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  1. You will win with me liked a post in a topic by BraderZ in It will be fun they said... Bandits are easy they said...   
    The bandits just have a different gaming chair.
  2. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Majora in Where are card voice line files located?   
    Here you go 🙂 
    ack_shadowflamedemon_spawning1.mp3 ack_shadowflamedemon_spawning2.mp3 ack_shadowflamedemon_spawning3.mp3 ack_shadowflamedemon_aggro2.mp3
  3. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by BraderZ in It will be fun they said... Bandits are easy they said...   
    The bandits just have a different gaming chair.
  4. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Majora in Introducing... Majora, new Community Manager   
    Actual event sponsoring and rewards is something for the role of Event Manager, so im afraid I wont be able to help with that. Once that role gets filled up I will be in touch with him/her to assist with communication however. 
    If you are referring to the situation with rewards being on hold for quite a while with the 2v2 Toggy tournament, even though I wont personally be able to take care of stuff like that myself, I will do my very best to prevent stuff like that in the future. 
    And I will ofcourse point out events happening in the biweekly updates and can also be of assistance in pointing them out on facebook/twitter.  
  5. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Majora in Introducing... Majora, new Community Manager   
    Hello everyone,
    I am excited to announce that I will join the Skylords Reborn team as Community Manager!
    As Community Manager I will be responsible for the communications between the Skylords Reborn team and the community. This will allow the team to focus more on their own positions, bringing you content and balancing patches faster, where I will be keeping you up to date about everything Skylords Reborn. This also includes on our social media channels, such as Twitter and Facebook.
    One of the ways you can expect this to work is with biweekly status updates, highlighting things you might have missed and giving you sneak previews on what is being worked on.
    I will also be making notes on frequently asked questions and the hot topics that are being discussed in the forums, discord or in-game. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to post them in the forum or discord page, just as you are doing now. I will make sure to forward your ideas and questions to the team.
    I'm happy and honored to join the team, being a Battleforge fan from the very first hour and I look forward in helping the project. If you also want to help, please take a look at the open staff positions here.
    For now, please give me a bit of time to get up to date with the things happening behind the scenes. After that you can expect the very first biweekly status update, which I hope will result in a positive tradition.
    I hope you are as excited as I am about the future of Skylords Reborn, and I look forward to working (and playing!) alongside all of you!
  6. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by MrXLink in PSA: Never trade for real-life currency!   
    Heya Skyfolk!

    There have been increasing concerns lately about people selling and buying in-game content for real-life currency. We'd like to clarify that we do not and will never sell any BattleForge content for real-life money. This is due to the project being non-profit and a revival passion project in which we do not own any of the rights required to sell anything that's part of the game. Also, we like giving you a free experience of this amazing game without you ever having to worry about it being pay-to-win!
    ANY kind of activity in the games, the forums, or our official discord server that involves trading in-game content for non-in-game content, be it real-life currency, accounts, games, literally anything that's not a part of the game, is strictly forbidden and not condoned by the Skylords Reborn Team. We do not and will never tolerate any kind of transactions that go beyond the game, such as account sales or trading BFP for real-life money, even if it was meant as a joke.
    These kinds of malpractices put the entire game at risk for everyone involved; they could and will shut down the project entirely, never making Skylords Reborn available to the people again.  We don't want that to happen, and hopefully neither do any of you. We're very proud and happy to provide the BF experience to you and we intend to keep doing so!
    For the safety of the community as well as the entire project's future, please consider the following:
    If you see anyone attempting to sell or buy in-game content for out-of-game content on any platform report this to SR staff as soon as you can! We will do what we can to crack down on these cases as soon as possible. You can report someone by right clicking their name in the game and then clicking the report button, using the report function on the forums, or sending a DM to the SR Staff Mail bot on our Discord server. We will never sell you in-game content for real money. If someone does, report it. Attempting to sell in-game content like this is considered a threat to the entire project and its community, and will result in a permanent ban. This ban is NOT negotiable; you will never be able to access the game again. Period. We take these kinds of issues very seriously and we will always do what we can to keep Skylords Reborn a safe and enjoyable place for you all, and that means we try to keep it free from black market practices. By reporting, you can help keep Nyn safe and keep the game alive for all of us!
    Thanks for keeping the game safe and enjoyable with us! Stay cool, stay safe, and enjoy the forge!
  7. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    A bit too late, but here it is:
    - Added "Event Organizer" position
    - Added "Community Manager" position
  8. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    - Added "Discord Moderator" position
    - Closed applications for "Faction Designer"
  9. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    We have restructured our open staff positions, and other ways you can contribute to the project. Please consider reading the following thread instead. Thank you! 

  10. BraderZ liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Skylords Reborn - Download   
    In order to play Skylords Reborn, you will need to create a forum account here. 
    This is the same account you will use to login to the game.

    You will also need to download 2 parts:
    1. The client.
    This is the game itself, you will need it for the installation process.
    You can download the client using the button below.

    Alternative link: Mega.nz
    Last updated: Patch #400047 - 29 June 2024
    2. The installer.
    This application installs Skylords Reborn on your computer. For the installation process you will also need the client from step 1.
    You can download the installer using the button below.

    Alternative link: Mega.nz
    Installing the game
    After downloading both files, start the installation process by running the installer from step 2 and follow the steps shown. Once you have installed the game you can start it by either running the "Skylords Reborn" shortcut from your Desktop, or the "SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe" from the folder where you installed BattleForge.
    You can also follow the steps from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdgsregbNhA

    For general project questions please head over here.

    • I have issues with installing/starting the game.
    You are running into issues when installing or starting the game? We compiled a list of common technical issues people might face here. If none of that works, create a Technical Support Topic here (or find the solution in someone else's topic!). In your topic, please say what exactly doesn't work, and what you have tried so far. Please refrain from contacting staff members directly for your issues, and wait for a response to your support topic.
    • Is this game also supported on Linux and MacOS?
    We do not officially support both Linux and macOS yet. We will also not be able to add support for macOS in the future, as Apple has ended support for 32-bit applications (like BattleForge) since macOS Catalina. For Linux, we do plan to add better support in the future. Despite the lack of official support, some fans were already able to get the game running with Linux. You can find some tutorials from people who were able to get it running on our forums .
    Please note that the installer will not function, and you will have to manually extract the client and the updater files to the same directory. If you want to give it a shot, please download the client above, and also download the updater by using the button below. 

    The updater can be used to install the game manually, if the installer above does not work. This is usually required, if you want to play the game on Linux or MacOS. Please note that you still need to download the game client.

    Alternative link: Mega.nz
    Alternative Updater Script
    For our Linux users who wish to install and update the game manually, we're grateful to one of our community members, @mx2, who has kindly provided an alternative updater in the form of a bash script. To launch the game, you will need to add the "-online" argument, for example "wine Battleforge.exe -online".


    • Recommended System Requirements
    • CPU: Core i3 7400T / Ryzen 3 1200 (X86 compatible)
    • RAM: at least 6GB
    • OS: Windows 10 or higher.
    • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / ATI Radeon HD 7770 (Direct X 11 compatible)
    • Disk Space: At least 14GB of free space.

    • Checksum-Information
    1. Client
    2. Installer
    3. Updater (Linux only)
  11. mtmt liked a post in a topic by BraderZ in Introducing ... empty, our new Developer!   
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