The whole goal of this "reborn" project was to bring BF to life. You did it for 1P/2P/4P/rPvE/PvP maps and it's amazing. There are still 12P maps waiting to be added and then all expectations of BF being reborn are fulfilled. And from non-original functions you just had to revamp the economy system, because it isn't here anymore, so that change was actually the only non-original one that was necessary, since whole in-game progress is based on that.
But seriously - new cards, new stories, new maps? Well, that something that can be done in the future, but for what people are actually waiting right now, is possibility to finally play the game (not waiting for the wipe to happen).
And card balance? Was was that bad in the original game? Is it necessary currently to provide any updates to that, as when BF was live it had much more people playing and there wasn't any critical balance discussion? Who would also provide their vote to that - those ~100 playing on daily basis, mostly focused around PvP and rPvE?
And major question - do you, as developers, also feel confident to provide any balance changes or are you pushed by individuals just not liking playing against certain compositions?
Yeah, any change to cards will affect the leaderboards and replays - we know that, we're used to that, as that was exactly what was in original BF. Let us maybe play on a live server, with somehow bigger community and then a discussion whether any balance changed have to be done can occur. And that should be done after 12P maps are added, since we should attempt to balance cards as whole, for all maps and all game modes. So exactly as you put them on Trello - as "long-term goals".