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Posts posted by Xamos

  1. 15 hours ago, judaspriester said:

    The big difference between my wildcard idea and the already mentioned "x for one random" idea is the lack of RNG. I know some of you really like gambling, because it's exiting/fun. but on the other hand there are also some players (like me) which prefere a more predictable result.

    Understandable, but your proposal would not necessarily lower the overall ever-growing bfp and card amount in the game - it would just be like exchanging cards for their total value together. I mean you can kinda do this right now - if you have 50 rare cards you got from boosters and dont need - just sell them in the AH and buy the one expensive card you want. No need for such a exchange system then. In games like MTG Arena there are wildcards because you cannot trade cards. In Battleforge you can.

    Also, your proposal seems way harder to implement than just gamble 5 for 1 random.

    So i personally would prefer and like to see such a gamble option ingame, since it shredds cards and you get the chance to get something good. ;) 

    Asraiel and Mynoduesp like this
  2. On 1/23/2021 at 12:10 AM, Tweeto said:

    How about making some kind of re-roll system where you place like 5 cards of the same rarity and you can re-roll into another random one of that rarity.

    can be also done for factions, like 5 of the same faction into 1 random of the same faction.

    I like this Idea!


    On 1/11/2021 at 10:47 PM, Metagross31 said:

    I just got a funny idea - spend a horrendous amount of gold (like 9.999.999) to get the gold version of a card. Basically the same unit, but all colors are switched to a single shade of gold, making it look kinda rediculous.

    That would be super cool and add a long-term usage to gold. However, sounds like a LOT work, even if the reskin is just single-coloured, since it would have to be done for every card and every card-unit model. 

  3. On 2/6/2021 at 6:07 AM, chickennoodler said:

    If anything, we should be INCREASING orb restriction

    The entire purpose of the game is to think around this.

    Yes, i agree.


    On 4/3/2021 at 3:16 AM, Cocofang said:

    What happens when something is the best (in power and/or ease of use)? Everyone flocks towards it and uses it, ignoring everything that is weaker. This is a big part of what makes a meta. They develop in most games and they do so for a reason. Being that people generally want to play the best. Anecdotes to the contrary don't matter here, even the existence of this topic is proof of that.

    If you ease orb restrictions on these cards, people will have more freedom to pick for their decks, that is very true. What happens when people have more freedom of choice there? They pick the best. So what you will end up with are decks that will be more homogeneous. Splashing will become even more powerful, even though it is are already very strong thanks to so many flexible cards. Pure decks will fall even further behind. Even duo-mixed decks will show noticeable wear.

    Take the most stacked splash color of them all, nature. It offers Breeding Grounds, Curse of Oink, Revenge, Equilibrium, Thunderstorm, Grimvine, Giant Wyrm, Regrowth. Immediate, rock solid T4, sustain for all decks that can splash and powerful support. This is way too much bundled into a single orb. This shouldn't be accessible to pretty much any deck.

    Reducing orb restrictions also severely hampers the concept of "faction identity". You immediately remove the notion that a card is supposed to be the apex of a faction.

    No, what makes more sense to happen is:

    1. Make weak cards that have harsh orb restrictions deliver more value
    2. Make strong cards that are flexible deliver less value
    3. Make strong cards that are flexible but should retain their power more restrictive

    There have to be fitting opportunity costs for picking flexible or restrictive cards. Right now that is not the case and that is why especially nature splash or LSS are too powerful while the restrictive cards are not very popular.

    Fully support that. All 3 points sound very good. (f.e. we could start by making Regrowth require 2 Nature instead of 1)


    On 4/3/2021 at 3:05 PM, Cocofang said:

    The goal should be to give a good reason to go for restrictive cards. Make them worth it. Make them the true pinnacle of their faction. While at the same time reevaluating just how powerful flexibility actually is and how much of a cards power budget a neutral orb requirement is really worth.


    The biggest task here is to think of or even try out all still possible combinations of a certain card after the orb resctriction gets higher. 

  4. I have mixed feelings about the free PvP decks aswell. On the one hand, it´s a great addition for new players so that they don´t have to grind to not be in a disadvantage straight away. On the other hand, my mate who is completely new to bf since I just introduced it to him, didn´t even want to play the free decks, because he got some cool cards from Boosters and wanted to use them. Makes sense since he just learned how to use his new own cards and didn´t want to read throught all cards in the free PvP decks, but rather jump into play. Only to see he gets crushed by enemies with stronger decks. We tried 2v2 PvP a few times later also with the free decks but since he had no idea what the free deck was about we got crushed every time and afterwards he basically moved on to play only PvE.
    For me it seems that the main or only Problem is, that there are not enought PvP players to compete against - if there would be many new players who are like my mate, they could clash with their own cards and learn by actually playing. Right now there aren´t even players in the sparrings, and we would wait forever there. 


    Also since it is a collecting card game, I would not want to remove the collecting card aspect from the PvP game only to make it a little more appealing. A.e. if we look at Hearthstone, if you want to get good you need good cards too - I´d like to see that in Battleforge aswell. Everybody likes to show off his awesome cards in Battles vs other Players after all, right? :D


    My personal suggestion would be, to remove the free decks but virtually upgrade your decks to u3 while in a pvp match, but considering your own card charges. That way new players could still play their own cards they recently got and know how they work, but would not be in a big disadvantage due to missing upgrades. Would make sence since you basically only get gold and upgrades by playing PvE, but also get bfp to buy the cards you need for PvP by playing PvP. So a PvP-only player should not have to care for Upgrading all his cards to u3 if he doesn´t want to.

    Don´t know if that would be technically possible tho.

  5. Are there any updates to this topic yet?

    I´d love to see PvP happy-hours!

    Also liking the reward idea - maybe the bfp reserve would restore faster during "searching for an opponent" and empty faster during a match in these happy hours.

    And different happy-hours for 1v1 and 2v2 sound very good too - would compromise the players even more.

    Jaymy likes this
  6. 7 minutes ago, Stoxx92 said:

    Well for me it worked to play random pve and one mission yesterday but today missions seem to crash often. But it feels that it is getting better and better every day. Very very nice work keep it going guys??

    Lucky one you got to play ;o 

    I tried like 100 times at all different day times but always instant disconnect after successful login :(

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