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WARNING: Multiaccounting is forbidden!


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Greetings, Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolks,

We would like to remind you all that we do not condone making multiple accounts in any way, be it for reward/progression system abuse in-game, shadowing your identity, circumventing penalties, or literally any other reason. Multi-accounting is strictly forbidden, Accounts in households, shared computers, or shared dwellings should not affect our system, and if you stick by our regulations, you should all have nothing to worry about.

To make sure everyone is aware of this, there are warnings in place on our forums as well as in-game, and additional clarification has been added to the Global Rules (Rule 3.1). Also be reminded that this specific rule is a part of our Terms of Service (ToS) and our Registration Policy, meaning that by creating your account, you agree with the risks of multi-accounting and accept the reset of your main account and the loss of your access if you re-offend. Please also note our main warning: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/announcement/29-beware-multiaccounting-can-cause-permabans/

We hope you understand our concern and abide by the rules to make the forums as well as the game a safe, enjoyable, and wholesome place.

UltDragon, Dzodin, Navarr and 1 other like this
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