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lost dancer very stronk vs stonekin


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35 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

What about Stone Tempest?

It's better than what's in the standard stonekin deck, but still not perfect cause it gets outranged and with the slow animation and frostbite probably won't even reach the dancers. Thank you still, didn't think of tempest yet.

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I regularly use tempests - the only problem is that dancers block ability usage, so you need more than one to be able to set it up. But as soon as it's rooted, dancer gets fked hard - M counter, knockback and a lot of dmg.


Also Imperials in def mode + pressed F can tank one dancer forever when near building, coz she is not able to outdamage the heal. 😄

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1 hour ago, Vrizz said:

I regularly use tempests - the only problem is that dancers block ability usage, so you need more than one to be able to set it up. But as soon as it's rooted, dancer gets fked hard - M counter, knockback and a lot of dmg.


Also Imperials in def mode + pressed F can tank one dancer forever when near building, coz she is not able to outdamage the heal. 😄

Thank you but i was talking PvP 🙂

Came to the conclusion i have to use razorshard in my T2 only stonekin deck and accept another weakness in T3 stonekin decks. I still think lost dancer got overbuffed, lost souls getting a superstrong ranged S counter wasn't needed in my opinion.

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After the last match against DonProm i feel the need to reiterate the critique of the current situation.

I agree, that going against lost dancers in PvP feels oppressive. I write from the perspective of a fire/frost player.

In t1 i had a lead, in t2 all the units i could use to counter her weren't effective. Skyfire, stormsinger and especially rageclaws are getting easily countered by superior range and dmg modifier - even my frost sorc couldn't help out, cause she aint no orc.

Currently i see no possible composition of units which i could use to counter this unit and this is a problem - especially for fire/frost, which struggles anyway against lost souls, but apparently also for other colours. I dont feel like that it should be that way and i am advocating to nerf her.

DonProm agrees with this assessment.

I would love to put the replay in here so everyone else can make a picture for themselves but it wasn't saved somehow.


Fortunately i see an easy solution to this - just take that damn dmg modifier away and all should be good. Lost souls isnt struggling anyway in PvP as it is currently the 'strongest' deck in the meta. There should be plenty of options for PvE left.


Thank you all for reading and engaging, best regards

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Since RadicalX is busy and wont be able to reply to this topic personally yet, I have a short statement on the concerns for now;

Lost Dancer (p) will get a small nerf in the upcoming patch, we will reduce human bonus from 50% to 30% and plan on doing further adjustments in December.

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