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Altar of Chaos + Incubator


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I'm a new player experimenting with various things, and I just found a really fun combo with the Altar of Chaos and the Incubator cards for Shadow.

The Altar of Chaos lets you walk any unit into it, and it takes their life to power up a bomb. The Incubator lets you transform any unit into a Mutating Frenzy with a bunch of "Deathwish" stacks to start with. But, it spawns with all of the HP of a Mutating Frenzy, so 1900. I tried dropping a 50 energy Skeleton Warriors and transforming it, and then marching the frenzy into the Altar right away, and it works! But there's more, because when the Altar of Chaos eats one of your units, it leaves a corpse behind! So, other corpse-users in your Shadow force can use that corpse to double-up.

I don't know if this is already a normal thing or if it's so terrible in some way that nobody cares, but I think it's neat.

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Cultist Master is also a great way to feed Altar of Chaos as it can continuously spawn Nightcrawlers as a sacrifice. Upgrading Cultist Master makes it spawn more Nightcrawlers at once.

And as you discovered, it also generates a lot of corpses, so something like Furnace of Flesh built next to it will result in very fast void return rates.

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