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Beta Tester
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Status Replies posted by veryhasted

  1. BFReborn has become like an addiction for me, what about you guys?

  2. Nature above all :kappa:

    1. veryhasted


      Shadow below all then :kappa: I guess this is the other way around thread?

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  3. I am :hype: keeper!

  4. 10 hours shool today ? 

  5. I am watching The Walkind Dead  <3

     And you ?

  6. Keeping up the HYPE guys, don't lose hope!

  7. Yep, fire stalkers are for sure working in BFR ! :bf: :hype: 



  8. I want to play Battleforge xD

  9. Developers have just recently started to work on the maps! :hype:  overload!

  10. Hype Train getting closer to it's destination!

  11. For those of you who wanted to see an infinite wrathgazer chain:

  12. The alpha tester group stream is happening!
    Watch TODAY at 16:00 CET at http://www.twitch.tv/battleforgecom

  13. Why am I so good

  14. Testing, testing, testing and more testing... What about you guys ?

  15. Thanks for all the positive replys on my first replaycast! Replaycast #2 is allready on youtube. check it out!


  16. Whats your Favourite Colour?

  17. Whats your Favourite Colour?

  18. Hello everyone! My first ever replaycast is on youtube!

  19. Hello everyone! My first ever replaycast is on youtube!

  20. hello this is my first post (don't judge my post for  english  ^_^

    it's simple  just post what is your favorite card's and why ^_^ 

    for example:  Wheel_of_Gifts-0.thumb.jpg.b4fa94f0c7381

                           give nice damage boost for solo map's and it was really helpful  most of time's

    1. veryhasted


      They are changing the way you upgrade cards, they are removing tokens and replacing it with gold. I don't know how the cards will work :P

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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