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N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by Eviatar10 in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement
Hello There , my name is Eviatar , former player of battleforge by EA , was one of my favorite games EVER.
Now I would like to ask you a question friend ,
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ?
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?
I can tell you i have never encountered anything like that anywhere else , I rarly knew few games that delayed their release dates ONCE , not more .
Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no , I had experience with programming before , I know how difficult and hard it can be , in that part you have my tottal understanding ,
so please dont take me for a fool .
the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.
In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" ,
I would still appreciate it more then each month having people waiting in patience and failing them each time.
I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best ,as i always did , i just wanted to express my opinion here.
Thank you for your time , have a good day.
this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by badbosspt in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement
i dont care . dont give us a date if you cant make it
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by xxraidxx in [Important] Open Beta Delayed
Ok! thanks for coments, i think you are stupid bb!
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by Ultrakool in Say something about the person above you.
doesnt kno da wei
A Potato in HD liked a post in a topic by N0SKYO in Say something about the person above you.
he is a sexc and delicious potato
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in [Important] Open Beta Delayed
"I've been in the shoes of those developers, working so hard to revive our favorite game." - Proof or didn't happen
"I actually don't believe that those devs are able to pull this stuff. So young and lacking experience..." - Young yes, lacking experience? No. I'm 8 years in programming business so argument invalid.
"I predict that nothing will be playable, except the forge in the next 2 years." - How so when there were so much testers playing and streaming stuff from old server?
I'd like to see you reverse engineer a game completely, then code a server counterpart for it, then make an application that can edit game files you didn't have a clue about how they work. Oh, and make it all in timespan of 2.5 years. The amount of work I've put into this is immense, I won't tolerate anyone bashing my 2.5 years work.
As @Ultrakool said and this may sound arrogant, if there wasn't for me you'd still be stuck with dev updates regarding old C# server, let alone have a new version rewrite at the point it is currently. If I snap, quit and don't come back, you won't be able to play this game until 2020 so be grateful. Point me to a project or game studio that has weekly updates as we have and is involved with their community as we are. That's what I thought, you can't, so be sure you collectively don't mess up whole staff<>players relationship.
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by Fotti in [Important] Open Beta Delayed
Let me tell you something...
I've been in the shoes of those developers, working so hard to revive our favorite game. Kinda.
Whenever you feel so close to solving a problem, at least 3 more emerge. Re-writing a server-side client in another language, while it seems doable is not an easy task. Those estimates are unreal. It is just not doable in the spans mentioned, If those guys manage to do that- I'll applaud them. I do not want to break the hype, but the winter release will be followed by the spring one. If it was meant to be done it should happen over an year span.
I actually don't believe that those devs are able to pull this stuff. So young and lacking experience... They are giving us false hopes. I predict that nothing will be playable, except the forge in the next 2 years. I know how those things work and this is just a masquerade. I am grateful for the effort put into it, but I just believe that we'll get what is promised in the days to come.
Sir Fister Gee liked a post in a topic by N0SKYO in The legendary forum game "count"
good to know @Sir Fister Gee
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by gnomgrol in My Improved CardBase
UPDATE: We made it! This is now the official cardBase. You can check it out on the usual link in the top bar of the forum.
Or Here:
If you want anything added or changed or have a bug to report, comment below!
Known bugs:
- Some cards are sorted into the wrong place or display outdated info in the tooltip. This is because some data in the API is out of date and there is not much I can do about it.
1.8: - You can now sort cards in a deck using the arrow keys <- and -> - Booster Simulator now has a button to share a booster 1.7: - Added a Booster Simulator (link in the top bar) - Some Visual Bugfixes Patchnotes 1.6.6: - Added a slider to adjust card size. - Moved view maps button to the top line. - Added easier implementation into existing website. Patchnotes 1.6.5: - Small GUI edits - Made sure cards with bugged API stats still get added to all filters that they provide data for. - Deck pictures now also have a "small" version Patchnotes 1.6: - Massive clean-up and GUI improvements - Added Link Bar on top of page - Decks can now be exported as pictures to link in forum posts (or anywhere else) or downloaded! - Maps can now be sorted by player count Patchnotes 1.5: - Deckbuilding is live! Hover over the INFO text to get started. - Card links are aquired by shift-clicking now. - Decks can be ex/imported. Shift-click on any card in the deck to get a link! - Some minor tweaks to improve usablity on wierd screen resolutions. Patchnotes 1.4: - You can now choose your orb order and sort by cards you could play with it! - Double clicking a card shows a permanent link to the card. - Added Button to reset all filters. Patchnotes 1.3: - Added filters for Rarity, Affinity and Edition. - Added Unit Stat filtering. - Changed all exclusive selectors to Multicheckboxes. You can now filter in much more detail. - Fixed messed up UI for smaller screens - Renamed remaining Back to Purple Patchnotes 1.2: - Added option to sort alphabetically - Upgrades are now always in the correct order - Added Maps View, which includes Minimap previews and loot tables - Renamed Color Black to Purple Patchnotes 1.1: - Greatly improved loading speed and stability. - Tooltip is now displayed next to the card, and intelligently chooses its position to be on screen. - Tooltip now contains upgrades. Effects + where they drop. - Sorting by Orbs or Energy is now exclusive of each other. Bugfixes:- Firefox scrollbar working now.
See you in beta.
N0SKYO liked a post in a topic by Partario in Open Stress Test Information
Salivating like a rabid dog..... If I find myself staring at a loading screen with the "Lords of the Sky" music in the background, I will cry more than I did when my daughter was born....
Patreon has been activated over a month now and there are only a few people donating. Come on guys, we're 12k people here. 1 dollar/month each - we'll give 5-6 people a full-time job and ourselves the game back! It's a win-win