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Amii Card Combos

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Hey everyone,

I really like the design of the amii cards currently available, but to be honest, find it hard to find good combos or situations to use them. Apart from paladin, which I think is mostly selfexplanatory and its effect being quite cool for only 10 energy (on U3). But for the others, I am a bit lost. Tranquility and Transcendence seem so specific that I don't see me using them in decks. Any suggestions on how to better use / combo them?

Tranquility on own unit does seem to not be that great in regards of not having any "power unit" in T2 with nature / shadow. I would see some effects on enemy units, but then it also only lasts 10 seconds.

Edited by Stippy
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Transcendence combos quite well with decks, which use a lot of units in T4, such that you want an aoe damage buff rather than a single target buff like Unholy Hero. Examples for this would be Deathray, Rifle Cultist spam or even Emberstrike decks. Especially for Deathrays this works well, since they require lots of healing when using their ability and Transcendence buffs that too. Deathray+Overlord+Transcendence+Regrowth could form the core of such a strategy.

Tranquility is a more PvP oriented spell. Without it, Amii decks have a hard time fighting large melee units in T2 like Vileblood or Lost Reaver. Tranquility allows you to chain-CC them while also increasing the damage they take. It can also work as a cheap buff+heal to support tactics like burrower split attacks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After playing Blight on expert, I am in love with Paladins 😃 Wave from the 3rd camp is quite big with 3 big hitters. Send paladins in and they basically kill themselves. 2x Paladins per wave is enough!
Just struggling with the bandit towers in PvE as there is no real good way to counter them it seems? Borrower seems to be the only option.

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Tranquility in PvE has plenty of uses!!!

1) Mo Expert - so useful to block Windhunters from shooting, nice dmg taken buff for the banzai lord and final boss, good to heal Mo when he does dmg

2) Plenty of RPvE or campaign maps to block attack of annoying units like: Deathglider, Windhunter, Gunner, Magma spore (before it shoots its crazy aoe dmg spell), Sniper, Constructs!!!, Tortuguns

3) Doesn't have to be used on t2 🙂 You can buff higher tier units, maybe not as much as unholy power, but still

4) Raven's End on annoying Stonekin units to block shooting as well as Windhunters, then you can debuff Ravenheart

I agree that shadow/nature lacks some XL fat ass to make better use of it, but game is developing, who knows. 🙂


That's not perfect, but decent - Mumbo Jumbo that increases dmg taken by 35% and Motivated Burrowers 🙂

Edited by Vrizz
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19 hours ago, Vrizz said:

Tranquility in PvE has plenty of uses!!!

1) Mo Expert - so useful to block Windhunters from shooting, nice dmg taken buff for the banzai lord and final boss, good to heal Mo when he does dmg

2) Plenty of RPvE or campaign maps to block attack of annoying units like: Deathglider, Windhunter, Gunner, Magma spore (before it shoots its crazy aoe dmg spell), Sniper, Constructs!!!, Tortuguns

3) Doesn't have to be used on t2 🙂 You can buff higher tier units, maybe not as much as unholy power, but still

4) Raven's End on annoying Stonekin units to block shooting as well as Windhunters, then you can debuff Ravenheart

I agree that shadow/nature lacks some XL fat ass to make better use of it, but game is developing, who knows. 🙂


That's not perfect, but decent - Mumbo Jumbo that increases dmg taken by 35% and Motivated Burrowers 🙂

Yeah, not too bad, you are right.
For the last point: My issue the camp on the right bottom corner. One Bandit XL guy, a bandit tower with knockback and a bandit healing thingy. So currently I send in paladins and then use burrower against the tower and healing thing. It just takes quite long ^^'

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6 hours ago, Stippy said:

Yeah, not too bad, you are right.
For the last point: My issue the camp on the right bottom corner. One Bandit XL guy, a bandit tower with knockback and a bandit healing thingy. So currently I send in paladins and then use burrower against the tower and healing thing. It just takes quite long ^^'

Mass phonixes + embalmer for it 🙂 Amii paladins can tank XL, while phoenixes land and kill everyone before healing thingy can heal. Have you tried it?

BTW mind posting a replay?

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On 5/22/2024 at 2:28 AM, Vrizz said:

Mass phonixes + embalmer for it 🙂 Amii paladins can tank XL, while phoenixes land and kill everyone before healing thingy can heal. Have you tried it?

BTW mind posting a replay?

I used 12 Phoenix to kill the last camp on that map, so no Phoenix charges left ^^'
Short summary of my tactics so far on blight expert positionright bottom:
Use 4 Manawings and (multiple) Surge of Light for the first camp, then go to the south to clear the way to the first camp and send one unit to it. Manawings then being sent to second camp bottom right and killing it, leaving the mentioned bandit tower, bandit heling building and bandit Soulhunter. Then I get tier 2 on the second camp and create breeding grounds and embalmer. Spawn 10-12 Phoenix, fly them to the last camp and heal them with (multiple) Surge of Light until that camp is cleared.
Then I would go Tier 3 on the second camp but need to still clear the soulhunter, tower and building. And that is where I loose a lot of time, as burrowers are also pushed around by the tower the whole time.

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I recommend turning option "save all replays" - I currently have 400+ replays and can get back to various attempts if I realize I've done something or for example if someone requests a guide to XYZ. May help for future that saves trouble doing the map again. 😄

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  • 4 weeks later...

The unfortunate thing about these two cards is that they are so overloaded with effects that you will never find a situation in which you use all of their potential. That makes you think they are too specific but they are actually very versatile. At least once you accept that you will almost always get some "useless" or even disadvantageous aspects in addition to the effect you play it for.

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If you want something silly to do, you can use Transcendence on an enemy and use Frenetic to see

them slap their teammate silly.


 I guess you can try Tranquility on a Bandit Ogre Gunner.

Those things you really can't Oink because you need them dead

before firing their canons so it could work.

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