oh, didn't want to be annoying by posting here every video. Guess I will though
  14. Eirias


    Alright, well participation has been quite low so here's one more reminder, and I'll tag some people who have been interested in this. @anonyme0273 @Ultrakool @Riviute @Aegis1020 @Archmystic @EonBen @Archeon @RadicalX @Akaranda @Chimerae @JoseAlmeida There's only been 2 attempts to solve challenge #2, so I'll give it about 1 more day and post the solution video. Challenge #3 has been up for a while and no one has tried to solve it, so I think it's time to end this series and start something new. For those of you who haven't seen challenge #3:
  15. sure I'll see if I can find time to post a little youtube video about it
  16. So I was bored and I ended up teaching myself how to use this game making program last night and tonight I have a working version of the game . It's a 2 person game, but since I'm using the free version of the software, both players need to be at the same computer (one player uses the mouse and the other uses the keyboard). If you want to try my game out, just let me know . And it's not BattleForge themed, but if someone wants to help me out by making some BF sprites and sounds, it would not be difficult to make it BattleForge themed
  17. @ThomasMann I gave you lyrics and an associated youtube video! Also, I think @Skytrias already tried to sing it, so you can have a competition with him
  18. It seems my last challenge video was too hard! You have one more week to join the only other person who has solved it so far (shoutout to @RadicalX) but if that sort of logic isn't your cup of tea, the 2nd challenge is now ready!



  19. +1 Actually, a lot of Nintendo's "epic orchestral" music is fantastic, although I have to say imo, #1 is FE and #2 is LoZ You familiar with "The Power Hungry Fool?" That's gotta be one of my favorites.
  20. Eirias


    Hmm....I looked at my audio file and noticed that there is one track (usually it duplicates the track). I thought it was a software update, so if it notices only 1 track it duplicates it for both sides, but perhaps the update now makes me duplicate the track manually. I don't have headphones so I can't check, but if anyone else can verify this, it's an easy fix for future videos! Also, anyone else getting close to the solution? Our resident genius @RadicalX has already solved it, but the challenge is still open! Right now the plan is leave this challenge open until June 30th, but release Challenge #2 on June 23. The next one is quite a bit different!
  21. Eirias


    Dang, I'm getting lots of rep from this Was not (necessarily ) my intention, but I certainly don't mind! Also I decided to upload the video in lower quality (720p) so it would upload faster (i.e. it's done now). If y'all want future videos to be in higher resolution, I'm willing to make the sacrifice Just let me know! Oh, and here's the video!
  22. Eirias


    Just so y'all know I didn't forget again, I finished the video! Now it'll be about 12+ hours for it to upload. I'll link it when it's up. Would you guys like to see a transcript of the video here so you can get started ASAP? P.S. This first one is SUUUUPER hard so feel free to collaborate, but remember that you'll get more points if you're the only person to solve it, rather than if 4 people solve it on the same day, so I would recommend trying to spend a day or two solving it on your own, and when (or if ) you can't do it by yourself, try to collaborate with others. Good Luck!
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