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New Amii Cards (Ami Sentinel, Energy Core, Skydancer)


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I tested the new Amii units, and I can't figure out how to make them work efficiently at all.

I tried everything. So if after reading all of that and testing yourself you found a way, I'd like to hear it.


1) Solo Amii Sentinel deck with spells like Batariel 4/10.


2) The intended way of all 3 of the new units together. I tried to use 1 Amii Sentinel, 1 Skydancer with mass spam of Cores and used their 1st skill 5/10.


3) Same 3 units together but this time run / Nether Warp with mass Cores spam in the middle and explode them all and then heal with Healing Gardens 6.5/10.


4) This time I used Inc Mo. Yellow with Green Peace and mass explosions - still feels weak 6/10.


*When you get a lot of them they do indeed a lot of dmg but it feels so bad to get them into position and all that amount of set up feels bad for the end result.


If you think it as a super fun deck ugh maybe, but as at least a solid and functional deck? I would not use it.



Cores 1st skill feels underwhelming to say the least. All that micromanaging with spamming the Z button feels bad. Need to change it completely, maybe somehow work a way to activate all of them together with 1 click??

The 2nd ability with the Skydancer actually feels really nice since you can activate mass explosions with 1 button and it does neat dmg, however without making the Cores super fast I feel like it's pointless.

Thus I suggest giving them high movement speed. The move speed buff could be a new spell or just a passive when it's near one of the other Amii units. I would also suggest maybe to somehow making the Cores spawnable without ground presence so I don't need the useless Amii Sentinel walking around doing nothing, but i'm not sure, could potentially be OP. I would give it a try imo.

Edited by DieToPlay
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I saw someone using like 7 cores, nether warping them into a rpve6 camp and nuking that camp with everything except the boss (surviving with 20%hp) within 1 second. It didn't look like much micro management. Did you try that? Looked like a 10 out of 10. It's the only use of it i've seen so far.

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18 minutes ago, shaulani said:

I saw someone using like 7 cores, nether warping them into a rpve6 camp and nuking that camp with everything except the boss (surviving with 20%hp) within 1 second. It didn't look like much micro management. Did you try that? Looked like a 10 out of 10. It's the only use of it i've seen so far.

You can also motivate them for more damage, feels quite statisfying. Won't work that well against willzappers or mark of the keeper though.

Another deck i found to be fun, relatively strong and reliable is skydancer spam + 2 - 4 fallen skyelfs. You fly to a camp, ,,mark'' the biggest threats with fallen and melt them with dancers. After that you can take care of the spawn and clean up. Because of the high amount of charges and cheap powercost you can perma motivate the dancers wich produces really decent damage for an air only / L unit deck. Thanks to the auto heal you probably won't even need any healing spells.

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6 hours ago, SunWu said:

You can also motivate them for more damage, feels quite statisfying. Won't work that well against willzappers or mark of the keeper though.

You can even use transcendence instead of motivate. And for the willzappers, if the deckslots allow it, you could do Enlightenment + Sanctuary 😄

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